Wow is on the comeback <3

We do need to get back in to the faction war stuff though or atleast be hostile again faction wars. And two different sides is what attracted a lot of players to this game to begin with.

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Provided both factions offer the exact same gaming conditions which they ain’t

Alternatives to this would be group content can be cross facton but orcs and humans holding hands walking in orgrimmar and stormwind should never be a thing

world pvp has nothing to do with the lack of interest in going outworld

sounds good, doesnt work in retail

Well it is not just world pvp it is also a player rivallry between the horde and the alliance

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So DF is even better than we thought!!

Or maybe streamers can’t flame anger that’s not there so they don’t post. WoW and games in general where more fun when the angry-for-cash brigade didn’t exist.

We are talking about Shilliesin here, questioning whether the current expansion is dead or not is the last thing he will do, that means shilling doesn’t work so he has to resort putting out negative content in order to attract views.

His last 7 videos have 20-30k views, they were uploaded and put out before this “Is DF dead” video which is 75k views after only 4 days, doubled performance of his shilling videos.

The reason is simple, there is an audience that think it is dead or dying, they seek validation hence a negative video about DF is more attractive for viewers.

This game will never die and too add to that this is the best expansion since wrath i would have to agree not been bored at all.

Time will tell

Oh well that’s it then. Cancelling my sub now based on the opinion of a “youtube star”

Which is why I completely ignore those people. This forum is full of them, at least 3 in this thread. if they’re not wailing to anyone who will indulge them that “WoW is dyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing…” they are equally desperate to tell you that Classic is outshining retail, yet never being able to provide concrete proof or indeed any proof except to say “well I read it on the internet”, "my favourite streamer/youtuber (insert your favourite gobber here) said so, or some other easily shot to pieces ‘argument’


Soul took the words from me subs are rising players are coming back to the game it would be good for players to give blizzard credit now they are getting things right again with dragonflight enjoying everything so far. Interested in the story again have not been able to say that for a while.

Best? No new content has been added. Dragon Riding was stolen from another game…

New season is coming this month it is the best since wrath and i would agree with that .

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