WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

Thats not a question of power though, its a question of skill. You absolutely can buy power in this game, but it doesn’t mean you have the skill to utilize it.

Your entire argument is that you can swipe your card and get instant gratification.

Which shows that “buying power” is meaningless.

Never said otherwise, but its still possible

Ofcourse not. And this is why i think the word «win» is problematic. Still wow has the option for ppl to pay for stuff like achievments, gear, score boosts and so on. Not winning a thing cause u cant win wow, but u can pay to get stuff instead of doing the work yourself. Thats why i think it has pay2win elements, win is just the wrong word for it.

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That is why it is Pay2Progress :slight_smile:

Pay2Win is that other game where i had to upgrade every gearpiece with items that were only available on the ingame shop, which was also heavily PvP based.

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Elahra, I think you’re very obsessed with the angle of your own ability to play and perform at the game.

Your argument seems to be that unless the credit card makes you a better gamer, then it’s not P2W.


That’s your angle on this, right? You seem to use it every time. That’s your “winning”, isn’t it? Winning means to be a great gamer. And you can’t buy the ability to be a great gamer. That comes from learning and applying yourself.

Which is true.

But as far as the gaming industry and the business that surrounds it, what we generally perceive as P2W has nothing to do with being a great gamer.

It just hasn’t.

It has everything to do with being able to use money to get stuff of value in the game, be it power, progression, cosmetics, or otherwise.

And lots of games allow you to spend money to get that kind of stuff. So that’s perceived as P2W.

It’s kind of like using cheat codes back in the day. Using cheat codes wouldn’t make you a better gamer, but it would allow you to have infinite gold.

That’s all it is. Now you just have to pay money for that cheat code that gives infinite gold, and we no longer call it a cheat code – we call it P2W.

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Or: Pay2PlayLess

If people actually want to pay for that, fine with me. That’s more money in the pockets of the developer which will hopefully put towards making the game even better. :blush:

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You can.

You still haven’t shown the quote of me saying that which you quoted me as having said, which is disrespectful slander, but I’ll let it slide, because I know I haven’t said it.

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Ironic , throwing stone’s in glass houses is ill advised.

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So if Jito or someone else that has bought boosts were able to, you would then all of a sudden agree the game is P2W? what if they could do it faster than you? Would it then somehow correlate?

You see why your focus on every thread is based on your own gameplay, rather than the general topic of hand is narrow sighted?

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Here you go.

Not “better gamer”. Stronger.

I played a mmorpg where you can’t actually keep up with someone that’s paying for the games store stuff. It’s impossible to keep up with them. They’ll level a lot faster than you because you can buy +50% exp boosts, they get skills a lot faster than you because the weapons they can buy in the store skills them up way faster than you can do without them, they can buy consumables right from the store so they don’t even have to collect gold to buy the consumables from NPCs or other players, they just straight up buy consumables from the store.

It didn’t matter how good they were at the game, they’d stomp you into the ground due to the sheer advantage they got from that. If you paid but you didn’t pay as much as they have, they’d still stomp you into the ground.

So you’re the guy reporting all my posts. Nice to meet you. I intend to take up free real estate in your mind. :upside_down_face:

But yes, you’re right. I’m fallible. And you can call me out on my wrongs as I’ll call others out on theirs.

I like that approach better than instantly and immediately running to Blizzard to tell on someone because they said a bad word. But that’s just me.

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take 5 or more flags to hide a post but good im living rent free in that rather poorly educated mind of yours to think i can solo bury you.

You talk about irony? You tried to taunt me in another thread and modified my post for some reason. Then refused to elaborate.

You embarrass yourself.

edit: hidden profile and low-level character of course :smiley:

Purely because you got all angry about people not bowing to you over pixels. i just returned the favour :slight_smile:

its a classic char nice gripping at straw’s

You’re being pedantic now, you know that, right?

There’s a difference between saying that I believe an achievement popping up on my screen equals a win and then confirming that I believe you can swipe your credit card and get instant gratification.

Those are not the same, and it’s not fair to the argument to insinuate that they are.

Yes, and I have addressed this before.

So I’ll repeat myself a bit:

The logic also fails to recognize that game developers have specifically changed the pay-to-win design to accommodate the criticism that it initially received.

Initially when games started down this road, then they did indeed sell exclusive power and progression items on the shops that could only be bought with money, because people would obviously buy those things if they couldn’t get them through other means in the games! The flip-side was just that players also got very upset about this kind of game design and games that had it got branded negatively as “pay-to-win”.

The game developers obviously wanted to be able to sell power and progression and earn more money without getting all the criticism and negativity from the gamers, so the solution was to provide a path through gameplay whereby you could earn the stuff that was sold on the store. Now it wasn’t pay-to-win, because you could just acquire the power and progression through means of gameplay! Yay, everyone is happy, right?..Right? Naaah.
The little design trick was of course to make the approach of earning the power and progression through gameplay extremely tedious and time-consuming, so that players would eventually cave and – through their own volition – succumb and buy the stuff from the store instead. A stroke of design genius, because you can’t blame the company for the player’s own actions, right?

So that’s where pay-to-win is today. The design has simply evolved in response to the initial criticism about exclusive power and progression being hid behind a paywall.

But it’s head-in-the-sand levels of stupid to pretend that this new business design, which permeates all of Blizzard’s games, isn’t pay-to-win. It is. It’s just coated with sugar so it’s not such a bitter pill to swallow for the players. After all, we don’t really want to play a pay-to-win game, so if Blizzard can cover it up so it doesn’t look so much like a pay-to-win game, then it goes down a bit better.
And that’s what they’ve done.
That’s what most game developers have done.
It’s more palatable to the customers.

I doubt anyone got angry there. Makes me doubt your sanity. I was gathering blackberries (or blackcurrants?) at that time and my responses were short.

You are insane :smiley: