WoW Players Have an Unhealthy Addiction to SPEED!

REALLY? jesus… i learned to land with no issue in nokhud offensive 6 months ago. I try to use my reg mount as often is possible to avoid the lack of maneuverability (i dunno if it spelld in the right way - but i dont think) of DF mounts.

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A character boost is like £50 (off the top of my head) i could buy a new game for the price of a character boost lol

If people used that logic for all ingame purchases then we wouldn’t have all these issues nowadays

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I’ve only done it as a Follower Dungeon and the Followers showed me where the auto-flightmasters are in there and they just fly you to the right place. I’d be lost in a second if I had to do it myself.


Your example was rubbish. Youtube video ads deliberately interrupt your video. A Better example for you to use would have been if Blizzard suddenly dropped a 15 second unskippable video for CallOf Duty halfway through a mythic raid.

Then lets make it EVEN quicker for you and just give you everything the game has to offer in end content soon as you hit max level. Then you can sit back and watch your youtube videos.`

But you know another entity to blame for the “gogogogo I CANT WASTE ANOTHER SECOND I’LL NEVER GET IT BACK!!”?

Blizzard. Because they are the ones who design content that can be skipped, and in an even greater irony, insist on putting quests AND the story in dungeons when people like you have no interest whatsoever in seeing the story, the only thing you care about,

is “da lewtz”

You are also mistakenly believing that everyone wants the same thing you do.

After typing that, did you give yourself a sore arm patting yourself on the back?

Its also “Except” for future reference.

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i just like to talk about you thats all
sometimes i just tease you so you can answer me and i can talk to but honestly
the only thing that i didnt like about you is fake hypes for everything. but in total i think your a nice person

its one of the reasons i don’t raid anymore only run solo dungeons i want to have fun in this game, now if you follow the main stream raiding, mythic+, even heroic’s it got to go at lightspeed and by God don’t make a mistake, so this is like going to to an everyday job!!! no thx that’s not what i want from a game period.
but if that’s your thing go for it.


Leveling at max level Will take you 5 days , if you have an job. Do your counts

I guess the cause of this could be that since before it was all about the experience. Leveling and learning your class etc etc. Then with time, it became about the endgame so you wanted to get there asap. And that became the do everything as fast as possible.

Speedruns have become extremely popular with recent years.

M0, now with ZERO timers and they still rush out like the clock is ticking assuming far more risk than what was truly necessary.

The amount of time i have left M)'s the past few days is funny. All were with rushing tanks that pull way more than we could handle. Then people die. THen i leave. Ive got better things to do than waste my time with people who are brainless. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PULL ALL THREE PACKS…there is NO CLOCK NOW…they still dotn get it.

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I hate the dungeon rush with a passion.
The whole point of having tank, dps and healer is so each carries out a specific role in an instance, but not since mythics became a thing.
Tanks will speed run from start to finish, ignoring any calls to slow down or pause and if you don’t keep up your left behind or kicked.
Rolling your own tank doesn’t even solve the issue, because others expect it aswell now. If you slow down as a tank, dps will just run ahead and pull themselves and complain you’re too slow.
I can’t even see the point in putting effort in to designing dungeons anymore. For what it’s worth you may as well queue, spawn in a room with a boss, kill it, spawn in to the next room and kill another, then leave and queue again. It sucks


As if life itself was not enough of a race, one also enters the game to relax, and here it is the same race. Usually I only play some heroic to see what the bosses and the dungeon itself look like. Or learn about the history of a given place. And that’s it.

I agree also the pugging in raids for like demanding you have the curve before i left that was a must but with my new guild i’m already at heroic phase and we’re a new guild so it’s quite nice.

HAHA so do young drivers n bikers. Everyone wants things to go faster :slight_smile:

Seen so many puggin disasters its natural for them not to want ppl who will wipe the raid due to lack of knowledge. There needs to be more “Learning Raids” plenty of experienced ppl jump in to these.

Time is money, friend.

But what about making an npc raid like with the followers where you can earn the curve?

Dont think that would happen, you could do it face down on the floor with 19 NPC’s doing the work.

I’m sure they could figure out of a way to do it. Besides you can also get boosted in raids to get the curve so?

Blizzard really need to get the whole speed thing sorted out. They created this problem and now it’s making instances a generally unpleasant experience.
Pandaria remix highlights this problem more than ever. Tanks are so overpowered, that they only queue with others for the daily reward. Once inside, the other may as well not exist.
They just run ahead, leaving the rest behind and in many cases locking them out of boss fights. They ignore any requests to slow down or stop, then just disappear once they’re done.
Seriously what’s the point of even having roles in a dungeon any more? In most cases the tanks are doing more DPS than the DPS and in some classes they can heal.
They’re completely self sufficient