WoW on Xbox

Huh? Feral? That’s my main DPS spec it’s super simple on controller. DH is really fun with triple jump, Hunter is probably all about macros for pet attack etc. Honest I recommend anyone try it out…breath of fresh air.

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You kidding me?

Feral even on a keyboard is ridiculous. In order to play feral fully you need at minimum binds for:

  • Cyclone
  • Roots
  • Regrowth - I macro’d rebirth and revive into it for convenience
  • Bash
  • Dash
  • Stampede
  • Survival Instincts
  • Moonfire
  • Barkskin
  • Bear
  • Cat
  • Travel
  • Caster (and don’t tell me “just press the same button twice” beacuse it’s confusing)
  • Hibernate
  • Dispel
  • Thorns
  • “Affinity” as I like to call it - i.e. roar/vortex/etc
  • Tiger’s Fury
  • Wild Charge
  • Covenant 1
  • Covenant 2
  • Prowl
  • Frenzy
  • Trinket 1
  • Trinket 2
  • Racial

Every single one of these spells, bar perhaps Cyclone and Hibernate depending on how much crazy tapping you want to do, should be available in every form. That’s 26 buttons.
The “worst case scenario” for form specific binds is of course Cat Form, wherein you need

  • Brutal Slash/Swipe
  • Shred
  • Bite
  • Maim
  • Skull Bash
  • Rake
  • Rip
  • Thrash
  • Feral Frenzy
  • Berserk/Incarnation

Now we’re at 36.

And then of course a few items:

  • Health Potion and Healthstone (can be macro’d using an addon)
  • DPS potion
  • Anything else you might want to bind to not make it too big of a pain

Let’s keep it low at 38.

and we haven’t even gotten to form specific stuff yet or focus macros or arena1/2/3.

On a controller we’ve got 8 face buttons plus 4 shoulder buttons and 2 buttons by tapping the joystick directly. Not counting Start/Select as we will need one of those to open the menu/stop casts and one of them to open various character panels.
Then we need one for targeting and one for focus.

That’s 12 buttons, woefully short.
We can take a trigger out to use as a modifier. This brings us to 22. We’re still 26 buttons short.
Let’s add a second modifier. Now we’ve got 10 buttons and 2 modifiers. We can combo them, too, giving us a total of 4 states - 40 binds. Then maybe a Hearthstone and special action button (for quests and such)

So there we are. Now it’s playable; but it’s awful and we didn’t even look at focus target.

We did not use tapping the sticks. My experience with this is really not that positive, but we’re probably going to need them to press various dials etc. and select a new target and focus anyway. More than likely that will be done with A, and B, leaving us finally with 2 binds there idk.

Feral PvP on a controller? FORGET it.

Meanwhile Havoc:
No forms, so no need to consider that aspect.

  • Blade Dance
  • Chaos Nova
  • Chaos Strike
  • Darkness
  • Demon’s Bite
  • Eye Beam
  • Fel Rush
  • Vengeful Retreat
  • Blur
  • Consume Magic
  • Disrupt
  • Immolation Aura
  • Imprison
  • Metamorphosis
  • Spectral Sight
  • Throw Glaive
  • Torment (but why would you ever bind it… maybe to get a pet off your healer)
  • Racial
  • Trinket 1
  • Trinket 2
  • Health pot
  • Damage pot
  • Covenant 1
  • Covenant 2

Let’s take the worst case talents:

  • Felblade
  • Fel Eruption

Worst case PvP talents? Why not.

  • Reverse Magic
  • Rain from Above
  1. That’s the same as what ferals need for all the things usable in Cat Form that aren’t specific to it, nevermind what Cat Form does x’D

But we still need 2 modifiers. But at least here we’ve got some binds left over for some of the things I left out of the feral example like friggin’ jumping lmao


Really good post I can’t read it all atm but you can do little tricks like use passive trinkets etc…what’s you’re regrowth/Res macro tho mine didn’t work??

I’ve never been remotely interested in using a console style controller for gaming…

Last time I played console games was N64 Zelda & having to stop combat to reassign abilities was a total @r$e; I’m in absolutely NO hurry to revisit those days.

For those that prefer controllers… why do you even game on a machine that is designed around a keyboard & mouse?

Some games genuinely do work better with controllers.

The N64 controller was an abomination. It’s nothing like the the XBox controller and what came after it.

