WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

I struggle to discuss the point when it becomes a personal opinion ala I don’t do that, I don’t care about that, it doesn’t matter to me. Because you do you and I can’t tell you that you are wrong for feeling one way or the other about the game today or 20 years ago.

My argument pertains more to what’s good for the game going forward and what makes an MMORPG tick and how it definitely isn’t this whole pay-for-something-you-want that modern WoW is defined by.

In that regard I just note that the general fabric of the game was different back then, even if it wasn’t for you:


Same, i have gold sitting there unused and i always played my way to things or grinded gold myself for it.

But, if i did not have those i would probably find the token way more tempting cause i would have to spend a way larger % of time grinding instead of doing things i enjoy now that i have less time to play.

Why should I care for some rando and their T3? I care only for myself and my pack.

That is how it is for me, and was since old vanilla and TBC.

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I mean, you are also arguing your personal view though, that it felt better when YOU could admire (or be admired) those t1 pieces. For you that was an important part of the rpg, for me it wasnt.


But all this has nothing to do with looks.

That has to do because of server comunity. Which died with cross realm.

And for a good reason. Because the video you post is from 1 overpopulated, horde dominated server. There were 20 other servers that were empty and you literally could not play if you were on that server. There were not enough people to do so.

So cross servers were a good thing.

But in exchange, you pay the price that whenever you walk in Ogri, you never see the same person twice.

And today what happens?

Well today it depends on what you play, you look at people.

I do M+. So when I walk in Valdraken and see someone with 3.6k Rio I inspect him and say “wow”… what gear is he wearing? What stats?

If it happens to be an RShaman I whisper him. Ask him for suggestions and stuff.

Others Raid. And can see people with 8/9 progression and say “wow”…

Or PvP : WoW ! That guy is a Gladiator !

The fact that in the past Rio and rating did not exist. And the only way to convey that was with mogs.

And claiming that mogs somehow mean something in 2024 is being delusional. People still admire other peoples achievements in the game. Its just that they look at other parameters.

I have to do some other things now. I’m not ignoring, I’m just busy.

It does mean something. If they made a cool original ensemble, it means they’re creative or at the very least have good taste and can copy someone else. :blush: :joy:

I’ve complimented people (and have been complimented by people) for the transmog they wore. To me that means more than ‘omg this person killed Boss X!’. But of course that will be different for each person, depending on their interests and personality.

Jito, the train has sadly left the station long ago. Just look at the way people present their views: because they themselves only care about their personal experience, they are unable to even fathom how someone might have different criteria in mind in their arguments.

Your passion is inspiring, I have to say.

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Are you a Jito alt? :thinking:


With the drivel he used to post on the PvP forums while not playing PvP himself… No. Not inspiring at all. He’s been doing this for years while not even really playing the game.

Maybe our friend Jito could start their community building odyssey in real world to actually make a positive change and stop creating pointless forum threads without any substance or effect.

Lets not start turning to insults just because we disagree about something.

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I judge them based on the coherence and astuteness of their arguments presented in this thread right now. In fact, I find it completely and utterly insane to cancel someone for what they have opined in the past regarding something completely different, and I do not even care. Judge an argument by its merits, not by who presents it.

Yes :slight_smile:

Nah, I am not. I believe you can find out about all of my characters via some website.

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I think Jito has good argumentation in this discussion, and I can see things from his point.
But regardless of eloquency, it solves nothing, it changes nothing.

Such as insisting that someone is “winning” when they get gear they can’t even use properly because they have no idea how to play and won’t have any use for? Lmao, please.

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Blizzard created a problem and then give solution .

25-10 man Different lockouts
In 2 years of Cataclysm 37k guilds of 25-man had either went 10-man or went off (Check Icc vs Cataclysm -Raid of 25-<)

That’s right …population from a peak of 12m…dropped to ?? .

Cross Server was a good thing?
Well yes you create a problem and then you give a Solution …

It’s like im going hit your legs then going to cut your legs …but hey i have the solution i’m going to stop the bleeding :slight_smile:
That’s how blizzard works…

Haven’t read the last 300 posts (did this thread go anywhere? didn’t seem like it was going to.

Did anything propose a solution to this?
Ban gold?
Ban pugs? Only guilds established at least 3 months with members for at least 1 month can do raids?
Have facial recognition through web cams to make sure you’re not hiring in an e-sportstar to complete your raid for you?

nope it isnt .that is why we have subscriptions. if you really want to see a p2w in action .play a mobile mmorpg :sweat_smile:

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Not pay to win. Pay to win literally means you can get something for real life money that only people who spend real life money can get that increases the strenght of there character.
There is no sutch thing in wow.
You gained nothing that i cant get if i pvp and get the same title or rank or gear as you do .

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Don’t do more of it?

I mean, Blizzard only puts monetization schemes into the game.

They never take any out.

Selling mounts and pets and transmogs and toys on the Online Store is here to stay.
So is the level boost, the race change and faction change, the WoW Token, the Early Access, Heroic & Epic editions, Trader’s Tender transmog bundles, 6 and 12 months subscriptions, and Amazon Prime subscription rewards, and all that other stuff they’ve introduced to suck money out of people’s wallets.

It is what it is.

But if Blizzard over there in sunny California could just slam the brakes a little bit on their hyperactive capitalistic money-making approach to their video game, then that would be nice.

As someone said earlier in this thread: There are far worse games out there!
Yeah, so let’s not see WoW end up like any of them.

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