WoW is P2W wake up!

People have been saying this for years, but players want to stick thier heads in the sand and live in denial because they dont want it to be true or they are making too much gold from boosting themselves. It’s almost like Stockholm Syndrome in a way.

Going to leave this video here and keep bumping it everyday until they either lock the thread, because its killing the game and people need to see this.


Most of the people are coming to this conclusion nowadays.


Anyone left who believes that you being able to buy any content carry this days with wow token isn’t p2w?

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Demand creates supply

Tokens create supply*

Blizzard created this. The game is not an opened market guided by the free market rules we have in the real world (it’s debatable if they are actually such in real world even).
WoW is a controlled environment with 1 authority and that’s Blizzard. They created this because of their greed and shifting of the vision for what their game should be.

Yeah, well it’s true. But Stoopzz also said that boosters were from the begining of time in WoW either, and I remember that before WoW Token there were Gold Farmers selling it via eBay etc.

Sure, now it’s easier to change real money into gold, and then to pay boosters and so on. But I doubt removing tokens would fix it. Imho single queue could.
Decreasing gear gap (remove PvP rank lvls) could either.
Conquest/honor catch up solutions (like it was for Azerite/Artificat power)

I mean, there is plenty solutions which could be done, but due to unknown reasons are not. Blizz constantly ingores PvP community, however as I observe that flame which is growing on them have roots from PvP directly, so they should put more attention here.

So, it’s blizzard who is using boosters services, ok

They just need to penalise the big streamers selling boosts and work downwards, make an example of them as they say.

A lot of people buying boosts in PvP, cuz community don’t accept them without it, just ignoring. Its not that bad, at least they will playing the game and in a half year, year or more they will be play not bad, if practice. But without achi they have zero practice, you know. They will just sit in LFG and suffer. Solo q can solve this problem, but devs preffer another system including boosting.

Upgrade gear + autist gameplay too

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Its true that boosting is around since forever but thats like saying theft is happening anyway so lets just make it legal.


I would say most amount of boosting services are accessed through 3rd party sites. That would be very difficult for blizzard to stop, unless they hire people specifically to buy said boost undercover, then ban the providers. Either way, its supply-demand as some other ppl said. If there are no buyers, there are no sellers, so the community is to blame as well.

The thing is, accepting that it cant be avoided completely and allowing people to use theire very own tool and chat to spamm promote these boosts are two different things entirely

WoW has always been pay to win, why are we acting as if it’s something new?

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They made it “legal”…because they wanted money.


I quit wow for raid shadow legends, its way more balanced than wow

Is that the Legend who never plays Arena but knows everything?

Rakar why are u hiding? U here to buy another boost? Its not help to understand how to play.

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The entiriety of the general discussion subforum apparently.

ItS anOTHEr PlAYer OfFeRinG HIS sErViCEs