WoW feels like a job

And is harder and harder every expansion, the M+ its more difficult, raiding became this mechanics on top of mechanics fest, the rewards are fewer and fewer
We went from personal loot and 1-2 or even 3 pieces/raid in LFR/pugging, to zero for weeks in row, depending on a vault that mocks our time
We went from M+15 for max Ilvl to M+20…which not a lot can access. Some might argue that a lot of things became easier (not professions they didnt, with a complexity that most of WoW players cba with)
Yes, the irrelevant things became easier, to razzle dazzle you. The ones that matter 1 month maximum into the expansion then nobody does it anymore after.
When it comes to end game content (that most of the people would like to participate in), everything became more difficult\

You might think that this is yet another topic where noobs cry about difficulty. IS NOT. I participate into the content, decently I`d say. The reason why increased difficulty is bad, is that it makes the players BURN OUT
Even if they have the capability of clearing the content, it burns them out the SAME way a stressful job burns you out
And people dont depend on WoW the same way they depend on a job, so they WILL quit it.
Why WOTLK is successful? Its content is relaxing, not too easy not too hard. End game is accessible to everyone without going to the extremes and remains challenging for the top end players that find their challenge into dps meters, perfect rotation, usage of consumables and cds, speed runs, runs without buffs and whatnot
If WoW was easier, people would invest more time into it. Reroll alts, gear them up, trying new classes and specs. Instead, we gear our main then become burned out into doing the same thing all over again and cities become ghost towns

WoW is like a job, and that sucks. Nobody wants to pay for frustration and stress for rewards that last 1-2 months and then start from zero all over again.
It may sound like a rant but is not, im just sad that theres not much people playing as in the past and whenever I ask them why they quit, burning out is the first thing everyone mentions


But for what reason you should push M+ if it’s burnout for you? Why you should sweat in raid if you find it not fun but stressful? Why you need to stress getting new gear?
Gear is just a tool for achieving something. Make your goals. For example:

  1. I want reach KSM to have a mount.
  2. I want kill Raz in heroic.
  3. I want finish the story.
  4. I want to max renown with Expedition to get transmog.
  5. … just pick something another meaningful and fun goal for you.

And then you gear up just enough to finish your goal. For some goals you don’t need to do any m+. For some you need to farm some. And then the goal is achieved. That’s it. You don’t need to gear up further. And you feel satisfied because you achieved the goal in your mind. Nobody can take it back from you. Even Blizzard.
A lot of people tricked into vicious cycle of gearing up just for the sake of gearing up. More points, more ilvl number just for nothing, just for being reset next update. Don’t do this please.


That’s because WoW is designed with all these mental traps for players to get them addicted and stay subbed instead of providing interesting content that will keep them subbed.


you can still just chill and do +15s.

you will get GV reward appropiate to chalenge. but its not a bad reward . 411 itlv is a really nice itlv to have.

if you want to just chill and do casual content you dont need 421 gear.

want my advise ? its first season - most fun tiers to play are always last tiers of expansion due to how muhc secndaries scale.

us this time to chill out - level some alts maybe farm some transmog.

never push hard in s1 and s2 if you are not hardcore player.


i think in legion it was +10 for max reward :thinking: we went from 10 to 20. and they changed the scaling in df so technically it is mire like 23


I agree with this.

I personally pushed for 2500 rating, but since then I really haven’t felt like doing many more keys on my main.

I’m more interested in collecting the transmogs, and I can do that without doing +20s. So I’m just farming the gear, converting in the catalyst and upgrading with Valor (across all my chars).

it’s about setting a goal, working out how to achieve it and the enjoy the journey.


You cant ignore the need for closure in a game, its natural to want to complete the game, to have the best gear there is, especially when you are PAYING for a subscription. Otherwise , its not fantasy game anymore, but real life where you know you will never have a Ferrari so you settle with your Kia


I think back in Legion Blizzard had lightning in a bottle.

You had “World Tours” in the PuG community.
You would do Normal Emerald Nightmare, Trial of Valor, Nighthold, and Tomb of Sargeras. And you could even do them on Heroic as well.
Antorus the Burning Throne was run successfully by PuGs.

And it was all super chill and laid-back. Alts could join. Low requirements to item level. Not very complicated bosses, so few wipes and easy to raid lead.

There were quest objectives for Artifact weapon skins. Mount drops. Pet drops. Loot drops. Artifact Power. Cool transmogrification. Weekly quest objectives. Rare optional boss spawns.
Just a lot of good reasons to run those raids.

And they didn’t take very long. A typical World Tour was half an evening. And when you were done your bags would be brimming with all kinds of sweet loot.

But of course the flip-side was that a raid like Emerald Nightmare was deemed too easy by the top guilds like Method and Limit. Blizzard listened to their feedback and subsequently in Battle for Azeroth a raid like Uldir with G’huun was brutal for PuGs, let alone organized guilds.

