WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

I am not going around all those quests. I just do the WB for 1000 gold on 8 chars, the field of ferocity and a couple of climbings. Or the rare in the south, or a banner. Do the weekly on some chars and it ramps up fast.

If i would do everything on 8 chars i would get, lets say 40k per char per week (because i want to be lower than your 50 mentioned) = 320k per week = 1.2million per month. I am certainly not doing that.

But then it’s not casual. It’s not even just soft-hardcore, it’s deep-hardcore. You need to spend more time doing world quests than any other content in the game.

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Playing the world of warcraft for 3 hours per week is super hardcore now? And way more time than any other content? Damn.

Seems like an awful lot of time and effort.

Why don’t you just buy a WoW Token and sell it on the Auction House for 400.000 gold?

That only takes 5 minutes.

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I enjoy the world of warcraft. Why would i destroy my chill World of warcraft fun time by buying tokens?
These gamers these days. I am getting old. Imagine playing a game for fun.

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There will also be a case of actually seeing when you are getting boosted.
Ok… obviously seeing somebody doing 10k dps while other dps are 100k dps are brain-fart obvious but then what will be the “low threshold”? How we will differentiate between a “bad player” and a “boostee player”? If the argument is “the boosted player just stays afk”. Ok, we can ask the boostee to just… press randomly buttons? :rofl:

“You need to have purple parse or be reported for boosting?” Go ahead…the anti-elitist brigade will feast on this for months. :rofl:

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They have, if rarely, never mattered to most people.You’d maybe stop and look at some guy with Scarab Lord and go “Cool” or “He should probably go get laid” and then move on to Wetlands and died repeatedly.

I could stand around in my rare gear, and rare titles that cannot be obtained and nobody would say squat. They didn’t back in Vanilla and they don’t now.

Edit: The irony of all this is that as a Roleplayer, I AM recognised for my transmog because it NEVER changes AND has a rare drop included. I recognise other Roleplayers for their transmog, I will also say, I actually do comments on my transmog, more now than ever before.

I thought you’d have the answer to that, because so many players seem to resort to buying WoW Tokens and embracing that whole practice. Isn’t that what this topic is essentially about?
You put a lot of time and effort into something and consider it enjoyable. And others just swipe the credit card.

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5 hours per week for 200k per month. So 10 hours per week just to gather enough for a token and nothing else (repairs, other stuff you may want to buy with gold, etc). Only the most hardcore of the hardcore players spend more than 10 hours per week in M+, or PvPing or raiding.

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You don’t win anything from that except time.

rename this threead to “WoW is P2Save time” and you’re good.

Yes, i have said hundred times here in this topic that everyone has to do the things in the game what makes them happy. Everyone is different :slight_smile: That is all great, isn’t it? I dont enjoy pet battles. But i know people who do. Live and let live.

But you’re acknowledging that there’s something money can buy in WoW that you can’t get otherwise, yeah?

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Definitely not 5 hours. That does not sounds efficient at all :joy:
I spend way more time in M+ than 10 hours per week. So well, i must be a hardcore player.

You still have to show me this.
Extra tenders is nothing you can’t get in game. You just have to wait for it.
Again: Time. That’s it. Nothing more to it.

Speaking from experience, by only doing the gold WQs each week you end up with between 20-30k per character. I make between 260-390k a week by doing WQs. And there are way smarter ways to make gold.

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Indeed you are. As am I, except I spend my time in the overworld. We’re different sides of the same coin… or dice

Yeah. If i play 1 day in the weekend i already get close to 10 hours M+…


Let’s say you and I complete our Traveler’s Log every month.
We’ll say that each month gives 1000 Trader’s Tender and after 6 months we’ve both earned 6000 Traders Tender by playing the game.

Same effort, same reward.

With me so far?

Now I go and grab my credit card and buy one of Blizzard’s Transmog and Traders Tender Bundle for 25 bucks on the Online Store.

That bundle comes with 500 Traders Tender.

So now I have 500 Traders Tender more than you.

How are you going to make up that difference?

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What advantage is the Trade post offering lol

Farming gold and exchanging it for tokens and then convetring the token into blizzard bucks.