WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

But did people care? I honestly dont know. I didnt play the game in those times.

Or his guild got very lucky with having the 2 bindings drop some people farmed years before seeing them.

Yeah but it’s the same when someone drives by in lamborghini or something. You don’t internally go “omg that person must be the most awesome person in existence, what a legend” - instead it’s just like “oh nice car” and you move on and probably won’t even think about it again for the rest of the day.

And wether he bought the car with lottory money, inheritance or worked hard for it, no one cares.

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Today people differentiate between character cosmetics and character power. But back then the powerful stuff had the cool visuals, so players who looked cool were also powerful. And if you were cool-looking and powerful, then you were also successful. And on a server where everyone knew each other there was obviously a social hierarchy – which was a staple of MMORPGs and the whole lure of the genre – and there was of course an aspiration in climbing to the top and reaping the accomplishment and recognition associated with it.
You saw these people who excelled at the game and looked the part, and you aspired to be like them, and that was your motivation to excel.

Now people just fiddle around by themselves.


i said

nice misquote so reported.

Slowly getting there… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

But even back then you could be looking at someone who got boosted right? Just not from buying tokens, maybe they just got carried by their friends or they did some shady RMT.

In TBC boosting really started to take off due to ZA bear runs and gold was starting to get easy to earn as you formed raid groups for trash farming that dropped BOE’s/recipes and gems.

The only items anyone ever looked at were in vanilla

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian - Item - Classic World of Warcraft (


Corrupted Ashbringer - Item - Classic World of Warcraft (

apart from that nothing else mattered.

I remember the bear mount, never got it myself but a friend of mine did. I think maybe my Mojo pet is from ZA? I dont remember anymore. Anyways, i never looked at others really, was too busy enjoying the game for that i guess.

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The frog? if so i think it was. The best reward in game is making friends and having fun and making memories nothing else matter’s.

Vanilla wow already had gold carries yeah. But in general people in shiny gear didn’t mean as much as Jito is making it out to be, not even close. Maybe for them, but not to most.

You didn’t even really need 40 to clear so a lot of guilds just brought people for the sake of numbers anyway.

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Yes the frog pet, one of the few pets i have that i actually know the name of :laughing:

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Oh for sure.
But it wasn’t as prolific as it is today.
And there wasn’t the same sense of anonymity either. So the people who did get boosted or carried were well-known on a server. The social hierarchy was pretty powerful.
Today the anonymity in the game makes it difficult to identify how people got what they have or know who they really are.
I still remember dozens upon dozens of guilds and players from my Vanilla server and who they were and what they accomplished and when and how.

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I guess we’re all different, i can barely remember the names of the guilds i were in back then. Some names ofc stuck cause it was ppl i spent alot of time with, but the randoms around in trade chat and so on i dont remember at all. Guess i’ve just cared more about myself and those close to me then everyone else.

Absolutely not.

I am not using enough consumables to go minus, all I do to earn gold is advertise a bit in trade that I’m crafting crests for no fee(and then sell the dracothysts that proc) and fill in public orders.

Sure. My point isn’t so much with regards to personal memories either.
It’s more that the game was different before the introduction and proliferation of pay-for-something-you-want. And my argument is not so much that it was different, but that it was better. That the Online Store and the Services channel and the WoW Token and level boost, and so on, isn’t helping to make WoW a better game. Quite the contrary.

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Ah, yes.

The good old days of: “I have more DKP than you because I don’t have any real life obligations while the rest of you do, lol, I’ll take everything please!”

Time + effort = reward? Yes. A true staple of any MMORPG.

Or you prefer to swipe the credit card perhaps?

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The guy who did that was absolutely awful at the game most of the time.

This is quite out of the topic, but are there still aspects of wow you do enjoy? I feel like i mostly see you being negative on the forums and have been for quite a while so im just wondering? What keeps you playing? Or is it just a case of not being able to let go cause of all the time you’ve invested?

Just to be clear since txt can be hard to read intent of, im not asking as an attack on you, it just got me curious :smile: