WoW is P2W wake up!

GD section is a dark place.

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i wouldnt say its p2w i would say its p2catch-up

It’s blizzard who created a system that validates and allows easy use of boosting services, as long as the money are in their pockets.

One in the same thing, using real money to circumnavigate or boost your rating to be on gear curve from a late start because you know you will be stuck is no different to doing it on day 1 of the season.

Neither is ok they both negatively impact the PvP ladder and scene for honest players as a whole as well as lining Blizzards pockets with token transactions.

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no im talking about boes when i say catchup after not playing for 6months or so you really need it

Sure ok agreed that is a form of catchup, but were talking about PvP boosting and P2W culture here as the primary subject.

Incidently though the BoE prices have Sky rocketed due to the Wow token as Well Imo. Tho this point is moot as why pay 500k for a BoE When that same 500k will get you a carry to at least rival and a full set of that gear with minimal effort to grind conquest from another bracket while you sit on your rival rating.

For long time I was preaching that people buying boost for PVP and Rio score like they buy bread in store… So booth of those systems lose its legitimity, PvP is full of high rated but bad players. Even gladiator title is boostable nowdays via wintrades and other stuff.

What blizzard need:
GM agents to pretend that they are players, those guys enter in booster group under disguise as customer, and do ban. 2 moonths of purges, will bring results.

Shame they just laid off a massive amount of staff especially in the community management department :man_facepalming:

If they really wanted to crack down on this situation they could quite easily, its intern level work that would be needed to identify accounts.

A blues comment on this video would be Interesting

wow is not p2w. yes u can pay to get boosted to glad but you cant pay to be able to clap glads after getting boosted . whoever thinks “winning” is reaching X rating and not becoming an “x rating player” sucks irl.

and whoever says blizz should do this or that u are wasting ur time. they know what they should do but they dont want to cause boosts = $$

What people consider “winning” is subjective and yes there will be players who consider gaining X rating that gives titles and access to better gear winning, you said it yourself and they can spend IRL money to fund this. I’m afraid that is the very definition of P2W like it or not lol.

Irrespective of your opinion of those type of people, probably one that i share, its in the game and i maybe am wasting my time trying to call them out on it, but the more players we educate on why this is toxic for the game and pvp ladder the better hope we have of meaningful change.

It is.
You can buy gold for money officially.
You can buy gear with gold.
The gear gives you advantage over people who didn’t buy that gear.
This means you can buy gear with money that gives you advantage. Which is definition of pay2win.


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P2W does not mean “winning” as being able to beat other players. Its the fact that you can gain unfair advantages by flooding the virtual wow with real money. That nothing will be done about it, should be clear aswell. After all, people invest more money to aquire such services than the regular player. Thus, the monetary benefit is clear to our beloved game developer and will not be adressed. The same goes for bots and multiboxers, only if the community gets heated to a certain point, will bans happen to prevent a mass exodus. This ends up with people thinking their blight is heard and the botters and boxers can slowly return until they again overdo it. A ban on bots and multiboxers is also no harm to them, as they have usualy enough time to make up the costs from having to buy more accounts. It is disgusting truly, but also rather open actualy.

I personaly do not care. Achievements and pvp ratings got devalued so hard, they dont even matter. All it brings is the mount and other stuff, and if people are willing to spend several 100€ on it, their stupidity is self rewarding. We as players are able to react to it, if we truly wanted. After all it is rather easy to find out if someone has earned their due, or bought it - just observe them for a few arena games or a raid and kick them out. The best thing to do, would also be public shaming, but there our beloved developers will step in immediatly. After all it would be discrimination!

Your arguement would be good if only bad players buy boosts, which is not the case. Plenty of players who are decent players themselves also are buying boosts all the time for many reasons, time they have to play the game for example or coming late into the season and wanting to circumnavigate the grind is another.

Some just do it because they have the money and they simply can, humans are humans and they will take the path of least resistance if they dont want to experience the journey.

Point being they are paying for an advantage be that gear, saving time, titles etc etc which is P2W as the majority of the gaming community understands its definition.

Except that it is usless, and a boosted player will never manage to hide that fact, and he will get trashed and ridiculed in this game and no one will take him seriously. Who cares if he ‘‘won’’ in his book, the humiliation alone would be too frustrating for me. Also, you are vastly overestimating the number of boosts in PvP, especially since PvE only players have no real reason to chase gear now. Also also, i am not a fan of WoW community in general, but even I am giving the majority enough credit not to be that stupid and spend tons of cash for an achievement no one will truly care about anway, and i believe most people are somewhat rational with their spending. If you are going by strict definition, it simply isn’t pay to win, since everything can be obtained by playing the game without spending cash.

So every 10th game is almost automatic lose.

What that means for regular WoW player:

In booster infested world this means: if you legitly win 5 games and lose 5 games, you will be 50% win ratio and enter into ratting stall, or you gonna gain ratting very slowly because toll you need to pay to booster. Which will lead you to frustration, and lose will to play. (you will play for hours just to finish with same ratting)

Without boosters: you will win 6 games and lose 4, and your ratting will raise = you will be happy and satisfied, and have will play.

Conclusion: Boosters doing serious damage to people hapiness in WoW

Boosting is not only Blizzard’s problem. I find boosters/smurfs in other games more than ever. I played some Dota 2 recently and 3/10 games had mid booster playing Broodmother/Lone Druid. Velve is fighting them though instead of allowing them to boost for chests with cosmetics.

The fact Blizzard justifies boosting for token gold is disgusting way of monetizing their game.

Claiming that paid boosts have always been a part of WoW is so disingenuous. I’ve been playing WoW since March 2005 and still play to this day. The difference is staggering. If before there were isolated incidents, now boosting is literally e v e r y w h e r e. I mean, just open 2/Trade chat and count.

Myself, I’m part of several boosting communities. I think I last boosted at the end of BFA and made around 1mil easily. A guildie does PvP boosts (2.5K XP, btw, not even that high) and made 42 million gold in S1 of Shadowlands. 42 million. That’s 4 gold caps and then some.

Even now, as a PvP player, every 6th or 7th post in the PvP LFG section is advertising boosting. It’s rampant and it needs to be addressed because it’s ceaselessly devaluing all achievements in WoW, not to mention ruining the experience for many. I won’t tell you how many times I’ve come across two Multi-R1 players clearly boosting a third (the buyer). I can deal with that because I myself am very high PvP XP, but just imagine the people that actually belong at the 1800MMR level and are just starting to learn about Arena! They’re literally getting obliterated by people with experience double their MMR.

While I’ve kept no evidence, one 3v3 session at around 2.4k MMR I kept auditing the suspicious third. Out of 21 games, 8 were separate boosts. That’s a staggering amount considering the short time window. And how do you think these people had the gold to make that boost possible? Even without getting rid of the token PvP boosts can be made a pain for boosters by fixing the highly exploitable MMR system in WoW. Glad carries, for example, begin with a single win at 2.4K rating to open up the 50 Glad wins mechanic, after which the boosters drop their MMR to comically low (for their XP) levels. What follows is a 50-win streak stompage of the ladder to farm out the needed wins. Buyer loses no rating even if a loss occurs, since it’s far below his boosted MMR, but the win counts towards the 50-win requirement of Gladiator.

It’s a farce.

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