WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

Alright, fair point.
But that brings up another topic.
And I’ve stated many times before that I think any type of boosting should be banned.
Yes, even those between friends who ‘just want to help out’. They’re not really helping you. You’re skipping content and forgoing the learning curve that comes with it.

Boosting is bad.

Again throwing the random ape example to miss the point. Good player can do it too, you know?
In fact a lot of them do.

Again moving the goal. There is no need for competition with others to have advantages.

Your time saved and spent doing what you enjoy is an advantage in itself.

Or because they consider their time more precious then their money and prefer using their money to have a better quality of time spent.

I play this game for myself. Not for the enjoyment of any other stranger. A reward on someone elses account has 0 influence on my game.

Yes it does. It is not moving the goal at all. When you talk about advantages you need to compare that towards something.

Your logic is crazy. You must be trolling

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Calm down, theres no need to call me an ape…and i dont think i agree with this statement.
Players that are actively raiding mythic are unlikely to pay for a Mythic raid boost. The people that would pay for this are more likely to not have access due to lack of time or ability to raid.
Unless you have some figures to show this as a “fact” i dont think its a fact at all.

You are not playing this game for your own enjoyment? Damn… :frowning:

Sure, yeah. But that means they’d rather be doing something else than playing the game; which means they’re wasting money on something they’re paying money for in the first place to be able to play. What kind of person does that? Highly illogical imo. :sweat_smile:

Not in relation to other players who ARE playing the game.
THAT is what something being called P2W requires: An advantage in the game over others who are not paying.

It is so very much subjective. Unfortunately you do not want to see that. And you just got to insulting. Too bad :frowning:

Im one of those. My enjoyment in wow is to do m+ with my friends, i barely do anything else. I also play wow like 3-6 hours/week. I have bought token to be able to skip «grinding» gold so i can be able to just buy the consumables and enchants i need to do the content i enjoy. Think i’ve done less then 5 world quests in DF :sweat_smile: am i wasting my money? Sure. Is it still worth it for me? Yep.

Did not call you an ape, learn to read. I said you throw the example of an ape doing it, but good players can do it too. Your example is irrelevant.

Are you trolling or?
Yeah you can compare with something, your own self with and without spending money.

It is still an advantage, you save your own time.
Just because you dont consider it so because you like picking flower in the morning does not mean it isnt.

But as i said at first is a circular argument anyway cause people like you will twist and argue semantics.

To try and pretend to not see the fact that money=advantages in this game.

So i call it a day, one day maybe you will get it (hopefully).


The thing is it’s not. Your sentiment about people buying gold to buy boosts is subjective. The fact those people can skip every bit of gameplay to obtain highest ilvl gear and end game cosmetics is not.


It is you sentiment (and subjective) that you see it as an advantage that other people play the game for you.
While i am playing this game for playing the game. It is something i do in my free time, so i better enjoy it.

When i would not play any open world content i would not log in till my friends are online for some dungeonfun. It means i would play the game less and would be on the forums complaining the game has no content. Sounds like a great advantage…

Tell me you do not enjoy World of Warcraft without telling me you do not enjoy World of Warcraft.

But it’s not.

If it was subjective, then Diablo Immortal could be deemed not pay-to-win entirely by the power of the players’ feelings on the matter.

And that’s obviously absurd.

Whether a game is pay-to-win or not is surely decided by the merits of the game and not the merits of the players.

If a game had the most greedy cash shop that sold untold power, it would still be pay-to-win even if it was played by a bunch of selfless saints. Because it’s not the players that define what the game is, it’s the game’s own design that does.

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Welcome to life where money equals advantage… but it still doesnt make you more powerful :smiley:

It again boils down to what each of us considers an advantage over another player, and if that advantage is “important” or “unimportant”. If I spend real cash for ingame gold and then use that gold to: (1) buy a cosmetic from the Black Market or (2) buy a Mythic raid boost, is one or the other more important? The answer depends on who you ask. But the concept that real cash has given me access to an intermediate resource which I can choose how to use, including the option of surpassing 95%+ of the casual playerbase’s progress when without it I’d be among them, is what makes me personally as Exiasee consider it a means to P2W.

Um, yeah it does?

Rich people and big corporations absolutely hold the power in real life society.
It’s not starving kids in Africa who are running the place.

And likewise in WoW, gold is power, because you can do so much with it.
I’m sure with the power of gold I can get you to give me a virtual lap dance in the game. It’s just a question of how much gold it’ll take.

So it’s power, of course it’s power. Wealth is power, in real life as in WoW.


Well said but they will try to combat that argument with some crazy twisted 'me fact/experience".

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The game is created for a lot of different players with all their own interest. Everyone needs to decide for themselves what content they enjoy.

In the end this is already a money grab game with buying expansions and sub on top of it. And the game has a shop for mounts and pet that are not achievable in the game.

I think it’s more the unsettling acknowledgment that WoW is pay-to-win and we’re playing a pay-to-win game.

That’s a tough pill to swallow, because no one here truly wants to play a pay-to-win game.

So there’s a lot of illogical reasoning going around as people desperately try to find some way they can convince themselves that WoW isn’t pay-to-win.

And if they can’t find that, then they resort to a holier than thou attitude, where they acknowledge the pay-to-win aspect but insist that it doesn’t apply to them or their game experience, because they wouldn’t dream of playing any game in such a way. And if you turn a blind eye to it, then it doesn’t exist!

And it’s understandable. It’s the same discussion that’s been had in many other aspects of WoW where the game’s integrity has been compromised.

The PvP community have struggled with it a lot over the years. On one hand elevating ratings and achievements as evidence of skill and accomplishment in PvP, and on the other hand coming to terms with the fact that a lot of people’s ratings and achievements in PvP are the result of win-trading, account sharing, and paid boosts and carries.
That’s a tough pill to swallow if you just got Gladiator for the first time and you want it to mean something and be a status symbol and a reflection of how good you are at PvP, whilst at the same time knowing full well that lots of Gladiator titles are bought and sported by players who aren’t good at PvP.

And it’s the same in PvE.
Doing the challenging endgame content used to be a reflection of how accomplished a player was. And now it’s not. That does inevitably bruise the ego a bit when you’re trying to show off your new hard-earned Fyrakk mount skin in Stormwind, when there are 20 other players around you who also have it - they just bought it with gold last week. But who can see the difference?


it is not p2w.

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