WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

And you can farm weekly and buy everything in the game. But I guess you ate too much crayons at the kiddies table and took the most charitable interpretation like an adult.


Show me the method that comes anywhere near my method of selling a pile of WoW Tokens.

You’re beating around the bush in here so much it’s laughable.

And where’s the Pandaren that made the stupid claim in the first place? Gone all silent all of a sudden, eh?!


Why does it have to be faster? Not everyone cares about “faster”. God forbid someone actually wants to spend time in this game and not swipe their card for the smallest incovenience.

Also I am still waiting on the whole buying knowledge points with gold thing because boy do I need knowledge points on my alts and I have the gold to spend.

I didn’t say it had to be faster.

I asked you to show me a way of farming gold that’s anywhere near the gold you can make by selling WoW Tokens all the time. I mean, that has to be what, 400k gold per minute?

So obviously the notion of P2W gets relevant because there’s an order of magnitude of difference between the gold acquisition you get from playing the game and the gold acquisition you get from swiping your credit card.

I’m not in the game right now, so I can’t check, and I don’t care about professions so I don’t know for sure, but I’m pretty sure scribes can craft an item that gives +1 knowledge point. Buy a ton of those.


They can, and you can only use 1 each week.

And yet

Also it’s not per minute. The WoW token is still supply and demand, there needs to be someone to buy it off you in order for you to get the gold. Granted I am sure that for most people their token sells instantly, but what if you buy 1000 tokens, will there be 1000 people to buy them?

So there you go.
He who buys gold with his credit card doesn’t have to put any effort into affording that weekly purchase versus someone who has to farm that gold in the game.

Yes, because Blizzard guarantees the sale. It says it in the terms of sale for the WoW Token. You can look it up.
And that guarantee has to be there, otherwise you’d effectively be buying a lottery ticket, and that’s gambling, and that’s illegal. So Blizzard guarantees the sale - you’re always going to get gold.

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Are you for real? 1 point per week is your argument XD?

All found is this

"WoW Tokens are sold in the order they are listed on the Auction House. You will always receive the amount of gold you were quoted when putting the token up for sale.

If a token you posted does not sell after two weeks, contact Customer Support to check the status.",Support%20to%20check%20the%20status.

Actually, no. You can buy a max of 80 per month.

Raids are limited to once per week.
We still acknowledge that I can trade money for tokens for gold for raid boosts and cruise my way to a raid clear that would otherwise take time and effort through normal play.

Therefore it stands to reason that the same also holds true for knowledge points. Limited per week as well, but I can still trade money for gold for knowledge points without having to spend any time or effort on it.

The former is a bigger example of P2W than the latter, but it’s essentially the same money to gold to reward transaction that takes place, allowing you to skip the time and effort otherwise associated with acquiring something in WoW.

(I’ll ignore the nitpicking on the WoW Token sale, because it is that, and the discussion value you provide is not high enough that I’m going to look things up on my phone to assert my point. And it doesn’t refute the argument, because simply selling a mere 10 tokens yield me 4 million gold - vastly more than anyone can farm regularly in-game in a week)

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you dont seem to really wanna debate but just state that if anyone disagrees with you that they are wrong and that you are right.


Oh. So only about 32 million gold per month.

Damn. How will I ever keep up with people doing dragonflying race quests on their alts?!

Jk, it makes no difference. It’s still the easiest way to make a ton of gold by an order of magnitude.

Ergo it’s P2W.


Sorry not sorry for having a life.
Yes you can get the gold for CE in 1 week.

Professions do not take gold. They take currently 8 months of farming knowledge points.

I haven’t even been able to spend the little surplus I’m making from just checking the crafting orders once or twice a day.

Could I buy gear with the gold? Yes. Will it make me get somewhere that I can’t without buying said gear? No. So it’s pointless to buy the gear. A little bit of avoidance from BoEs on the AH isn’t going to make me time keys that I currently can’t time, it’s a skill issue and not a gear issue.

Not really no. 1st you need ~200 point per specialization to cap out, most professions have 4 specializations so you need ~800 points to fully max out your profession. So if you go by the inscription treasures you will need 800 weeks to complete. There are also RNG drops that give you knowledge points. So ok lets say you are doing your weeklies, have capped all guaranteed sources (specific treasures, vendor items and first crafts) and are using the inscription treasures each week, I have done the same except using the inscription treasures, all it takes is for me is to get 1 more RNG item than you each week to be on par and if I get 2 more drops each week I am actually ahead of you.

Hey your the panda that won WoW. How did you do it? Also are you interested in fighting Wojo to see who the real winner of WoW is?

I can’t help it. There was a moment there was a button “Win WoW NoW” and i pressed it :grimacing:

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Truly a modern day sage.

Just curious: there is a saying that “money helps you win in life”, do you take it literally? or do you understand that money helps you achieve pretty much anything you want in life

As someone that has money: No, it doesn’t.

I really dont need an olive branch. You dont need to feel sorry for me. I know exactly what blizzard are doing. They are selling things to consumers. Thats what a business does.

You seem to think that i am somehow misguided or that i dont understand what is happening, somewhat condescendingly i might add.

I understand perfectly, i am old enough to realise what happens in the world and i expect that i have been in it for as long as (or probably longer) than you.
I have an income and i use that to pay for things that i want. When and if we ever reach a point that i dont deem the things that blizzard sell to be worth my money then i wont buy it.
We can all prophesize about what is going to happen but i prefer to wait and see. There are always people advertising the end of the world is nigh… and none of them have been right so far.