Wow is on the comeback <3

yeah generally when someone feels the need to claim they are a girl gamer for no reasonout of nowhere its generally bait for thirsty lonely gamers

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WoD didn’t play, I am not racist but there were too many orcs in cinematics. Not a fan of orcs. muh honor. It was a bad expansion since it is caused Blizzard to hide sub numbers.

Legion had great cosmetics and still valid expansion to this day, all expansions must be like legion and provide great cosmetics and be useful even 10 years later. I played it back then as a noob casual with world quests and random bgs / lfr. I can’t say it was fun to play back then I personally find Legion better now compared to when it was current expansion. Since everything it has to offer is accesible now.

BfA had great things about it, like that witch zone I don’t remember the name. Ah Drustvar, also introduced Warmode drops, a good feature still ingame and causes conflict for reward. Had no tier sets. Was too grindy but I had great time during covid quarantine. 5/10.

Shadowlands? Synonym of depression, remember Korthia. I won’t even talk about conduit upgrade process. “Random” Upgrade, you go to Maw, buy from Ven’ari, go back to your covenant hall forge in order to use it. Oh no you intend to upgrade 10? Then you have to do this 10 times back and forth because you can only buy 1 conduit upgrade item and carry only 1. Now good luck flying between 2 zones for 5 hours. 3.5/10

DF is 6/10 until now. I didn’t like most season2 PvP set appearences, which means it drops down to 5.5/10. create proper sets bro, what is that warrior set with dragonhead? It would be a good choice if we were to cosplay a 5 year old kid in dragon costume.

Basically DF is the best one by means of playability, it has found balance between PvP and PvE gear too. One doesn’t rule to the other currently. It has potential to be 7/10.

It has many weekly runs as Shadowlands in patch 9.3 which at that point SL was alredy pretty dead. So DF launch is simply disaster whem comes to player numbers.

how does he know that, has he checked 8 billion people

PvP shouldn’t be about gear treadmill or carrots, just good gameplay. That’s why WoW’s PvP and other MMOs will always fail with that mode.


Which expansion is the best is totally subjective and no amount of free promotion from players can change it either. Players come in see for themselves and decide for themselves if its worth playing or not.

The fact that you are posting from a classic character just shows how much of a troll you are.

dragonflight is okay at best. still offers nothing to attract new players.
too much copium op

  1. Why not just be a gamer? You go out of your way to claim girlhood where WoW is well known for having G.I.R.L (Guys In Real Life)

Dragonflight has been the most current day political expansion so far. More telling of activists using World of Warcraft to push their own politics and ideology.
Threads after threads have been made criticising it. Such as the politicisation of $3xual orientation of the alphabet people.
As well as virtue signalling by making multiple races alphabet.

Dragonflight is coming off the failed expansion Shadowlands. So it has to try and rebuild the good will with the remaining player base. But there are still things that leave players underwhelmed. From the specs - to the overall story and more.

Dragonflight has the potential to get better. But Wokeness tends to kill franchises.
Just take a wait and see how it turns out.

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This post is about wow being on the come back and has no intention to become pollitical sorry.

Anytime Blizzard have lessened the impact of gear in PvP it’s tanked it’s popularity. Like it or not PvE and PvP players have one thing in common - gear upgrades.

okay. but it is WoW related.
There is a lot of work to do to make a come back from the Shadowlands though. So much foretelling and story building.

It is sad that Arthas simply ended up as a wisp. When the player got back Jaina’s locket she was choked up about Arthas still keeping it

But since Shadowlands was the Sylvannas expansion she just… not even a meh.

They done our boy Arthas Menethil dirty. Almost as bad as they done the helm of domination. Turned it into a sparkly tiara.

3:04 time stamp.
Captain Grimm captured the sentiment of the playerbase.

A lot of people that unsubbed because of shadowlands shared Jessie Pinkman’s pain in that moment. Whoever Shadowlands writing staff maybe should have had oversight on what they think is a good idea.

Hey perhaps shadowlands didn’t really happen and we are all prisoners of the black empire under an illusion. #N Zoth won. Im sure if i can think of a way out of the disaster to lore shadowlands turned out to be blizzard can too have faith in the process. We could start off with queen azshara returning the favour and setting us free All eyes will be opened. This could see the titans return to azeroth including illidan and sargeras to help us purge the resureccted old gods.

Or N’Zoth is part of our illusion.

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Not even weapons grade Copium forged in the Twisting Nether itself could over right what Shadowlands has done to World of Warcraft as a whole.

If the old gods had the power to erase that or fix the mistakes then many players will join happily. Now the scourge that won’t obey were killed off or something.
Remember when “there must always be a Lich King”??

Yeah the Blizzard writing team seam to have completely forgot their own lore. Now you got Bolvar the Barbecued Lordaereon that is somehow still alive and seems to be the King of the Knights of the Ebon Blade despite not being undead.

If you read through the comments of captain grimm’s video. so many people relate to the blood elf DK.

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Blizz employees need to watch the wrath reveal cinematic to inspire themselves again with the lore pls post it love it <3

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48 ppl online on my realm on friday night 9 min bg quelle for bg as ally … yes great for those 3 ppl who still playin it

Plenty of players are playing this game again a lot of my friend came back for dragonflight things are only gonna get better from here.

That’s indicative of nothing. There were still queues for BG when WoW was at it’s peak in Wrath. It’ll depend on various factors mainly what BG you are looking for and how many of the opposite faction these is. I also think it might try and balance the team too.

I suspect you got the 48 from the /who command which does not work (the same) since all the sharding stuff was implemented.

It might has been but the devs made sure to stop it with two ultra-bs patches in a row