Yes a step in the right direction leads to a good destination forget about the past expansions and give this and the next one a chance bro
I was gone for many years and came back in late SL, the first thing i had to do as a returning player was going through a forced questline that seemingly never ended n felt like it was designed by an ape on shrooms where nothing made sense, the villian having the dialoge capabilities of a mumblerapper n even with subtitles nothing he said made any sense what so ever. Then out of nowhere i was best freinds with… an acorn?..
After suffering through what felt like countless hours of “fly to oribos and talk to someone n then fly back n pet the acorn” type of quests it was straight off to zerath mortis where the mushroom trip continued where it turns out all the big guys in the main story was infact… robots? and im not even making this up… the jailer had an off switch with a “reset to factory default”? i wish i was making this up.
Okay. After having suffered through the absolute agony of a “story” i was finally able to play the game. My first gameplay loop consisted of buying two WoW tokens to afford my “Arthas Magical statstick of highly epic and absolutely mandatory stats” legendaries. Then i realized i had to farm conduits for further “magical statsticks of epic stats”.
My class had also been diminished to “the only skill that matters in your entire toolkit is clappy hands, whenever its not up you can just tab out n watch some youtube or maybe play a mobile game”
I want to add that i exclusively do PvP so natrually even after grinding through this absolute dumpsterfire of agonizing “content” i learned that i also had to upgrade my conquest gear with absurd amonts of honor.
I will say i did still stick around purely because i was bored n had nothing better to play at the time n had a gaming craving. I also had a ton of catchup mechanics by the time i started playing and i refuse to believe anyone with an actual job, family or both genuinely enjoyed SL in any form what so ever because even with catchup mechanics it was a full time job just to get my character to a PLAYABLE state. Infact i can feel myself getting angry just talking about it… so moving on!
DF has nothing of this. It has a gorgeous open world n dragonriding which is a fun form of travel, While the story dident impress me this time around either atleast i have a vague idea of whats happening n so far no one has forced me to befreind an acorn while some mumblerapper brags about his flawless plan. Most importantly of all, it has no mandatory grinds and PvP gearing is fast, there is still alot of things to do in the world n what not that feels rewarding atleast to me but i never needed a statstick advantage to find PvP rewarding in the first place.
Its better in terms of i dont need to log to do my daily stuff, but shadowlands instances where much better, DF instances are well okish but rlly bad. The story idc about it but it was nice.
pretty sure everyone can agree that sl did irrepairable dmg but dragonflight is an breath of fresh air but sadly DF is so boring like almost picknick in the park boring
Did Elias got undercover with a different username these days?
He currently posts as Gurozog.
Sadly I think this person is serious.
Df is boring what are you on about ?
But ur wrong.
Belluar even posted stats showing DF has as many weekly runs in m+ as SL did. Even tho DF has half the numbers playing.
SL killed WoW, and im afraid alot will never come back from that experience. Its existenxe halfed the playsrbase alone
Partiicpation rates are higher in DF.
Population however is tiny after SL. They did the big no no, launched 2 bad expansipns back to back, and now yeah those players have gone for good.
How can anyone call sl even average
It was crap expansion with long content draughts,stupid restrictions,brainless story,bad world design(separated zones with loading screen is worse then vanilla and it was 18 years ago lol),annoying world quests,KORTHIA,MAW,endless torghast spam
And on top of that while raiding wasnt bad we lost whole raid tier,it was expansion designed to waste ur time
I personally hated Legion the most tbh
The dungeons are not the best but what blizzard are doing making older dungeons that were fan favourites and making them mythic + is a huge step in the right direction. Stratholme mythic + is on the menu but hope they do not change the bosses and lore of the dungeon like they did with uldaman.
Is this troll bait? The way you ended it with “girl gamer” just… irks me.
We’re all just gamers.
SL was not the only killer of the game. The law suit did double if not triple of the damage on its own. There are tons of players that will never come back and no amount of painted fruit bowls, high neck collars and “inclusive” stories will change that ever.
The fruitbowls, high neck collars and “inclusive” stories are also driving people away.
It’s a two-edged sword.
Wrong very wrong indeed people play this game when it is at its lowest when they get things right the subs will rise and people will keep on playing dragon flight is the best expansion since wrath of the lich king ill raise the stakes even higher.
DF is pretty healthy gameplay wise rightnow. I thought only HLTV has this kind of trolls but it seems Wow forums are corrupted as well. How can someone call Shadowlands even slightly successful.
No, no no, you have it wrong, each expansion sucks more than the previous one.
I would fundamentally disagree with you on every level Dragon flights rocks <3
Im pretty sure most people would disagree with how you rated these expansions