WoW urgently needs another round of talent/spells pruning.
- revert back to MOP talent tree. the class/spec/hero talent tree is a failure
- reduce at least 20%-50% spells/abilities/buttons depending on specs.
The current talent/spells bloating is simply ridiculous and insufferable.
No to point 1, yes to point 2.
I Agree they need to do another prune i dont get why they add all of these spells in the first place the game is better when we have less spells but they are more powerful and have more of an impact
yeah i could understand that shadowlands spell ammount seemed like a good number imo now its just a bit too much in my opinion
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Not really, thats the times its been brought up over 6 years and none of those threads looked like they got traction or support.
Calling it a popular request is misleading.
I remember there were many complaints about this during MoP as well. Hence the WoD pruning. Itâs difficult to remember how needlessly busy the gameplay itself was tho, I mostly remember very full bars but great gameplay.
Youtubers were also calling for âunpruningâ
Same ones who are now calling for pruning.
I remember quite a bit of that during WoD. From a gameplay pov I enjoyed Legion very much but not everyone seems to agree on that.
Mop was the most balanced wow as been in a long time, what hurt mop was the long content drout the specs played well and content was fun and engaging so yeh I would be happy going back to the mop style
Some classes are exception like fury and the like but some classes have severe ability bloat since DF reworks.
What comes to crowd control, the amount they added for every spec they even had to reduce durations of all cc later cause they bloated the game with so many cc and now all of those are like tiny micro cc that are constantly spammed on cd and made gameplay very annoying in general when youre spending every encounter in bg or arena on some 1-2 second cc or root or knockback and else and there just seem to be no end to it, half even being some aoe that the person didnt even meant to hit you with in first place. I believe they did this for m+ but it also affected pvp quite.
I would much rather have 2 meaningful cc with say 1min cd that do longer duration, instead of having 4-5 cc per spec with 30sec cd that last for 2 second or so if we exaggerate.
MoP Talent trees were the best. It definitely needed work but was still more balanced than the current BS. It always was and always will be an illusion of choice.
We need pruning for certain specs. I would argue 10-20% is enough. Feral, brew, prot pally and shaman are the worst offender.
I also see crowd supporting Holinka the Unpruner.
Yes, it was community request both on forums and youtube.
Same guy as a pvp lead dev said on interview âi have never played caster and understand nothing of themâ I could tell when the mage design at one point were let turn into stand still and cast 5x fb into 1 glacial and repeat. Most boring turret frost mage design and before it were the most mobile caster. In one patch from mobile into turret.
I think itâs like all things, some want loads of buttons and others not so much. Itâs two different groups.
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It depends alot on spec and hero talents. Some like rsham has button bloat, presses handful of globals to do nothing, and hpala jumped around press instant 4mil holy shocks. Or frostmage spec bloated with gazillion abilities that you go through in pvp and would be hard without mmo mouse even. Warlock also one that has gazillion buttons and takes several globals to setup dmg or do anything, while other class just rush to him and does frontloaded instant go on his forehead with 2 globals. The class designs are all over the place since DF overall.
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What? What am I seeing? I remember like it was yesterday that people were constantly asking Blizzard for the old talent trees back because they didnât like the MOP rework. Now weâre at the point where people are asking for the MOP talents back?
Like, what?
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Since BM didnât have an option for 2 pets back then, I cannot agree with that opinion.
Oh god please no, if I wanted diablo Iâd play diablo.
Just let us keep our toolbag and express our skills through how we use the tools available to us. Dont reduce this to a 4-button game.
If youâre going to do anything, make specs playstyle flow better, but donât reduce what theyâre capable of.