So watching Bellular commenting on the insane sub loss for WoW since SL launch.
Are any of you suprised ? I’m certainly not. There’s nothing to do in SL unless you like raiding. Mythics are so meh i do 1 for the week and i’m done.
What concerns … 9.1 isn’t going to bring those players back there’s still nothing to do unless you like to raid : /
Is it safe to say RIP Shadowlands , another expansion to put in the bad wow expansion lists. That list is starting to grow worrying high vs the good one’s.
Is it time for Ion step down ? you did good on Legion and that’s about it.
Numbers are down because hype is dead
those numbers were just people buying game to see it and quit after that
It is happening every expansion
it is comon thing these day just buy game play like 10 hours and quit
meanwhile there are people like myself playin wow all the time 15 years even when there are problems
cause problems are often fixed somewhere in the middle of expansion
I think your jumping the gun a bit.
Lots of reasons subs drop off after launch.
Not to forget this patch has been out awhile now and a lot of people have been locked down so most likley done a lot of content already and gotten bored.
I’m thinking of taking a break myself as I’m happy where I am.
But to say shadowlands is a fail is just insanity.
The game was dead years ago, it is utter trash. Each expansion they promise you the world so you buy it, and boom few weeks into each expac you realise they lied. Far better games out there, do not waste it on this garbage.
The numbers are worst the further back you go. they had over 12 million at some point, yet it still makes enough to keep going. /whisper: For how long I don’t know…
I had fun in bfa in SL i’m so bored. All i do is mount farm old content like there’s nothing else to do srsly : /
Change covenants or level an alt, that will break the boredom.
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Lets hope the haters and those who dislike game will leave for good then. Time to cleanse the game
7 60s , 5 ally 2 horde
The covenant questlines are the same no matter faction or class
They should have made the storyline class specific to make it more interesting. Having 3 classes in Maldraxxus is ZZZzz same with night fae.
Let them all switch covenants. Go go go go…
This is the report:
World of Warcraft player numbers fell back to normal levels as the excitement around November’s Shadowlands expansion subsided. From November to January, revenue fell by 61% and user numbers declined by 41% (these figures do not include China). This roughly matches the pattern seen for the past several expansions, though Shadowlands had a bigger launch. Blizzard does appear to have found a way to increase how often expansions are able to boost earnings. The publisher recently announced that it will be adding the 2007 Burning Crusade expansion into World of Warcraft: Classic this year. Alternating between releasing all-new and classic expansions could cause WoW revenue to spike annually for the near future, instead of every two years (the typical development time for the title’s expansions).
Yeah, Blizzard really need to look at a way to keep people playing, though. God knows, they did a bad job with this in Shadowlands. In the same segment, Bellular notes that he logged in for his raid and found his character still at Castle Nathria because he hadn’t bothered to hearth before logging out, and hadn’t done anything else since.
Yeah, I’m like that now. I can’t face levelling AGAIN through Shadowlands, and with the scaling screwup even Legion raid farming is no fun, and with the gold nerf, you don’t feel rewarded for your time. Unsatisfying, if you’re not raiding or pushing M+, and 9.0.5 isn’t going to inject much life. Traditionally, Blizzard have a drought in the last patch, but this is starting to look like the drought after the first few weeks of WoD.
ironicly the casual features from BfA, which i and i assume you like were sacrificed to appease elitism by which they probably hoped to retain people like drgang.
And he still calls game garbo. XD
Blues should cater to casual Andies like they did in 2004 and killed everquest since wow was much more casual than og mmos.
Legion was right move, bfa clearly content cutted cause classic hype and probs poor funding due to less subs. Yet still superior game cause main audience wasnt left to enjoy:
- “Meaningful” loot = no loot, same slot drop.
- “Fast paced combat” = me press all cds me tacticool
- 1000 grey “Swirleys” and addon management to track them = we make complex things so you could feel better when addon negates them
- “Balanced” affixes = warrior? in my key? xD
- Sense of danger = mount ignores your call xD
Makes sense why they now revert many of these
While new expansions get a new story, zones, etc. nothing really changes on a fundamental level, and even worse we get systems that make us engage with the game world even less than before.
Most WoW players live in a dream that something will change but nothing really changes, at least not in a substantial way. What did SL bring apart from new visuals to look at? PvP Vendor and that’s really it.
Crafting that should be one of the core systems for gear and stuff is an undeveloped shallow system of wasted potential.
Fishing could be a nice addition that could help people to engage with the in-game world is again a shallow undeveloped system.
Skill system is not only shallow but was ruined by regression in the design.
In-game world is also undeveloped and while looking nice doesn’t offer anything substantial to do.
Expansion exclusive systems which make us waste a lot of time for almost no benefits and make us engage with the game world less and less.
In the end, each expansion is a hype train that doesn’t bring needed changes to the core of the game and while people come back with a hope of the game being better they quickly learn that it’s again the same boring game and leave after few months 
It’s like this since Cata XD
Same i got 29 alts all at 50 can’t bare it , Revendreth , bastion and Ardenweald after 7 times are so ZZZZZzzzz
they still failed at trying to keep those people subbed to the game…
Did he make a video when the subs increased. Thought not.
Just another one making spurious videos to gain attention.
There’s nothing to really capture the imagination with WoW currently. The expansion features have gradually gotten worse over time. Go look at your BC, WoTLK, Cata or MoP boxes and see what features they advertised compared to the last two expansions. Legion for all its flaws kept people hooked through a large amount of collectibles, the introduction of mythics and a new hero class.
BfA and Shadowlands had/have… Island Expeditions? Warfronts? Torghast? Covenants? How do those compare to past expansions? Very poorly.
Kinda surprised that they haven’t lost more than half of their subs yet tbh. Entire game is complete garbage because they are combining timegates with rng and boosting is out of control. The people who I play with did quit and I doubt that I’ll renew my sub either.
Not sure if it’s all Ions fault but yes, the management of this game is awful. The weekly chest is the worst designed thing which I’ve ever seen in a mmo.
And the new patch comes in summer…
Actually this more looks like WoD expereince in number of subs gone.
I am not really that suprized SL is quite boring expansion it has way too much pointless crap and too much time gating also classes still suffer greatly from losing the artifacts at the end of legion class design in general is just boring.