WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

You’re forgetting that the vast, vast majority of the playerbase is really terrible at the game. :sweat_smile:

Not as widely spread and terrible as during vanilla, but still.

Yet I agree with Elahra that the average boosting client is a person who lacks the skill to do it himself. Cause any person worth their pve salts can get the kills, clears on their own. My guild did hc everyweek “all is welcome” clears. It makes no sense for me to buy boosts. Same m+, i can make my own groups or join guildy/friends. Why would I want to buy boosts, ruin my reputation and put a black mark on my name.
Again it makes no sense.

Your “demands for proof” can be easily refuted with common sense. If a person is suffering from an acute health issue, he/she will most likely seek medical attention. I dont need a nation-wide survey to “prove it”.

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That’s also a logical fallacy.

The playerbase’s expression of skill would be expressed as a simple bell-curve. The average skill is going to be that which covers the most players. N00bs and pros are by definition few.

So in the context of boosting it cannot just be for the n00bs, because they are by definition too few to sustain such a constant high demand. That can only be sustained because the average player also engages in boosting.

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The average skill level is astonishingly low compared to what’s required of you when you play harder content.

Even grabbing people that have done +11 to go into a +13 or 14 is a bad idea even if they haven’t gotten boosted.

Like I was going to do a +13 AV:

Leader invites a guy that’s only done +11 as his highest.

We get trees because he doesn’t clear.

He doesn’t press enough defensives and gets one shot by the stomp.

“But it worked in +11”

Yeah, a +11 on fortified. Not a +13 on tyrannical.

Oh I’m not disputing THAT.

In fact, I believe that tryhards are much more likely to buy boosts in some misplaced sense of ‘achieving something’ than some casual flower picking noob.

That is irrelevant.

We’re talking about a normal distribution here.

Here’s a kiddie version of that (which I’m using because you all really seem to struggle here which is hilarious):

WoW is designed around this bell curve. This is the bell curve that Blizzard balances all content around.

Most players who play WoW are by sheer definition, and relative to other players, going to be in the middle of that curve. They are the biggest percentage. They’re the average expression of skill.

The best players and the worst players are by definition few. That’s what it means to be the best or the worst. There can’t be a lot of those, because then they would make up a larger share of the total population and thus be more defining of the average.

Do you understand how this works?

You don’t seem to understand just how bad the average player actually is.

He is AVERAGE!!!

Mother of all that is Holy… :exploding_head:

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I have to ask, because I may be sitting here with some expectations from this discussion that are flawed, because it’s a game and the forums are wandered by all kinds of people, young and old alike and I’m assuming I’m talking to peers. And maybe that’s not right.

Are you still in school?

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The issue I have with your argument is this:

WoW has very distinct endgame pillars. Not everyone is attracted to these options.
As an example: There are players who have the potential to be high end raiders, but who simply do not enjoy that activity. So where in the curve do they land?

They’re not terrible, they’re just ‘not doing it’.


They’re still extremely bad at playing the game compared to someone at the higher end. It’s absurd how big the difference is between an average player and a good player. Then the difference between a good player and the best are huge as well.

I am going to take a break from this discussion now, because I don’t want to get a freaking stroke! :joy:

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By Elahra everyone is extremely bad. Only the very top 1 player maybe is not. And even that is a question since he claimed he watched pro’s streams and still claimed here on the forums those players do not know their class.

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Ridiculing a genuine question. Meaning: You’re losing the argument and resort to this kind of behaviour.

Enjoy your break. But I would still like an answer when you get back. :grin:

I am not going to sit here and educate a bunch of fools about the normal distribution of a playerbase’s expression of skill and how that correlates to in-game player activities – including the paid-for services.

That’s not happening.

That’s just not happening.

Break now.

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I have my own idea of who is good and bad at the game. It’s very simple:

Someone who is playing a game and having a good time = a good player.
Someone who is playing a game and having a bad time = a bad player.

My advice to a bad player: Go play something you do enjoy.

The average player doesn’t even do group content that you can’t get matchmade into iirc. Back in vanilla, the average player didn’t even hit max level.

Your intellect is dwarfed only by your ego.

Okay seriously, leaving now, break!

Why do you think they’re making delves?

To cater to a small group of people?

No, it’s for those type of players, because they don’t go into content that requires them to interact with other people or sign to groups manually.

It’s not made for people like me.

It’s fine you don’t want to do it.

But to ridicule people and call them names is uncalled for.