Well i would not force anyone to do anything you decide to play a game that involves gearing a character. If they dont make changes to the way it is now i also would not care my whole point of this conversation is that they should stop giving pvp items a boost in the content and just give it a flat item level. Wow has been this way for most of it’s exsistence and in expansions that were the most played so why would it be a problem? We should have to pay for upgrades with honor rather then have it boost straight to max item level this makes people play pvp more overall aswell.
WoW has been boosting PvP items in PvP for quite some time. Resilience debuted in TBC if I recall correctly.
Look yes in some expansions they did have these things but they do not need it shadowlands season one gearing was perfect except for how upgrades were locked behind rating this gave boosters huge incentives to boost. Dragonflights gearing is almost perfect but they should still have to be upgraded gear should not be given on a plate this is world of warcraft. Not fortnite.
Correction: Dedicated PVP gear that has an edge over PVE items has existed for the vast majority of this game.
Resilience: Burning crusade, Wotlk, Cataclysm. Essentially made you take less damage from other players. Only found on pvp gear.
PVP power: MoP. Made your abilities hit harder in pvp(?) and take less damage (?). Essentially resilience on steroids.
Item level scaling: WoD. Simply scaled honor gear to heroic item level, and conquest to mythic in pvp.
That, + Shadowlands and now DF.
That leaves, what, 3 expansions where this was not the case. And 7 where PVP had it’s own, dedicated gear that was better than PVE gear (in general) in pvp. And save for vanilla, the other two were complete disasters.
The reason why they shouldn’t and spoilers, will never do this, is because it would force PVE players to play PVP.
And funnily enough, this is exactly what happened in SL season 1. And what do you know, in less than 1 patch they nerfed PVP item levels in PVE, so that people wouldn’t need to do PVP in order to be optimal in PVE.
Yeah ok you are argueing with me like im saying i want pvp gear to be removed from the game and i have stated on about 5 occasions that is not the case. Im thinking about what will be good for this game overall and that is to not hand out max item level pvp gear on a plate it should be upgraded with honor by playing pvp it is as simple as that. Bought with conquest upgraded with honor earned by playing the game ! Queue times will come down in all content with a simple change like this.
Then we end up in SL fiesta where everybody is buying boosts in order to get the best gear in arenas.
You know what all but killed boosting? Solo shuffle did. Partly because it is harder (though not impossible) to wintrade and to get into the same arenas, but more importantly because no matter whether you are a 1k hardstuck casual or a 3k glad, everyone has the same gear and the only thing that differs between you two is skill.
If you advocate for a system where gear should matter more than that, then you don’t want a good casual gameplay experience. You want a power fantasy where you get to smash the faces of newcomers in pvp.
I’ve seen what that kind of community does to games. Pick any game. Mordhau, Chivalry, Wildstar, doesn’t matter. The end result is always the same. People leave in throwes and then all you have left is people that then have the audacity to complain why nobody is playing the game.
my brother in christ, you rigged the game.
But how ? If you read what i say these upgrades should not be locked behind rating ? Fast gearing is good super fast --is not good also dragonflight is taking steps in the right direction a few more tweaks here and there and it could potentially become as good as wrath .
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So what you would instead have is that there would be no conquest cap, essentially.
Which would mean that anybody who nolifes the content they want to play the first 2 weeks of the game is going to run out of things to do, because they completed the game in 2 weeks when it was supposed to take them 2-4 months.
Asides from how degenerate that kind of design would be for the developers to try and solve, it would also force players that simply do not have that time to just not play the game because they will be against insurmountable odds against people that did all the content super early and fast.
Well it is a roleplaying game and gear should be earned i dont care if its pvp or not why do you always look for the negatives ? Can you not see how it would benefit the game ?
People are earning gear now too. The act of acquiring it is simply far more reasonable than what it has been in some of the past expansions.
Accessibility does not take away from the value of the system. It adds to it.
The game is a lot more enjoyable than Shadowlands currently. I even dipped my toes into Mythic+ for KSM mount, which I haven’t done since Legion.
Blizzard seems to be using feedback to make the game better, so fingers crossed the next few patches give us some more juicy and enjoyable content.
Yes agreed but having pvp gear without any upgrade requirements that takes honor to upgrade will be better then this current model and that is a fact people say queue times can be a problem well say good bye to that because pvp players are grinding honor if that is too much for a pvp player then should not be playing wow expecting hand me outs from devs its just lazy.
Yes this is much better then shadowlands and better then BFA also it has got potential to be even better and looking forward to the new seasons for a first time in a long time. I had about ten friends who were done after BFA and have came back to dragonflight and kept playing.
I am of the same opinion. I like most of the things dragon flight did. Especially with the open world.
Yeah things are looking good and getting better it is a good time to be playing wow was not expecting a new season to come so soon though haha.
for casual players there is absolutely nothing to do.
But right now it doesn’t matter so much, taking a break from wow from now until October.
Summer is coming and I won’t have time for wow at all.
may you all stay happy and cheerful , and see you again in 6 months
Dragon flight boring ? Ok well dont forget to take your medicine before you go to bed tonight. Best expansion since wrath and it is getting even better in this coming season.
I actually like the pace of the content releases. 10.0.7 released in a moment when I needed something to do. And 10.1 is coming to soon in my opinion. I am still working on the Dark Talons reputation.
Only change I’d make to your statement is; best since MoP