Why should I care?
I only care about my own character.
I don’t care about your character.
No one does.
Only you.
Isn’t that right?
Why should I care?
I only care about my own character.
I don’t care about your character.
No one does.
Only you.
Isn’t that right?
Right and?
And you do it anyway.
You want to show off.
No one cares.
You do it anyway.
Because it’s a vanity thing.
It is for me. I dont look at mogs so wouldnt matter much to me if they removed them (as long as i can mog my own char still). I usually mog a char once and then just stick to it cause i dont really have alot of mogs and i dont run old content to collect it.
Ok I’ll bite, I’ll sit at the kidie table with you share some crayons.
How is that P2W?
Oh for the love off. Really Jito? You of all people are that dense or just pretending?
Ofc people in general will not care on what you look or have. its the same in real life. When you go out grocery shopping or to get your car washed or whatever. If you see somebody sporting a call suit, you might give look at him for a few seconds. Perhaps to quickly admire it or take some inspiration for your wardrobe and etc.
But in the end. Does the person matter to you after you are done “admiring” him for 5 sec? Ofc not. You came for your groceries not looking for the latest fashion trends.
Or when you go out in public. In general people won’t care about you anyway…but do people then go out butt-naked anyway? Cause “nobody will care anyway”. Ofc not. You still want to look at least somewhat descent and feel comfortable that there people are wont be looking at you as a clown.
It’s just the motivation.
Throughout this thread the narrative has been that no one cares. No one cares what you do. No one cares what you look like. No one cares about others. So who cares if anyone engages in P2W?
But the reality is that we all care immensely.
We care about ourselves and how others perceive us.
Aww. Falling that low as to start demanding permission to speak on a Blizzard forums?
Reminds me some of other guy I had a spat a while back. What will be next? Play the “you hurtz my feelingz” victim card?
Come now Jito. You are better than the low class trolls we got here.
That is not caring about other though.
That goes even further into the “I care about myself” camp than anything.
You still haven’t proven that anything is P2W though.
Especially seeing this
If you care about how people perceive you why are you buying a boost then, why are you buying your gear then. Sure you might fool me with you ilvl, but your score and your progression are very visible as well, sooo how I perceive you is as a boosted monkey.
You should really lay off them crayons though, your arguments are degrading. I think the kiddie table is too mature for you at this point.
If I spend all my money on the game, what do I win?
Will having the best ‘paid with gold’ gear and items mean that don’t need any skill to complete the highest-rewarding content, because my gear will do it all for me?
You don’t need to answer the above questions, they just shoot down your PW2 points, because gold gives you nothing compared to skill.
Eh, maybe it was a bit of a shorthanded “comment”. But I’m not really in the mood for a lot of arguments this time, so… Eh. I grabbed one youtube clip, it was easy to grab another.
I was just explaining to you one of the motivations for why people engage in P2W, because that was a very difficult point to get across to certain stubborn people before in this long discussion.
I feel like your self-reflection gets it across, hopefully.
And now I’m off to do other things!
You are pretty much grasping at straws to prove(to whom? No idea really) on how WoW is P2W. If we remember that old meme “Americans will measure with everything but the metric system” then Jito can take any random rock he finds on the street and will “prove” that this rock makes WoW P2W.
Most of the people here can’t answer that question because they do not engage at that level. I feel like they haven’t actually seen how far exactly paying your way through gets you. 1 shoting mobs in the open world gets no where if you can’t follow basic mechanics or can’t do your rotation correctly.
And flat earthers will close their eyes, denying that the Earth is round, even if they were looking at it from the International Space Station.
Ooook and how is that an advantage or a “win”? You paid for a mount, where is the advantage over me? I can get the mount on my own or I can farm the gold for the boost.
I’m not going into that circus again.
Let me ask you this:
Do you think this image suits WoW:
Is it a good presentation of WoW? Something Blizzard should advertise?
“Come play WoW! Spend money and buy boosts and carries! Join now!”
Why not?
Yeah, you have to farm them, investing time into it, unlike someone spending real life money.
If you consider the mount itself a win or not is entirely a subjective opinion, but the fact that paying won you time is undenyable.