WoW on Xbox

Drainer has been playing high rated arena with a controller, not unlike a number of others, on healers.

As for high m+… define high? Because I can heal +20s just fine as a shaman. I can also comfortably heal +17/+18s (possibly higher too, never tried, don’t care) on priest, druid and paladin too. Back in BfA, I also healed up to +20s on mistweaver, and tanked quite a lot as Brewmaster.

Once you get used to the controller, and have set it up properly, you can literally do anything you can with keyboard + mouse, except typing. But that’s what voice communication is for, anyway.

Very impressive, would you mind sharing the addons/setup and wtf settings you have please?

I know drainer did as holy but I thought that was it. Something like a sub rogue in 3s I think would be very very hard to do.

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I wonder what would be the most inconvenient time for a controller to have the battery run out in PvE or PvP to induce as much rage as possible.

Using a cable to keep the controller charged is cheating.

Risk it for the biscuit!


How about NO!

Probably the same moment that would be most inconvenient time for a wireless keyboard or mouse to have batteries run out. Using a cable to keep the keyboard and mouse charged is cheating.

Yeah I will when next at my PC, I should make a guide video really to help people who want to try this way of gameplay.

Add-ons are ConsolePort, immersion and dynamic cam. My main tip is to macro every ability with /targetenemy [noharm][dead] so you press the button and attack the mob Infront of you so you don’t have to manually target.

WoW combat works fine on XBox. What doesn’t work is chat. This is a big problem, and it’s not particularly well solved with voice in its current state. They would need to make proximity based voice chat and I think perhaps just as importantly they need optional voice changing so you can sound plausibly like your character, otherwise immersion will definitely break.

If they can sort that out WoW will be great on console, not to mention a lot better for everybody else, too.

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I personally think any game is best played on a pc. But if a console could be matched why not. It opens up possibilities. Let the people on console join our world

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They would have to redesign a lot of specs to fit all the necessary binds on console though, Demon Hunters would work on console pretty well since they have so many nested functionality in a few abilities and a lot of passives

Wrong. You can fit all the binds you’ll ever want on any reasonable controller already. Just see this thread for a few examples of how.

I can see how you could use the back triggers as modifier keys and such but what about classes like Mages and Hunters in arena that need several setups of Arena1,2,3 keys for stuff like polymorph, ros etc? I just don’t see how it would realistically work on so few keys


No one’s saying your gunna pick up a controller and win the RWF then the AWC. But my experience playing on controller for a few months now is that you can make it work as good as MNK for the content you are doing.

I did the Gaurdian druid Mage Tower on controller and some couldn’t even do it on MNK.

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I couldn’t manage on a controller but that’s not to say others can’t, indeed they have done.

Some other games are specifically integrated to work on a controller and they generally need a lot less actions than WoW does. My tiny brain can’t cope with WoW on a controller but it would be interesting to see how it would change the game to put to make it like other games on the console market.

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Same way, really. With a keyboard, you press 40 different keys. With a controller, you press 40 different chords. The difference is little. Controller might require you to press multiple buttons at the same time or in sequence, but neither your hands nor fingers need to move as much as on a keyboard to reach those 40 binds.

Yeah i’m just saying, if you have 3 of the 4 available trigger buttons on a controller reserved for modifier keys like Shift/CTRL/Alt, you are left with 9 keys that can have binds on them being up,down,left,right, and abxy + the remaining trigger

That is not a lot of keys.

So you bind stuff to LT+ABXY, etc.

or just plug a keyboard and mouse into your xbox? I am sure that there is or will be compatible versions for XBox.

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I’m sure some do play consoles with keyboards these days :slight_smile:

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I really don’t agree. Feral is total pain on controller. Mage isn’t a big problem though. There are a few specs with too many binds for controller, but they also have too many binds period. Feral is quite frankly just over the top because too much can be used in any form.