WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

It’s a title that means a lot to many PvPers.


Is it a title that makes them stronger than other players?

No it’s not. Winning infers you’re competing with someone or something.



Arguably yes. It’s perceived as a reflection of skill and accomplishment. If you have it, then it means you’re a skilled and accomplished PvPer.
That’s obviously a source of pride in a competitive game, which WoW PvP is.

Being able to buy that title kind of undermines all of the above.


You’re still not any better/stronger/more important than them.
In fact, imo, you’re weaker than them. Because you cheated to get it.

So it’s more like Pay-to-get-a-title-but-lose-as-a-person. :blush:

I know what you’re trying to do but it doesn’t work like that nor do I agree with your views but you’re entitled to them. I’m not trying to change anyone’s minds. They are all made up.

If you are using game gold then there is no issue. That’s not against the rules, though I seriously question the ability to buy a boost to Glad. But for CE sure, or a CE mount sure. I can fully understand Blizzard do not want to have RMT in their game. But there is no way to twist tokens into RMT.

Though people are wanting to put all sorts of spin on P2W it’s simply always been the ability to buy direct from the game (in this case Blizzard) items that give an advantage that aren’t available otherwise. So no WoW does not have P2W.

I don’t think anyone is naive enough to think that gold buying hasn’t existed since Vanilla. I’m glad they cleaned it up and made a safe way for people to buy gold. The same system allows people to play for free, buy games, services, shop items.

When the Blizzard shop stats selling bis gear you can’t get anywhere else. Then I’ll agree the game is P2W. Using gold to get a boost, something that has also been a part of the game since the start, is not P2W to me. You’re not even guaranteed a drop unless it’s a CE mount. They can try to do things like have unsaved loot runs so players can be funneled all the drops but the drops are still RNG.

However it’s very clear the two sides don’t agree. Nothing will make the two sides agree. I stayed out of this discussion yesterday as it seemed a tad too angry and insulting. Housekeeping has been and it’s more civil now :slight_smile:

But I’ve clarified that you aren’t talking RMT which I would definitely tell everyone to avoid. It is not worth losing your account for something like that.


so if i have this title i would do more dps than another player of the same class, skill and Ilevel?

Okay. I can live with this. That whole “win” was difficult to specify, but it just means “something I want”.

So after all this pedantic arguing about the definition of winning its clear that no matter what you buy - you’re not actually winning anything in WoW.

Pay 2 Pretend is more accurate.

And if thats your thing, go for it. But you’re not actually winning anything.

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I agree. Opinions differ too greatly on that.

However… If you’re to take the definition of P2W in most cases it mentions getting something through payment that you cannot get by simply playing.

So if that is part of ‘winning’ in P2W, then no WoW is not P2W.

Yes. Otherwise you wouldn’t have been good enough to get the title in the first place, right?

Me who’s an absolute scrub at PvP ain’t doing the same DPS as a true Gladiator in PvP.

So yes, that title (historically) has reflected superior player performance in PvP.


I get it. Y’all don’t want WoW to be lumped together with all the scummy P2W video games, because WoW is a premium quality product, so it obviously can’t be one of those shifty P2W titles.

So we’ll call it something else and make sure to point out all the tiny differences, so we can all sleep better tonight.

I get it. It’s fine.

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No, I’m looking at facts.
I’m really looking at this objectively (except for the boosting part, because I simply loathe it and consider it cheating, pure and simple).

I wouldn’t care if WoW was P2W if I still enjoy the game.
In fact; I’m also playing this silly browser game ‘Forge of Empires’, which very much is P2W. Do I care? Nope. I enjoy it for what it is. :grin:

Nah, a good transmog adds damage, everyone knows that!


In my mind it does!
PEW! I LOOK SO AWESOME! :upside_down_face:

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You know me too well. :kissing_heart:

I feel like the circle is working quite well.

Players use money to buy gold for boosting services to get rewards that are worth the money they spent.

Boosters take the gold they earned from boosting and sell it on shady third-party channels for money. And boosting is worth doing to them, because they earn a decent penny from it.

So Blizzard still has RMT in the game. It’s just gotten commercialized and normalized so Blizzard don’t have to deal with it as a problem like they did in the past.

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No at all however it is paye to progress which is another thing all together.

“Win” mean’s in any dictionary …

to achieve first position and/or get first prize.

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I think one of the best things they did was clean up the gold buying. Before the token advertisers were everywhere, they were in every channel, even out in zones, they would whisper players, they would spell out websites with corpses in capitals.

The poor souls that resorted to buying gold would often end up leaving their accounts open to being hacked later. They’ve had to introduce the token in Classic because of the detrimental effect it has on the game not having the token in place.

I think more good came with tokens than bad. I appreciate some despite the token but really it just cleaned up gold. It doesn’t generate new gold it just circulates gold and pays someone else’s sub at a premium price.

I don’t seem tokens as RMT. They cleaned up the game no end.

Well it’s in past tense.

If I get a gold medal in a marathon, then it’s because I ran faster than everyone else.

I don’t run faster because I put the gold medal on.

You just like to troll at this point and its not funny and really disrespectful to others twisting everything to suit your goal’s.

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