WoW Memory Usage, is this the normal amount?

Hey I am getting 5000 MB of Memory on my task manager from Wow alone, I also run Brave browser which runs at 3000 MB with the tabs I am running, that brings the % of total memory usage of around 90%

I have in the past had issues with pc freezing on me while doing this and now I am trying to figure it out and I believe I found the reason, its perhaps when memory reaches 100% and beyond then the freezing happen on me.

My question is simply, is this the normal memory usage of wow or is there some steps I can do to make wow uses less memory? thanks.

Right now, my WoW.exe is running at 3,300MB according to Task Manager, with Addons showing as 700 MB. I never looked at that before, but disabling addons does indeed decrease WoW’s memory usage accoring to TM.

Maybe look at how much your Addons are using? (hover over the Help Questionmark)

It must indeed be addons that feasts on your Memory. WoW on my desktop uses 3,279 MB.

Using full ram will cause freezes/ micro stutters yeah. There’s plenty of free “ram cleaners” that will free up ram being used on junk, they are actually really good if you low ram like 8gb ram. You can disable start up programmes in windows that frees up alot to, quick google search will show you how.

5gb on WoW alone is pretty high, some addons could be very out of date and gobbling it up. Chucking an extra 8gb ram stick in will go a longggg way if you can do it! 8gb is pretty low now a days.

My Chrome runs at 191mb.


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With home page only :stuck_out_tongue:

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WoW in ultra in Korthia currently eats 5.5MB of RAM.

What kind of settings do you have ?

Think you may be out by 1000x there.

If memory is full, the PC should do memory paging.

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I mean you can think all you want it won’t change what’s written on my task manager.

Seems fairly straightforward to me. Dunno if WoW increases its consumption if there’s enough resources available or something along those lines but about half of my ram goes to WoW when it’s running.


so 5,500 ie out by 1000x times, thanks for confirming.

This should be in Games, Gaming & Hardware… just saying.

Yes; WoW using 4-5 GB RAM is perfectly normal.

If you’re using a machine that has less than 16GB RAM, for Windows 10 & WoW, you’re “doing it wrong”… those two alone ‘can’ account for 8GB RAM without any authorisation from the user.

Mine runs over 6gb…

I do tend to have a lot of tabs though :smiley_cat:

ALL my likes. Superb!

Finally, a man of culture.


Running on a 10 year old desktop computer, Intel I7 930 @2.80ghz, windows 10. With 6 gig of ram, 3x2 sticks. Game plays fine…

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I understand WoW part which uses something around 2600 for me with maximum settings on required ones but that Brave browser part is a bit interesting, 3000MB? I use OperaGx 560 for 4 tabs. …

You should have minimum 16gb ram nowadays if you want to use your pc in a comfy way.

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