Wow is on the comeback <3

Maybe people are bored of content creators.

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Maybe the dev team has focused to much in last pach relevance, that once the playerbase is not force to grind the last new thing on the game, the “run out” of things to do, not bc is none content in the game but bc is not relevant and it doesnt feel like that.

If instead of vertical progression, the game had at least in the last exp all content relevance (horizontal prog), ppl would be filling all those empy places that make a mmo look alive like maps scaling or currency system in gw2.

U just hav to compare, low lvl zones, dungs and raids. PERMANENT filled with ppl doing things.

I still dont get why when they release content they have to through it direct to the bin after 6 months, idk even how is that profitable.

But hey!, for sure Gw2 is a dead game in comparison to DF; BIG DOSE OF COPIUM

Funny enough, that most of my in game friends who kept saying DF is so good all at once left after month playing. Well its no wonder, there is no interesting content in Dragon Isles going on.
The whole Isles vibe is kinda different from WoWs dark gloomy war atmosphere. This is more like “how to tame your dragon” than fantasy.
Locations are massive but look terrible, seems like they were generated by some AI from the first try.
Some quests are extremely pathetic, like ones where we should polish random lizards armor and weep the dust off the corner.
Thanks to Solo Shuffle for keeping me playing DF so far. Otherwise its just a vessel overfilled with Disney nonsense.


Thing is in order to achieve this you have to scale down acessability and progression. It will always be impossible to make anything relevant outside of instanced content of current patch when its so easy to get into it and clear it with literaly no effort. Blizzard would have to finaly admit that maybe they over do it woth acessability and covinience but they will rather see their game burn then try make their content relevant and fun.

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Thing is people who enyoj DF and similar type of expansions are current majority of minority of past playerbase. So if yo want back your players you would have to drasticaly change game desing physolophie to back what it was back in past. And by past we talking about classic like past.


Preach the Rager

Clickbaitlullar the Fakerage

Shilliesin and Shillitel

My boi Asmongold used to criticize and get mad at blizzard in the past because he used to care, nowadays he doesn’t care about WoW, just says generic “df is good, this looks good, that looks good” then quits the game till next patch and plays 1-2 days after a new patch gets released.

Sodapoppin also used to be wowstreamer, he does variety now, he says it would be impossible to maintain high viewership by playing only WoW. Asmon and this guy have a total of 30k+ viewership minimum during streams. Currently wow section on twitch has 23.3k viewers.

WoW has been on a downhill trend, expect to see more transmogs for 20 dollars/euros on sale through ingame shop in near future. They might even pick some good Trading Post rewards, replace them with trash and sell good ones via shop. It is profitable even if it sells 10.000, since it is conversion of free obtainables to money.

We will see…


DF is a meh expac, it’s shadowlands lite. The plot is non existent, the content is bland AF and completely lacking.

If shadowlands was a poo sandwich, dragonflght is two unbuttered pieces of bread, utterly devoid of anything sustaining just not as bad as eating poo, more and more people are starting to realise this which is why their retention numbers suck.

(Before someone says then why are you subbed, already unsubbed, re subbed to try new patch to see if they added anything substantial. 5m of “main quest” that didn’t further the plot in any meaning full way, and then an island which is literally just a fly by kill elite fly by kill elite zone. Zero meaningful content.)


oh yeah Dragonflight was fun for about 3 weeks

its very very stale now,
we need some spice , some danger, some challenge other than m+ and raids

i voice my opinion online a lot with DF,
we need more challenging open world content

  • i connect with asmongold more on his views, the game has no mystery no awe about it.
    its a ride that lasts 2 minutes, classic had 41 zones player choice ,
    expansions ever since have had 3 endgame zones with no player choice.
    its over in a blink of an eye

Tali does give a lot of points about “why numbers are down”, which are all relevant points. :slightly_smiling_face: He doesn’t doom WoW in any way in the video. :slight_smile: He just explains “why WoW numbers are down”.

Also, WoW has been bleeding for 2 expansions now because of reasons we all know why, so they don’t need to be listed here… and because it’s a game that is hard to leave for players since they have so much time investment in it, Shadowlands (and the Blizz drama) is what finally allowed many of the players to “break free from its grasp”.

Now with Dragonflight, WoW is good for the first time in years… However many people who quit during Shadowlands, have still not returned because they have lost all faith in Blizzard.

Which is completely understandable btw :sweat_smile:

But with all of that said, WoW is finally in a good state that allow it to increase in sub count again. :slight_smile: So it’s uphill from here as long as they keep on the good work.

Not to mention, WoW STILL is doing extremely well compared to other MMOs. :point_left: People act like WoW has half the numbers of games like FF14 :sweat_smile: Which is no where near true.

Well, I personally would prefer some type of power increase; it doesn’t have to be much. Think Legion’s AP grind after you had completed your main artifact talents. And then of course this ‘power’ should only be relevant for world content; it shouldn’t have any effect in instanced group content and such (so maybe there could be a set with bonuses that only work in world content and with a grind you could increase these bonuses).