/cast [dead,combat,help] Rebirth; [dead,help,spec:4] Revitalize; [dead,help] Revive
/console autounshift 0
/cast Regrowth
/console autounshift 1

If your target is dead, an ally, and you’re in combat, it rezzes them with CR. If you are not in combat and Resto it uses Revitalize, which iirc is their special version of Revive, and otherwise it uses revive if the target is dead and an ally. If none of those conditions are met it casts Regrowth, either on your target if it is friendly and not dead, or on yourself if it is an enemy or there is no target at all, making sure in the meantime that you won’t auto-unshift in case your buff has been purged.


Nice work, trying it out.

What is preventing you from doing that right now?

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PC not being in the same room as the big screen, while console is right under it.

While it’s entity possible to port it to console I think it’s a bad idea.

You’d have to separate the player base; FF14 does use controllers well, true, but it’s cooldowns are much longer; however its probably got about the same amount of actions.

I think WoW’s just too long in the tooth. Overwatch and Diablo 4 are more likely to be seen on console, they also have much newer development processes.

I don’t think MSFT is going to micromanage Blizzard in the way that Activision-Blizzard has been accuses of. HR is another matter.

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So there is nothing actually preventing you from doing that. You’re just too lazy to connect a few cables.

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The only console i own these days is a switch for when i am not at home for a while. So if it goes to consoles i do hope it comes to all consoles so i also can play WoW on the go. I doubt this will happen, so the best i can hope for is that the pc version doesnt get pruned into oblivion for the sake of crossplay

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The problem with Nintendo hand helds is they tend to run on much older hardware. Would it drain that battery too much, being very CPU intensive. I suppose they could lower the graphics but would that be acceptable.

I really feel sorry for the minds that acquiesce to this abomination

idk i am not that technical, but even if i am not at home i do tend to have acces to an electrical socket so the battery going empthy really quickly wouldnt be much of an issue. It already does that anyway. But idk if graphics of WoW would need to be lowered to be functional for the switch. Games like dragons dogma already look better on there than WoW does on the pc. WoW is not exactly a very high demanding game since its so old by now.

Like i said before, i doubt this will happen but a portable WoW would be pretty awesome. I don’t own a laptop anymore to play wow or pc games when i am not at home.

Like 40+m of cables. Nope, not gonna. Mind you, I have a very comfy sofa in my work room, and a controller. So no problem there. Screen’s not so big, though, but I can live with that.

Haha, I would love to hear some Gnome or Vulpera voice filters! (Good idea btw.) :smiley:

How are your controller keys bound? How does selecting party members and enemies work? How does placing objects like Stun Totem or Efflorescence work?

there is a keyboard peripheral that attaches to the bottom jack of the x box controller. Controller use however isn’t the issue far as I can tell, the issue lies in technical and other factors. As it stands I don’t think the hardware of any console on the market right now would be able to run WoW as cleanly and to it’s full functionality as a PC.

If only it were that simple. What do you do if suddenly you’ve got James Earl Jones who really wants to play Pandaren female? You’ve got a huge pitch problem, yes, but you also got an intonation problem and an accent problem and it’s got to sound a lot more breathy, and there’s a retroflex overtone on the whole thing typical of Mandarin’s er, shi, ri, zhi, etc.

This is a very hard problem that can probably only be solved with sophisticated AI, but it’s doable.

There’s a company out there who has the tech, but there’s an additional hurdle, which is of course needing permission from the voice actors of the game. Either that or they generate different voices that are “easier” to achieve for each player and completely unique, but this hardly makes the problem simpler.

:popcorn: Don’t mind me. Just here before people say that console is just as powerful as a PC.

Not sure about PlayStation, but Xbox is quite similar to Windows/PC. The WoW engine is also very flexible - it runs well on all kinds of hardware. I’m sure Microsoft could lend some of their Xbox optimization engineers to Blizzard for a year to get WoW running very nicely on that console.

I bet Riot’s MMO will run on PC and consoles. If WoW remains PC only, it will turn into a niche product. However, if Microsoft helps Blizzard make WoW work nicely on Xbox, and if they make WoW accessible via GamePass, they would get a huge wave of new players.

I think the main challenge of making WoW good on Xbox is the UX/UI though. Blizz would need to prune a lot of abilities to reduce the number of required keybinds, and they would need to design raids and M+ in such a way that addons aren’t required anymore.