Have you seen the guy called “PirateSoftware” on YouTube? As cool as he is, in general, he was the guy responsible for the policy of only banning every 6 months because otherwise they’d “figure it out”. Well yeah, but if you only ban every 6 months they’ll figure out they almost never get banned, so you’ve lost by default.
Hopefully they’ll one day realize how boneheaded this was. Maybe they have already but are genuinely struggling, I don’t know.
But I think it’s telling that the people who created this game in the first place genuinely consider the WoW Token to be cheating, and they’re absolutely right.
Exactly… Which is why my entire comment was about reaching through paying, and not playing…
So no… My question does not “fall away”, you just seem to not having read the entire comment, and started mixing my comment in with something else
probably i never read in general a more despise about “average” or “normal” player, elahri.
Considering that you and the bunch of players doin high end content (if you are ofc but let assume this) can still play wow just beacuse the majority of players are playin their life chilling, i cant undesrtand such hartred.
Tmog destroys the prestige of owning end tier gear.
There’s many mounts in game it dilutes any of them feeling special.
Titles are meaningless aswel , I mean I can scroll down 3 pages of them.
the fact is … there’s so many collectibles compared to playing wow in 2012.
Gold is so easy to obtain + wow token , ironically we need people to buy boosts to stop hyper inflation happening on servers. Reason you’re not spending a fortune on consummable in DF is thanks to gold sinks.
Boosting is a player driven gold sink.
So back to what I said , yes it is if you want it to be. No one cares.
You can still play the game at your lvl and how you want.
You can have no part in any of it. You can leave services channel.
These “WoW is P2W” zealots can’t accept a single penny in the game. Probably even think the sub is capitalism gone wild.
Can’t believe this thread is gone another 250 posts since I was reading it yesterday.
The zealots will never change their mind, no matter the argument, that WoW is some P2W post-apocolyptic wasteland where oligarch warlords are crushing the small folk under their jack-boots.
Being a bad/good player is the ability to execute a specific task. Its objective and not subject to a bell curve.
For example :
Need to kick this ability.
Need to do this mechanic.
Need to follow this line.
So an individual player can execute it correctly. Or incorrectly.
The question is : What is the distribution/frequency of those that execute specific tasks incorrectly ? Many. In fact, more than those who do execute them correctly.
Therefore : If you were to choose 1 specific task. And 1 player at random from the player base, he would most likely fail it.
That is what Elahra meant with his “average player is bad”. That is what you are not understanding.
And that is why “bad players” are not “average players”. But the “average player is bad”.
No, it doesn’t take away anything. There is no irony there because they’re two completely different things.
But I really don’t want to get caught up in this off-topic discussion, so I’ll just leave it at:
I disagree completely with your assessment.
On topic: No, WoW still isn’t P2W as far as I’m concerned.
But, even if it was; I’m enjoying the game enough to keep playing and I’m having fun doing it.
So… Who cares ‘what it is’?
That’s a rhetorical question btw, just to be clear.