But there’s more regular stuff I’d be fine with; having a long grind which would allow you to keep upgrading a few select items - the time investment here is the most important part because it should be such a considerable amount that you will never be able to upgrade all of your slots throughout the length of a whole season: Maybe 3 items would be a good number. This way the time investment is so much that it isn’t worth doing for anyone who participates in ‘big 3’ content.

The problem with working towards cosmetic rewards is that it’s completely subjective whether this is ‘worthwhile’ or not. If I don’t like the look of a certain reward, I’m not going to care about it and I certainly won’t spend a lot of time working towards getting it.

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I love dragons as much as the next person, and the transmog in Dragonflight is amazing.

That said, I would argue BfA was better if you ignore some of its major flaws. The fact that the Dragon Isles is just dragons, dragons, dragons everywhere (aside from maybe the Centaur and some ‘lesser’ species) kind of makes it feel similar to Shadowlands, to be honest. It, too, becomes a bit too otherwordly and about the “divine chosen people” or whatever.

I enjoyed BfA because it dealt with normal people. Humans, orcs, trolls, stuff like that.


I agree that DF’s themes are very limited. Now, we seem to be working towards ‘old god’ stuff and/or ‘emerald dream’ stuff, so there’s promise of something different.

And yeah; I enjoyed BfA’s world content a lot because the zones were so awesome and varied. They had so much character and they felt like actual places.
DF’s zones are nice, but they don’t quite feel like ‘actual places’. They’re not nearly as offputting as Shadowlands’ zones were, but they’re not amazing either. They’re ‘okay’ with a few parts of them that are amazing.
BfA imo truly had the best zones of the entire game’s history in its launch patch (as for its patches: I thought Mechagon was okay, but I disliked Nazjatar and I absolutely hated what they did with the Vale and Uldum ‘updates’ - they completely ruined those zones).

Yeah, I agree.

The zones which always captivate me the most are the ones I can relate to, which feel like they’ve drawn a ton of inspiration from the real world but still somehow feeling magical.

Highmountain is great. It reminds me of a sunny day in the early spring, before the snow has melted. We meet a lot of familiar foes, and the music is great. They’ve paid attention to details like how the weather impacts different parts of the zone, how the richly detailed coastline surrounds it all, and how the stars come out at night. It’s just great.

Stormsong Valley is almost as good, albeit perhaps a tad more themeparky. You can just find a nice spot by a little creek or pond somewhere, underneath a tree or in the dense grass, and enjoy looking at the rain and listening to the music. Perfect for fishing!

I’ve struggled to find places of that quality in the Dragon Isles. There are some contenders, of course. The Waking Shores have some spectacular views and music, as does the Azure Span. Ohn’ahran plains has some lovely assets and shows a ton of potential, but there’s just very few places where it all comes together, whether it be because of the Centaur themes or because the zone itself feels a bit incohesive thematically.

I’m gonna start ending all my posts/opinions with “Gay Gamer” cause apparently that makes some form of difference and makes your opinions more valid or something?

its always gonna be better next patch, right guys? … right guys?

next expac will be better …fo sure… copium

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I’ll have to agree here, after shadowlands the story is in ruins. They swing the pendulum to the opposite side with a Disneyesque vibe, nobody important dies, no sense of danger, typical vilain that is here for simple revenge… there’s no depth but people are happy as they’re used to worse. Personally I’m used to better storytelling.

WoW also still uses that same rotten formula of Maze+/Raids/PvP (last one is dying). They started with babysteps to offer new outdoor content, few ones, but overall it still feels the same and will stay the same because they will never change their game design philosophy that is years late. You can’t expect new players when other games are just way more fun to play even in short sessions.

As for me I’m just playing to collect stuff mostly from previous expansions, as I’m waiting for FF’s next patch. Overall this expansion is slightly better but when they shat shadowlands just before, it’s not a very good reference to start with. Hopefully they keep improving.

WOD was better, Dragonflight is not bad tho, WOD just lacked content instead of giving it more content they killed it off and gave up and started working on next expansion instead.

They have scaled back things and will mix it up with every season loving it. Getting much better with season 2 also.

i guess you are not 100% familiar with the open world of gw2 and the background of doing/farming/completing it even on max lvl .

Ofc there are maps or " zones" where u can faceroll over the keyboard and clean the content, other zones i assure u that it takes focus on the combat and enviroment to achieve the victory and complete events or get whatever* you want.

For me, is not the world content what it keeps me playing wow and that a shame, bc is something i rlly like, but if gw2 had the instanced developed that wow has, i would be not here.

From my pov, what makes a mmo great is not that u run all over the place beeing the CHAMPION !!! “insert Magni’s voice” but beeing a rat, a no-one peasant that has to open the way trought the play, and thats something blizz has lost.

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dunno about best, but it’s a huge improvement
numbers are probably pretty low since the last 2 expacs really did a dent in blizzard reputation

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