WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

It is a tough pill to swallow people can not buy away their insecurities anymore by getting a raidmount and showing off in stormwind and hoping for /claps and /bows. Speaking about bruised ego’s :joy:

But that’s exactly what they can.

The n00b who previously didn’t have any achievements or powerful gear looked the part, right?

Now that n00b looks identical to the best players, because you can buy the same gear, achievements, titles, mounts, and everything else.

So it’s not the n00b who’s lost ground here. It’s the legitimate and accomplished player who’s uniqueness in the game has been eroded.


Its not pay to win. Pay to win means you can get items like gear, weapons, increased stats , things other people cant get unless they pay for it.
There is no such system in wow.
Everything you bought is also available for people who are not buying it.
Thats is not pay to win. That is pay to ‘‘im lazy and dont want to do the effort to do it myself’’ or i cant do it myself.
Paying someone to help you get a title is not pay to win its pay to ‘‘i have lack of skills’’
You can get that just by playing the game no need to pay.
Everything in wow that involves making your character stronger is available whitout spending a dime.

Yes it is P2W. I can buy tokens with money then buy gold then buy gear and carry

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Ye but that is still your definition bruh. I would change this subject to: based on my personal assessment , is wow p2w.

Fair enough. It’s your money to spend how you want.
And I’m not disputing that. :blush:
I personally don’t ‘get it’, but that’s not important.

What I’m saying is, that it doesn’t give you an advantage over players who did do world quests (for example) to get their gold. So it’s not P2W. Rather it’s P2PTWYW - Pay to play the way you want).

I’ve played this game for 20 years and I’m still not skilled enough to get Gladiator in PvP.

But I can buy a Gladiator title with my credit card if I want.

So beyond the 20 years I’ve already played this game, how much longer do I need to be “just playing the game” to get the Gladiator title that I can buy with my credit card in a matter of days?


Its not pay to win you cant get anything someone else can get while playing.
P2W literaly means you can get items that are not available to other people unless they pay aswell.
There is no sutch system in wow.
You not be able to get glad does not make it pay to win.
what can you get that someone else cant that is glad aswell ?

But that title isn’t worth anything when compared to other players.
So you’re not getting an advantage over other players.

Why not?

I am not skilled enough as a player to get Gladiator in PvP. I am simply terrible at playing my character in PvP.

So in terms of the game, I should never ever become a Gladiator, because I’m not good enough to meet the requirements for it.

Yet in spite of that I can still become a Gladiator tomorrow by using my credit card.

You don’t want to call that pay-to-win, so what do you call that?


Yep, i’ve been arguing myself in this topic that you dont win. You’re just paying to save time or have someone else play the game for you. It has certain elements of p2w, but the problem is the use of word win. You dont win anything. You cant win in wow. And having more collectibles cause u swiped your card and got carried isnt winning. But u can still pay real life money to skip playing the game for sure.



You’re not gaining an advantage over other players who did not pay, which is an important part of the P2W definition.

It’s the same title.

One PvPer put time, effort, and skill into obtaining it by beating a lot of other players and being among the best PvPers there is.

I just bought it with money by getting boosted.

The means of acquisition are different, but it’s the same title. It doesn’t say anywhere that mine was acquired in a different way. It’s the exact same. If you compare one Gladiator title to another it’s the same. You can’t tell them apart.

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That’s pay-to-win to the point where we’re just arguing semantics.

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YOU know.
And for a decent human being, that should be enough, right?
Or do you think it’s okay to lie to people about your achievements? (whether or not they are in a game or irl). I definitely don’t.

Basically you’re fooling yourself. Or; you simply really like the title and want it to be part of your character’s fantasy. Which is fine. But, it doesn’t give you any sort of advantage.

Pw2 definition is: Being able to get gear,weapons,items,stats,increased dmg and healing numbers that are ONLY available if you buy it with gold and nobody else in the game can get it unless they spend gold on it aswell.
There is no sutch thing in wow.
Everything is available in the game whitout spending a dime.

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I didn’t ask you for the definition.

I asked you what you call it when I - a player who is absolute crap at PvP - can buy a Gladiator title with my credit card.


Cheating, it’s RMT and forbidden.

Had he paid with gold, then that’s fine. I have no idea how feasible it is to buy Glad with Gold.

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Ah. I thought it was assumed that I’m using the credit card to buy WoW Tokens that I exchange for gold, and then buy the Gladiator title with gold.

I mean, that’s the whole trick, right? You’re not allowed to use money, but Blizzard have created a means to exchange money for gold, and you’re allowed to use gold for player services like boosting.

So again. I buy a Gladiator title with gold that I’ve bought with my credit card. What do you call that?


But its an irrelevant title to me. And as i dont walk around inspecting people to see what they have achieved i would never know that you had it or how you got it.
So in order for this to mean something you would have to walk up to me in game and say
“Hey there! Inspect me bro, i got Glad title”
to which i would say
“Good for you…”
and you would then say
"See!! im winning wow!!
and i would say
“Er… ok…”
and you would then say
and i would say
“Yeah… im so sad right now”

It doesnt make any sense at all… for someone to claim that they won wow they would need to either shove it deliberately in my face or do something so monumental that it would be published somewhere for me to see it. Even then i would be “Meh…”