And it’s always bothered me how Blizzard seems to favor difficult and challenging content over accessible and chill content. Especially because it’s whenever the content is accessible and chill that the playerbase really embraces the MMORPG style of gameplay where everyone gets together, has a good time, and does things as a community.

That was true for World Tour PuGs in Legion. It was true for Naxxramas and Sartharion and Malygos in WotLK. It was true for Karazhan and Ghuul in TBC. And Zul’Gurub and Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj in Vanilla. And so on.

You get to play with a lot of different people. It’s easy to get into. It’s almost always a positive and pleasant experience. You end up with success and ggs more often than failure and raids falling apart.

And yet still Blizzard insists on challenge and difficulty everywhere that grouping is involved. And it just doesn’t seem to result in a good game experience for the community at large.
There are small pockets of players in tight-knit friendships or guilds who find the challenging and difficult content super enjoyable and satisfying, but for the game at large it really seems to thrive the most when everything is accessible and chill and allows people to play together and have a good time and be successful.

There are many types of games and genres that are well-suited for psycho challenging content and insane difficulties. Single-player games in particular. Dark Souls type of games is a great example.
But MMORPGs are not meant for it. They’re meant to embrace a wide swath of players and create gameplay that brings everyone together. Breakneck difficult content does not do that.

I think one of Blizzard’s long-standing design problems is that they aim for a design that emphasizes “Easy to Learn, difficult to Master”. But in almost all their games it quickly becomes “Easy to learn, need to Master”.
Unless you devote yourself to be skilled and competent at Blizzard’s games, then Blizzard’s games are not for you.
Blizzard invites the masses, but they only cater to the elite.


You put it very well, I couldnt have described it myself better.


the moment you cleared m0 and did lfr you finished the game.

anything above it is just icing on cake.

anything above 13/14 for ksm and aotc is hardcore content that barely anyone in game do.

if you want to play with big boys dont complain about that is required.

i just wish game offered my more "nerf over time " mechanics - unlimited vp is a step in good direction but i wish we could autgument our gear much more - like for example beable to put 3 sockets on all pieces of gear not just neck , put in tertiary stats and much more enchants. but its unlikely because then mythic raiders would cry about having to have it because their toxic guilds would require it.

Its cheaper to do this than improve the actual game world. Last time WoW was fun was during Mechagon and Nazjatar.

Also what the hell is the point if sharding and phasing tech puts everybody in solo mode to farm mobs that do nothing but auto attack? Feck your Raiding and Mythic+. Retarded content and concept.


This division between the vast majority and the 1% is what makes WoW lose subscribers. The elitist attitude of “big bois” “big d**k dps” and so on. Its a fantasy game and we should not bring real life frustration into the game. We shouldnt try to over compensate for some things we maybe short of in real life
Personally I dont wanna play with any “big boi”, I always avoid it like the plague because it comes with toxicity.


To me it seems you are playing the wrong game.
Decide if this game is for you (prolly not) and move on.
The current state of this game is fine. It gives people to decide how far they want to go.

Where are these 99% of players that don’t participate in m+?

all i see in kazzak main square are purplish to orange scored ppl

If you feel like it’s a job, you’re doing it wrong.


there is no such division .

there are just deluded people who think that they can do +20 just because its there.

when in fact they would be much happeir just doing like +5 or +10 or maybe +15 and then chill out farm old raids for transmog etc.

i will say it again . unless you are hardcore pusher there is really no point to do anythign higher then 1x15 or 16 dungeon a week even on your main after you get KSM.

the benefits you will have will be minimal and you will loose a lot of nerves and time.

just dont do it to yourself


they dont have io instaled so you dont see their score ?

thats not how reward system works, when a videogame has a product and it represents its end game, its NATURAL to want to have it
because blizzard is forcing its player base to “settle” for half as**ed rewards, thats why players unsubscribe more and more
it goes against the human nature to settle for less, this is the point im trying to make, we are forced to do it in real life, we will hate doing that in a fantasy video game

thats why theres almost no middle class in wow and heroic raiding is losing numbers, we becoming divided between mythic raiders and boost buyers with the odd nostalgic player that used to farm hc, farming a mount instead

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i honestly dont remember when was the last time i saw someone without the rio tooltip :grimacing:

It is always a shame that you don´t create your own topics about these subjects, because I agree on everything, and from experience most people do not seem to bother scrolling down enough to see your quality posts in threads like this.

Completely correct, and you put it very eloquently. I also feel like there is often a pressure in the community to admit that EN was too easy. I however refuse to make that concession. The final raid of Legion was crazy popular (Antorus) and it was the second easiest raid in the expansion (and the easiest raid we have had since EN?).

:100: :100: :100: :100: