WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

So now you’re again saying there is no win condition, therefor your previous words were wrong?

I don’t know how YOU can, but for me? I can swipe my credit card and pay for a token that costs a fraction of my hourly salary to skip the grind for gold. Allowing me to actually play how and what I enjoy instead of “working” for money, like I do in real life :slight_smile:

So you actually like the ability to buy gold?

Man do I really have to repeat myself every answer?

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Nah, dont bother. We obviously have a differing view and as discussed many times over we both view this a lot differently.
I cant “Pay2win” wow so for me its not pay to win.
For you it seemingly is so i guess thats the answer to tthe question posed at the top of the thread.
Wow can be P2W for some and not for others. who knew???

I have given my oppinion and argumentation. You have too. We are not getting closer to each other. A discussion does not mean it has to end in agreement.

And about that game; you try to compare apples with oranges. Resources in game A is not the same as resources in game B. So we are done with that topic.

I’d argue that WoW is not p2w; but it IS pay for convenience. Gold will not help you actually ‘win’ the game, because whatever you buy in terms of boosts, does not give you the ability to continously win on your own. Compare it to Diablo Immortal, where people literally got too good at pvp by using their wallet; you cannot do the same in WoW.

Yes, you can buy a Glad title boost, but the moment you set foot in ranked pvp you will be owned so hard it will give you whiplash. Your skills did not improve and gear alone will not win you a pvp fight, whereas gear WILL win you a pvp fight in Diablo Immoral.

However, gold - earned in-game or bought through a token - will make it significantly easier for you to get mounts, gear, titles and/or achievements. Which has given me the opportunity to get a druid form I really wanted (with in-game earned gold, mind you, I have never bought a token).

And what is wrong with that?


I’ll offer you the olive branch here by saying that Blizzard likely don’t think in terms of P2W or not P2W. They just think in terms of what business models and monetization schemes they can pursue that will yield the highest revenue.

Everything Blizzard sells on their Online Store is there because people are interested in buying it.

Mounts, pets, transmogs, tenders, tokens? People want to buy it and therefore Blizzard wants to sell it.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s P2W or not to them. They just want players to buy more things.

Not everyone wants to buy mounts and pets, so they need more stuff to sell.

And the WoW Token is lucrative to some players, so Blizzard sells it.

Likewise with the upcoming Early Access. It’s something more for Blizzard to sell and players to pay for.

And as long as players show a willingness to pay for Blizzard’s new offers, then they’ll invent more.

So even if you don’t think it’s P2W now, then by the sheer fact that players buy everything Blizzard sells, and Blizzard always wants to sell more, it ultimately will end up as P2W.

There are no brakes on the Blizzard business train, and it always finds new things to sell. And those things are increasingly about power, progression, and opportunity.

So buckle up, because if you don’t think you’re in P2W land already, you’ll likely find yourself there before you know it.


I will be the first to admit, when we are there, that it is P2W. But for now you can get everything in this game by farming 1 week gold. And nobody will have stuff right now that is not obtainable in the normal game. At this moment players have to buy boost to get equal with other players. so they catch up faster by spending gold.

(Not to talk about all the players in guilds and communities and among friends who are a bit late to the party and get invited in content for free)

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If I hit level 70 today and I want my crafting professions maxed out, then that’ll require gold.

And I also want that Lightforged Mech mount that costs 500k gold.

And there’s some tier 3 armor pieces on the BMAH that are going for close to a million and there’s less than 24 hours left, but I really want those!

And I also want BiS Mythic gear.

And I’m quite the pet collector, but I don’t like doing pet battles, so I just want to buy all the ones on the AH.

And all the mounts, pets, and transmogs on the Online Store look amazing. I definitely want all of those, and I know I can buy them with gold.

So how much gold do I need in total and how do you say that I can farm that in 1 week?


C’mon now, don’t be shy.

How do I get enough gold in one week to buy EVERYTHING in WoW?

I know the way. I even know how you can get all that gold in less than 1 week. I know a method that will allow you to have it within hours!

You tell me your secret gold farming strategy to make millions and billions of gold in no time, and I’ll tell you mine.



How so?

You keep making that point and I feel you have no clue how professions work right now.

Because if I have two crafting professions I can’t farm the materials on my own. So I need gold to buy them on the AH.

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Why didn’t you take 1 crafting and 1 gathering prof for supplies. Also how are you dealing with the knowledge points?

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Except if you make an alt with the gathering professions…
You don’t want alts?
Make friends, join a guild… MMORPG you know
They will supply you

We all know it, but fine, play along
No amount of gold will buy you skill points

Are you trolling me? I mean, seriously?

The Pandaren said that you could farm enough gold in 1 week to buy everything in WoW.

Okay, challenge accepted.

So I listed some things you could spend a lot of gold on in WoW just to illustrate how much gold EVERYTHING costs in WoW.

And the claim was that you can farm that gold in 1 week.

So I want to hear the method for farming all that gold - hundreds of millions of gold surely - in 1 week.

I want to hear that, because I know a method where you can get hundreds of millions of gold in less than 1 day!

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No, I’m not trolling you. Why did you decide to make life harder for you and take 2 crafting professions that don’t compliment each other. Even so like Kentarro said if you actually do decide to go this route you can always roll and alt with 2 gathering professions. And again how is gold buying you the knowledge points, a question you have been dodging the first time made this argument.

I don’t care what a pandaren has said but I am absolutely sure that you are giving them the most charitable interpretation of what they have said.

It was a hypothetical example. Please, if you struggle to participate in an adult discussion, then go sit at the kiddies table and eat crayons.

Here’s what they said:

So let’s hear it.

How do you farm so much gold in a single week that you can get everything in this game?


Screw it, I’ll beat you to the punchline.

You sell WoW Tokens.

400k gold each.

And you can buy as many from Blizzard as you want.

There’s your infinite gold hack in WoW.

P2W or whatever the hell you want to call it.