WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

If you won a gold medal you had the skill to run that fast. So I’m not sure I see the comparison. You ran under race conditions.

Someone buying a boost to get KSM mount isn’t really running a marathon. They aren’t getting a gold medal placing them above all others. No one pushes the highest key of the season, or wins RWF getting boosted. The skilled players get those. They are the marathon runners.


The dynamics of RMT have just changed, they’re not gone.
They’re less in your face with goldsellers spamming chats. Now we have boosters spamming chats instead.
You don’t get whispers to check out websites, because now it happens in discord groups and communities.

It’s more pleasing on the surface, but RMT in WoW is as present as it’s always been. It’s what keeps the whole boosting service going.

This is not even my true form! You should have seen me back in my prime!

Or maybe you just bought the gold medal?

How can you tell?

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I’d call it lacking in moral fibre, weak or just outright lacking in effort to git gud.

Still not PTW though.

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You can buy all sorts of medals online. If you think that makes you whatever rank or somehow implies you did whatever it was to get it, that’s on you. That’s wholly different from a boost in game. You do not inherit any skill from getting an achievement, getting a mount etc.

And I can buy all sorts of titles in WoW.

No. But I think it makes it difficult to distinguish from other players who earned their ranks fair & square and who simply bought their ranks.

Why do you care how others got their title? It is supposed to be something that makes you proud, feel good about yourself. It’s why it’s called achieving.

Would you join a marathon and just run the last mile, collect the medal and actually think you did anything?

Kinda OT, but fyi at the end of Remix all characters will become 415ilvl like a boosted to 70 character with green gear. All gems and trinket effects will be disabled with the cloak gone… so no, none of that power in Remix will carry over into retail. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I didn’t buy any of these. I didn’t do most of them in the expansion they were current either.

Does that mean I’m an awesome tank or healer. Ofc Not.

But I do have the titles :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

You’re taking my general point and making it a bit personal now, so I too see what you’re doing!

But fair enough.

I, as you know, am a veteran WoW player and an accomplished raider in Vanilla.
My Priest is therefore sporting the full Tier 3 Naxxramas transmog.

Here’s the million dollar question for you:

How many pieces of my Tier 3 have I acquired by using my credit card?

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I mean that’s what many people did in this topic anyway, one more one less does not matter.

People here says that paying 20 euros and buying consumables skipping the time investment (of farming gold in game or farming mats) isn’t an advantage cause they like picking flowers in the morning. What are we even talking about here. It’s a lost cause.

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When ‘time investment’ is done with activitities you enjoy it becomes difficult to think positive about skipping that activity.

I got my shaman to all portals. I very much enjoyed playing my shaman slowly building it up. Did i wanted to skip the road and instant get the portals? No of course not. It would take away my fun. But it was a ‘time investment’. So buying boosts would have been a disadvantage to my fun.

I am very fine being a lost cause. I actually enjoy playing this game. I have my doubts about a lot in this topic.

I wasn’t trying to be personal beyond it’s an example of titles that don’t mean anything. They give no player power.

If I see a player with the Famed Slayer title and they play terribly then I know they are in a CE guild that also boosted some other players through some additional kills. They may not even have paid for it. I’m not a CE player but I’ve done plenty of runs in guilds where we help socials or friends of the guild get their AotC.

It’s pretty easy to see when someone bought a boost. It’s become the norm to blame any bad play on oh they were boosted. Often when it isn’t even the case.

On the other hand it’s fairly easy to spot a boosted character, we will call this person Bob, Bob has run 8 dungeons only and all on +20 in one affix only. This was clearly a KSM boost

Bob presumably just wanted the achievement. They haven’t didn’t do any other dungeons that season. Getting KSM didn’t make them powerful.


Aww, I quite like these forum discussions.
I think over the recent years the forum has changed and become more harmless chit-chat about cool mounts and favorite pizza toppings.
In the old days the forum was a place people came to fight each other to the death. If you weren’t feeling the urge to murder someone you were disagreeing with after arguing for 7 hours straight, then it wasn’t a proper discussion.
This discussion isn’t quite on that level, but at least we’re not talking about something WoW related that made you smile today.

Putting aside the player power, I think they mean a lot. Or rather, they meant a lot.

In the old days if you saw a guy standing on the mailbox in Ironforge in full Tier 1 Might armor wielding a Thunderfury, you knew that guy was a legend. That was likely one of the best – if not the best – tanks on the entire server. Even if you didn’t know the guy or had ever seen him before, you knew you were standing before a God.

And you knew that because the visuals of the game communicated it.
The gear he sported meant he was a devoted and successful raider.
And if you looked around you saw that no one else was wearing anything similar to him. So clearly that guy was one of the best.

Same in PvP. You saw a player with the Grand Marshall or High Warlord title and the full epic PvP set and the amazing weapons? That was the top PvPer on the server you were looking at.

The game was all about visual identity.

And now it’s not.

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Are you saying that people who Roleplay have the biggest advantage now?

This is of course, a joke.


Definitely the game had over the expansions shiny-inflation. When there are literally more than a thousand mounts in the game, getting another mount has no value anymore. I recently got passively the 250 mounts-achievement. I’ve got enough cool mounts. Maybe i am the exception not even knowing what the DF KSM mounts are… but it shows the more we get the less we care.

And the same is for transmog-sets. I want 1 cool set per char. Why would i try to get more when i am not using them anyway? It will be completely fluff.

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nobody care’s but you.

You admitted in other thread buying some on BMAH so what does it matter its a cosmetic and tbh not many got full tier 3 when current due to how short Naxx was out for before TBC came.

I might be an oddball, but even back in TBC i didnt look at others and go «ooooh that player is a god :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:», i only cared for myself and my goals in the game. Did it matter to me that others cleared BT? No. Was i happy when i cleared it myself? Yes!


Yeah and that’s what it is. But for a time we at least had some bastions of visual recognition left, like when the top guilds cleared a raid on Mythic difficulty and got the mount or a PvPer became Gladiator.

Those rewards were still reserved for those who had earned and deserved them.

And now they’re not either.

And it’s a huge change in terms of what the game was and what it has become. Yet still the sentiment seems to be toward:

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Its a bit sad to think about people standing on mailboxes thinking everyone is looking at them :joy: No one cares lol - just like no one really cares if your hair gets messy in the wind or if you have sweaty pits for more than 5 seconds if they happen to see you.

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Such a pleasant thought :rofl:

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