This guy really pissed me off because I understand I’m mediocre player not even good one because Ahead of the Curve is mediocre and every pleb who presses buttons quite right can get it if he wants even with pug.
I’m duelist in arena - nothing special. Everyone who checks what talents are correct for him and what comp should he play will get it.
He pretends to be an authority here while he literally is playing on “very easy” level doing only lfr. It’s like playing beginner in Fifa - your opponent is standing pretending he is even trying to stop you from scoring.
Farming players like me huh?
How? I don’t pvp and I never turn on warmode.
Interesting. Sounds like you lose.
Look… my reaction in this thread is simply because I believe the ‘pay to win’ argument is just a knee jerk reaction. It’s hyperbole.
That doesn’t mean I think corruption is a good system. Quite the opposite; I hate it with a vengeance and never, ever want to see anything like it again.
Personally I don’t think it’s a coincidence that never since the WoW token more and more items such as gear, mounts and so on have been showing up with a hefty gold price tag attached.
And yes, in the past, before the WoW token, people did buy gold. But as many people have pointed out the game was not designed around buying gold for real money. It was not sanctioned or encouraged, in fact it was against the ToS. There is a difference.
If you think that the same number of people bought gold back then as do now, when back then:
You risked losing your money with no recourse because you would be dealing with pretty shady people offering a service that was not in anyway legit.
You risked your account because you could be banned if caught.
Whereas now:
There is a button in the actual game you can click to buy gold with zero negative consequences.
Well then i’d say that’s a pretty bizarre argument and highly unlikely to be the case.
There’s always at least one person in these threads who tries to make the argument that ‘there’s no such thing as winning in WoW’. As if the entire reward structure of the game for the last 15 years doesn’t exist…
If you dont raid mythic it means you wont get BiS gear… Not that some inferior gear becomes BiS. Stupid logic…
I only do normal dungeons so i guess that blue crap it drops is BiS… Yeah.
Tell me your BiS configuation of a crafted gear and i will show you a better item you can get from WEEKLY CHEST. Not even mythic raid… tho i can do from raid also… You know chest (and raid) also drops socketed gear, right?
Some people would claim the sky is pink if it would suit their argument…
Perhaps you should have read the very last statement. I only care about PvP and they are BiS in PvP and tbh probably in most things.
But fine, try to find a better item than haste/vers legs with a versatility socket in PvP. You wont, unless it has some rng corruption effect that you must use because you don’t have it elsewhere.
And that is true for like more than half the classes in this game.
Cuz those are probably 2 different things. Unless the actual BiS comes from PvP chest.
Sorry pal… BiS legs for PvP are the one that make you strongest in PvP… Regardless how are they obtained… As you well know, gear from WEEKLY and raids is also usable in PvP.
So… You want more haste or versa on those legs? Idk what you like for PvP.
And ofc no corruption, as crafted cant corrupt… Is not me claiming sky is pink for the sake of the argument.
So here they are… I was lazy and stopped at 1st i found… seeing you wished for a “versatility socket” i assumed you want big versa, and small haste… The coveted item is called “Breeches of the Sacred Hall”, from Kings rest. They are leather legs with big versa/small haste… you can get 475 version with socket and avoidance/leech/speed from weekly m+. Those would be BETTER than your crafted ones. So your crafted is not BiS… and neither is for “most classes”… probably for noone… it is very good item, but not BiS… It does not matter you can’t or are unwilling to obtain them. It does exist and it is very much usable in PvP…
And do you know what is twisted about it? Buying gold in NA and EU classic realms will get you banned. Buying gold on Chines classic realms + all retail realms is completly supported by same company what would ban you for it in NA and EU region. Like what even?
They’ve indirectly made the game pay-to-win. I have my suspicions about the token system as well. Methinks there is some manipulation of prices and gold going on behind the scenes.
There is a fact most forget… Gear does not make you good… Most people can have the BEST possible gear designed in an editor and they still wouldn’t be able to clear mythic raid or time a +20 key… Let alone go for a “win”… I wont be one to claim you can’t win in WoW… there are wins in WoW, for example world 1st has a winner… seasonal m+ has at least a winner - number 1 ranked run… but you cant buy that… you must be good enough to earn it.
And calling Curve or even Cutting Edge a win is stupid… its like saying anyone that finishes a marathon is a winner even if they crossed the finish line 5 days after the winner. I am not saying Cutting Edge is easy, neither is running a marathon, but winning has a quite narrowly defined scope… usually there is one winner… the best one. There can be smaller personal wins, but those dont rly count in the bigger picture.
So most players would still play like dogs even with the best gear… I should know as I am one of them… gear only gets you so far and its not even halfway… than its up to the player.
There is the argument world 1st contenders bought BoEs from AH… they did. But saying anyone won because of the bought BoEs is stupid. The BoE playing ground was equal for all teams - there is no magic shop with loot, things on AH are actual drops and as such limited to what it dropped, you cant spend money to just get anything, and saying they needed to spend money on the race… ofc they spend money (which they get back via sponsors, or they dont, irrelevant to the point), competing at the highest level in ANYTHING costs cash. And I can easy name 10 competitions where competitors spend A LOT more cash than is spent on a measly world 1st race, and none of those competitions is considered p2w… for example Champions League (the football thing) or Formula 1… i don’t need to name 10, think the point in clear.
Bis for PvP means that it gives the biggest advantage in PvP. Most likely something bursty. Most of times traits that are bis for PvE are crap in PvP and opposite because sustain damage increase isn’t necessarily good enough for PvP
And about that gear does not make you good but gives you unfair advantage. I remember 1550 exped DKs getting into glad mmr because of trident, opulence trinket and other absorb items that were available.