It is grind to win.
Weeellll, the British legal system seems to agree with me, as I have been classified as an adult for more than twenty seven years now, so…
I think I would probably class as a Bard, rather than a Warrior, but I am very good with spears, shivs, and the old classic of Sword and Board, better with semi automatic pistols, awful with assault rifles.
Which is why I have no idea what the crivens you are trying to say there…
The risk was much much lower than it is now. People still buy boosts/gold for real money.
You don’t buy gold from blizzard but from another player. And biggest negative consequence is that if you are selling side, you cant use that money on anything else than game time and items from blizzard store. Which, most boosters are not interested in.
slurp harder vulp
If it went this way it would be because subs and token sales are too low and it’s that - or close WoW completely.
BfA PvP so fun :slight_smile"
My PvE friends have quite similar oppinion.
Yes, more time one put in, the more reward should one get from it.
Time matters yes but thanks to huge luck factor it’s not as important.
In the past (till Legion) you checked where bis piece of gear drops. You did that instance/raid/gathered conquest points - you get it - fine.
Now not only you need a piece but good corruption, good azerite piece. There is weekly chest that drops 1 piece from all dungeons. It’s just not fun.
Why can’t we get old WoW’s gearing when it was actually fun? What was wrong in gearing before Legion? Why do they need to add titanforge or even more retarded substitute?
If it was like in the past:
-BiS PvP gear from playing arenas/rbgs - play them get rewards
-BiS head and shoulder enchants from repotations - get reputations
-BiS item from profession crafting - I craft it, farm mats or buy it
-BiS item from dungeons x - I farm dungeon x
-BiS item from raid - I farm raid
In the past it was - task - reward corelation. You wanted item x - do the thing that grants you with it.
Now it’s do the content and cross your fingers. Crafted items - rng stats. Reputation items - getting reps takes so much time that at the time you get there these items are already weaker than your gear. PvP gear - random or few choices, M+ gear rng, weekly chests rng, even with raid gear you need to hope for proper corruption. Sometimes you even get too much corruption and even though you got upgrade you cannot wear it. What’s the point of this RNG?
The only reliable source of corruption is crafted gear because you see desired corruption - you have gold - you buy it - you have it. Other than that it’s a lottery.
I don’t believe that there are many people who love this amount of RNG.
True, they homogenized the gear stuff, mostly because they were too lazy or ran out of time.
Could see that like in everywhere in this xpac. Gearsets, classes, specs, professions. Maybe raids and arts are exceptions.
Should call this xpac: World of Lazycraft.
How can the risk, back when it was against the ToS and you could be banned, or just lose the money you paid because the guy just never gave you the gold, be lower than when you can buy it from the shop legit with no risk?
That doesn’t even make sense. Even if only 1 in 1000 (which I highly doubt) got screwed over by a dodgy seller or got their account banned, that would still be a higher risk than zero risk.
I don’t really understand your argument here. You can clearly read what I meant by negative consequences, as in losing your money or account when buying gold.
And you’re making the argument that the seller selling gold loses the gold and that’s a negative consequence to them. Which you then immediately state isn’t really a negative because they don’t want actually want the gold. Erm… ok. Also they are getting something else they want in return for the gold.
So I honestly have no clue what point are you trying to make here.
What if I tell you that buying those boots and bracers from AH will still wont get you invited into raids and high keys because you will be still bad?
Then he will give the raid/m+ party leader a wow token(in gold). Cause the game is “PAy tO wIn”!
If you checked this char carefully you will realize:
-it wasn’t played since June last year
-if I could I wouldn’t play any of these M+ and raids. Yet if I wanted a piece like that chest from BoD that was bis for PvP I was getting it.
I could even raid mythic BoD but I didn’t find it fun. Also by checking your achievments you doesn’t seem to be top player EU.
Also if you don’t believe that corruption was so impactful read how much Limit spent on crafted corrupted gear. Method players have plenty to say about it on Method channel as well.
Why? Not enough items on AH for you to buy bakc then?
Because 8.3 is so trash I don’t even bother playing it. I made this post in hope that there will be no corruption like crap in Shadowlands.
I quit retail for a reason. For 12 years of my WoW experience I didn’t have to play so much PvE that as last two years. I don’t enjoy farming the same dungeon over and over again and tryharding with 19 people 2-3 times a week for few hours to kill a boss I already killed in heroic. If you do - fine. Enjoy. I just want to be able to gear myself in arena and play arena because it’s my fun.
About raids in dungeons - if you have fun playing them I’m happy for you. Unfortunately thanks to “beloved” Ion and his great creations like corruption, titanforging etc. I have no fun playing my game.
I feel that corruption is wrong thing and shouldn’t exist because a thing dealing 25 and more % of your damage by randomly procing is not ok.
To clarify I respect PvE players and I want them to have fun doing their things and I want to have fun doing my things instead of constantly being forced to do things I don’t enjoy hoping that I get some rewards from “lottery” called weekly chest.
Latest Method Mayhem was a great example of how impactful corruption is and it seems that buying crafted gear with good corruption is more reliable than getting higher ilvl gear but with other coreuption what was the point of my post. If you thought I was complaining that I can’t raid because of it - you are wrong.
Because blizzard did not have tools back then to combat RMT. It was a paradise for farmers and gold sellers.
Don’t worry, gold sellers have ways to avoid that. Having couple accounts is nothing weird. If they get banned they just buy more accounts. It’s a minor inconvenience at best.
Not really, at most in danger are people who SELLS gold, not those who buy it.
Because your account doesn’t get flagged since gold flow is pretty normal. However sellers are dealing with millions of gold.
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