WoW Players Have an Unhealthy Addiction to SPEED!

I’m just gonna come out and say it… WoW players have an unhealthy addiction to SPEED!

Everything has gotta be done FAST, and If your not going fast then you must be doing it WRONG!

Leveling - Gotta go fast… Dungeons - Gotta go fast… New content patch - “Gotta go fast”… With this “Gotta go fast” mentality, sometimes I wonder, I am playing an RPG right?! This ain’t Sonic Hedgehog where a level has to be cleared in under 10 minuets or you’ve gotta start over.

Players will role a new character, level up by zerging dungeons as that’s usually pretty fast. Upon reaching level cap players will then zerg heroics, or what ever the latest “catch-up” is, to get geared up fast. Once geared you can now do the main activity, mythic+, which is zerging dungeons are pushing keys, for the sake of going fast… I don’t know about you, but that just sounds like burn-out to me.

Mythic+ key pushing mentality has warped the mindset of the average player, to a point where if you are not racing through regular content with a rocket up your backside then your not a “good” player.

A new content patch or expansion releases, and seemingly the race is on to get it done… But why? You do realise the average life cycle of an expansion is 18 months, maybe 2 years, that’s plenty of time to experience the game on several characters at a chill pace, so whats the hurry? Why do players want to blitz through content, only to then complain that there isn’t enough to do in-game?

Also, I think WoW content creators perpetuate the “gotta go fast” sense of urgency - How to level-up fast, how to get geared fast, how to max professions fast, how to unlock content fast, how to farm bronze in the new MoP remix fast. Very rarely is there just a guide on “How to do X”, but rather “How to do X fast and efficient”.

Players are turning the game into work and then rushing it like a chore that they don’t want to do.

I think players are missing the point, there are two games you can play, a finite game or an infinite game - A finite game has a conclusion, a definitive out come, win or loose. Chess for example is a finite game, the very objective of the game is to bring about its end, resulting in a winner and a looser. World of Warcraft the other hand is an infinite game, the objective isn’t to win or loos… the objective is to keep playing.


Personally, i can see both sides…
For someone like me leveling up a alt for the 100th time, yeh…i want to get 70 fast as poss as its the end game (mythics/raid) were you actually see how good you class/spec is
But on the other hand, i was doing TW dungeons last night on a alt and there was a DH tank in the group. Trying to keep up with them is a joke, i just ran through most of the dungeon, didnt bother trying to do damage as they’d hop to the next pull and lose aggro on the last pack of mobs
I do see your point though and agree to an extant.
I played lich king classic between season 2 and 3 and the change of pace was refreshing but then tried to do a alt and just burnt out. Not to mention how toxic classic is lol

It’s one of those things where some players do not care for the easy content, and want to speed ahead and get to the challenging content.

It’s not really something Blizzard can inherently fix without messing around with scaling and gearing in my opinion, which is just causing an even worse issue.

you know why?
ill tel you with an example.
imagine your watching a video on youtube and every 10 minutes there is commercials going in the screen in the middle of your video.
each one of these are 5 to 10 or 15 seconds.
you dont want to see that 5 to 15 seconds and your saying to yourself go on end faster fast i want to watch the rest of my video…

so leveling. and the other contents that you said are the same. most of people enjoy them only for a little while and few rounds and then after that they dont enjoy it they just want to pass these and get to the rewards.
like trying to end leveling as fast as possible so they can get to the max level and then they want to end the dungeon and raid or arenas faster to get to the rewards.
and thats a dark problem in wow. almost no one plays the game for the joy and fun and Adventures of the game itself anymore.

Maybe it’s because nobody really has any spare time any more. I believe the majority of vanilla players fall into the 30s age bracket now. We aren’t kids with just school to get through.

The modern day is pressured to be all about squeezing every second into being productive and even then it doesn’t really pay the bills. You have to work and not just your 9-5 but overtime and then somehow expected to gym, cook, clean, side hustle and also find time to be social, date, have a family. Now there are people immune to this pressure (Hi!) but it seems most aren’t and even if you are just working, you don’t get a lot of time to yourself.

So going slow in a game when you have maybe 1-2 hours to play it everyday, compared to coming home from school and just chilling all evening, isn’t ideal.


It’s always a pleasure to meet a fan.

I have absolutely no idea why I’m being brought up in this conversation.

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You could’ve stopped right there.

Most people don’t play for fun anymore anyway, far too often the word “need” get used intead of “want” and people don’t even know the difference anymore.


Sorry Puny, but you continue to forget rule #5

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I forget!!

Continuing the discussion from How To Get To The Shadowland :skull_and_crossbones::

I still have it bookmarked :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Sorry but I don’t think he was talking about you.


Dude , Just buy max level upgrade or buy powerleveling. It would be more worth for to save time, and for to save Money if evaluate your time in Money.

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My mistake!

This is not a wow thing specifically, mythic plus did not start it as people were in a rush to finish dungeons always. I don’t see a difference from the usual. Just enjoy the game if you can. (:

ahahaha damn it was rule #4!

Anyway now you know how to name your next toon in retail or remix. So she can be blamed too.

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It’s an bad attitude circle for hungry dopamine people. If you don’t enjoy wow anymore , Just stop to find an purpose, like to Flex “gt2g plebs” your progress in mythic raid /speedrunning new espansion

It’s always the awesome forum elf’s fault

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As for the actual topic itself:-

I think the run through dungeons fast mentality existed long before M+ tbh. Once people had seen the storylines several times they tried to find alternative ways to level. Running dungeons was often a good way to get xp, mostly for completion and the odd quest along the way also helped.

People have also been conditioned to grind by Blizzard, from early on it was mob grinds for rep (often only receiving one rep per kill), to later on various grinds for AP etc. Most of the grind locations in Remix were the ones that were used back in the day when Mists was the current expansion.

However it’s also the aim of Remix to make us strong, providing you are prepared to invest the currency in upgrading your gear. So people naturally want to rush through the content that has become super trivial to them. This does irritate me because I’d rather move as a group through a dungeon for example. Even if I can technically solo everything.

Elitism must be stopped, It an toxic behavior. At this point i’m feel envy for FF Online community for this thing, they are all chill for to complete the contents (when you don’t complain about the game itself)

I’m a little anxious about TWW with how the game has been going. I’ve heard a little about some aerial combat coming and mechanics in dungeons where you have to mount up and fly around an airship.

When I heard of Dragon Riding a few years ago I had similar concerns. Thankfully the only real issue I had was with the tutorial (ironically enough) as it was mostly optional to use dragon riding.
But as this is now embedded in the game I fear it’s going to be less and less optional.

As someone who’s been playing FF for longer, no, they’re far from perfect, but they’re lovely in their own way. Just gotta see the good in things. In said MMO there are people saying that the community is horrible yet most try to see it in a positive light, so why not do it in wow?