WoW Feedback, no king rules forever

i think its healthy to review what once was and what is the reality of the game

currently. this game is on its last legs, in terms of player retention to ideas and innovation
everything has been explored and its all fairly predictable

combined with a sub fee, box fee and wow tokens, the game doesn’t meet the standard we expect of a multi million player game ( feels like there’s only 100 people playing sometimes)

for me its the lack of care for the PvP scene, 40minute queue timers wouldnt slide with any other company but we feel its the “norm” here

im burnt out with the lack of respect and care for a game i loved for 17 years
so moving forward ill play maybe next patch or next expac

for now though Diablo 4 is better

  • p.s… this isnt a hate post, im just providing my at face value of the game in its current cycle/ state in hopes it gets improved

Wow is ded!

Just one recent example. Giving evokers a “support” spec. Most peoples default is “lose their freaking minds” at the thought of it. Who will get credit if they buff other peoples dps numbers?!!!??! What if its actually good? It might become MANDATORY!!! The whine list of possible problems is endless - because of an attempt at innovation.

The pvp scene. I don’t dispute that its in bad shape. But players got what they asked for (forming groups and socialising is so last decade, gief us soloqueue!) then people are all surprised when it cannibalises other pvp and healers don’t queue because they don’t appreciate being bummed by the other team while simultaneously being abused by their own.


So you’re burnt out and now the “reality of the game” is changed for everyone else too? Thanks for letting me know, I will change my opnion right away.

Will agree they should put more care into the PvP side of things.


whilst i understand the examples you provided, the LFG system is indeed outdated but i feel the initial release of solo queue brought back a lot of players
its the balancing of healers and burst of dps that killed the brackets

that was actually one of the only few things i was looking forward to, thats why i got my evoker to 447 ilvl in pvp this patch

but… id rather just spend my time on d4 now as its concerning that this cycle of lack of polish in this game will never end…

Doom Sayer: WoW is dead … 2004
2010 - anyday now
2020 - wow is surely dead by now right

don’t worry if you keep predicting the game’s downfall you will eventully get it right and sure show us :smiley:


Im considering taking a break from WoW til catalyst is launched tbh

If PvP has long queue times due to lack of healers then just make sure both teams have one or none.

Playing support classes is less popular than DPS in every game I’ve played so far, so it’s understandable ppl don’t like it.

tbh id even accept a Bot Healers, just remove dampening and away we go

Bots filling in for players is the sign of a dead game. If people want to PvP but not heal then match groups of DPS against each other.

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yeah but they’re not doing it with changing the whole system and adding a new role, it’ll either be something that’s essential for comps or will just be trash that no one plays , no middle for it since support is not an actual role in the game.

also yes, wow is running out of ideas but that’s mostly because its players don’t want anything new /can’t adapt to changes and the technical capacity of engines only let them to do what they already do, dragonriding is a miracle tbh, those engineers are doing their best but they can only go so far.

yes it’s all exaggeration this game will never die like rift died but it’s on constant decline since forever, 2 reasons to that, old players don’t like the new versions , new players don’t find it modern enough to play in comparison to what other games have . so the decline will continue

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Cause sup classes can’t function in wow, it’s gonna break something lol

That’s BS tbh. There are lots of old games that attract new players, including wow. Have you opened twitch once? Tons of new players playing the oldest wow version on hardcore mode. Honestly, if you don’t like the game, just leave instead radiating negativity for no reason.

that’s literally what i said, they don’t like the new version so they play HC, others play retail but the get sick of it too and switch to other modern mmos, did u even read what i wrote ?

Yes, I did read the negative nancy non-sense, and I think you just don’t enjoy the game as a whole based on your posts, and if you don’t like something specific I recommend giving constructive feedback instead of spreading bad vibes about how everything is bad and dying, etc.

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what i wrote did include constructive criticism. either go and make a game that HC people love or make one that retail players will all enjoy. retail is now in-between. i don’t hate the game but players who keep ignoring the facts about it kinda annoy me ngl.

if you’ve noticed there’s a topic like this every week and i’m not the one creating them. i’m just saying that these people(and many more who just don’t bother and quit) are usually right about what they say

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Oh so now it’s not “old people/players” anymore, but specifically “new hc players”. Lots of people wanna play a mmorpg, and the reason why this audience doesn’t directly consider modern wow is the extremely negative stuff you read everywhere full of people claiming how it’s gonna die, etc. Meanwhile the classic version is getting extremely positive feedback 24/7 and every streamer is playing it. And even despite of that, there are lots of new players starting dragonflight every day btw. but some also quit, so it’s hard to notice

no that’s not the reason, most of the players don’t read forums , reddit etc. they just start playing the game , realise it’s not as good as people say it is and leave. i have so many friends who stopped playing at level cap because the end-game content is dull , repetitive and boring.

that’s mostly because of hardcore and we all know it , classic is not the better or even a good mmo for today’s standarts, what they can do is make a new version of wow that’s gonna cater to people who enjoy that gameplay instead of using nostalgia for subs because nostalgia ends, just like it ended before hardcore.

I guarantee you that it’s one of the least repetitive mmorpgs out there for a new player. The main flaws I see with the game are 100% community-based, and the leveling experience from 1 to 60 is awful. Also, way too many people gatekeep easy content, or kick people from leveling dungeons for getting lost. I see way too many, who make groups for normal raids, and let some 411 ilvl person in the dust even though it’s only the first few bosses, and most geared people don’t mind carrying undergeared players on normal mode, unless it’s some boss like Sakrareth, where you need people, who know what to do