WoW on Xbox

With the new aquisition of WoW by Microsoft alot of players could never imagine WoW on the Xbox platform. However I think that it could be a comfortable and more immersive experience. Here’s me healing an Ulduar raid with an Xbox controller.


A controller makes it easier to bust some moves while you play


funny thing is i saw a article…

saying wow is 100% coming to consoles…

a week or two later microsoft bought them.

wow on ps5 could be good imo … providing anyone can get a ps5

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The main benefits are having it on the big screen and being able to kick back on the couch.

Yes it’s true it may not be optimal for +69 Mythic key or HARDCORE raiding. But I’d love to see it.

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for farming, exploring, questing etc it would be great…

i hope pc get controller support too.

on ff14 … when i craft i always switch to controller… it makes things so much easier… when i raided i played keyboard mouse…

was so good to be able to switch.

I thought retail had that already? since patch 9 something
Classic however does not. (addon will do the job)

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possibly rather it be built into the game though rather than rely on addons for it.

I don’t think addon is needed for that in retail.
And I also don’t think they will implement controller support for Classic.

Just read a few threads about people asking about it, no dinero
(I only play classic so that’s life…)

i would imagine because it wasent in vanilla they would not want it in classic … but i dont honestly see why not… its a choice if people want to use it or not … and i doubt it would ever give a advantage over keyboard and mouse anyway.

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xbox sucks yo

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Cursor have some sort of " snap " behavior on player frames, which is good. Do you control it with one of stick or how?

Welcome back from your vacation!

I’m sure a ps3/4/5 controller would work as well.
Unless. PS sucks too? yo :sunglasses:

It’s called the Raid Cursor, you enable it and then use the D-pad to toggle through all the players and heal them. Great solution!

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Unless there’s an addon store on consoles, it will be too much of a pain to get it to work. PC players heavily rely on addons, and while you can ofc play without, gl. I wouldn’t want to end up with console players cross-play, because they won’t have boss mods or gtfo at all.

It is not possible to play on xbox, i have almost 40 keybinds, how can you do that with controller?

Just because you can’t, doesn’t mean others can’t. Lots of people are already playing with a controller.

I hear you and this is another big roadblock the fact that players are so reliant on add-ons. But I think it would be a nice experience without them.

Not in the current state of the game. The default UI is horrible and makes you look in all the corners just to track your buffs, debuffs, cooldowns, while looking at the middle of your screen for what the mobs are doing and casting, while looking to the left top for your health bar, and left side for your party.

The base UI needs a massive overhaul to be usable by default, and I wouldn’t even call that usable myself, because I still wouldn’t be able to track most stuff without WAs because the blizzard UI simply doesn’t properly show you anything.

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Retail + controller works fine without ConsolePort, or any other controller-specific addon.

It is. See the OP’s video. Or many of the other WoW+controller videos on youtube, including high-ranked arenas, or high M+ keys, in all kinds of roles.

(FWIW, I healed +20s with a controller. It works fine, and noone can tell whether I’m playing kb+mouse or controller. There is zero difference in performance.)

I can very easily bind that many on any half-decent controller. You just use some of the buttons as if they were a kind of modifier, so you have ABXY, LT+ABXY, RT+ABXY, LT+RT+ABXY, for 16 binds right there. You can also set things up so that less frequently used abilities need a sequence of buttons, so, for example an invis potion would be LT A X or something along those lines.

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L1/l2/r1 shift/ctrl/alt
abxy,rt, dpad,l3,r3,select,start
=14x4 binds
56 total

As someone who levelled with a controller 3-4classes, its not difficult. Pvp, high raids and high m+ probably only possible with something like a dh or bm hunter though