WoW Players Have an Unhealthy Addiction to SPEED!

Some role are too OP and Need to be nerfed and some Need an boost.
War Need an Total rework for sure , people prefer to pick an war than rogue.

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Long before M+. First time was around Catacylsm. Dungeon finder dungeon difficulty had been nerfed hard after people had complained about not being able to finish dungeons with random people.

Cata was the perfect storm for the “gotta go fast” mentality:
PvE heirlooms introduced at the end of Wrath ensured that players were now much more powerful than they’d be if they had to rely on dungeon drops or quest rewards.

At the same time, the world revamp felt a lot more like funnelling you towards an endgame, rather than putting the focus on exploration and atmosphere. This notion had already existed within the community, but the revamp definitely felt like Blizzard validated the “only the endgame counts” mentality. Also, at least in my opinion, the revamped world had much less replayability value due to the railroading effect of consecutive quest hubs.

On the dungeon end of things, Cata had replaced a lot of the bigger dungeons like Maraudon or BRD with much shorter versions for the sake of the dungeon finder tool. Dungeons were broken down into 3-boss-parts, and rewarded finishing the dungeon with a large chunk of bonus experience. Then, after complaints that dungeons were too hard to finish with a PUG, Blizzard nerfed dungeons so hard that a heirloom’d character could essentially solo the dungeon.

So, heirlooms meant that players no longer really needed drops from the dungeon for power. Nerfed difficulty meant that you no longer needed to work as a team. Every group member could just do whatever and the dungeon would still be a success. Bonus experience meant that the focus was more on getting the large chunk at the end rather than the little experience you got for killing the mobs. So if you do not need the drops and you get more experience/time from finishing the dungeon than running it properly, people would just choose to bypass as much of the dungeon as they possibly could and went straight for the last boss to get back into the queue for the next dungeon.

The “addiction to speed” has nothing to do with M+ or its timer. It has everything to do with Blizzard rewarding speedrunning content over doing content completely.

As a side effect, you could really see player ability plummet after the dungeon finder was introduced. Now that there was no more difficulty in running a dungeon, a degenerate gameplay where you could just ignore mechanics, never interrupt or even pull 5 additional groups into the boss without repercussion was being promoted. I blame most of today’s issue with people not able to function in an M+ environment on dungeons being made far too easy, and the brick wall of M+ or even raiding hitting them in the face as a result. But that is an entirely different topic I feel.

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What about Elitism douche douche …douche mentality? No curve no party ? Kick this Casul out of here! Failment isn’t an option , also to lose more 10min for to complete an raid/Mythic isn’t an option!

“But… how i can Gear myself, and how i make practice? :smiling_face_with_tear:” -

Proplayer: " Puf… simple… Find an guild that can carry you as burden.
No country for Burdens"

“In an land of curve ancient lords…
Git gud scrub!”


Dungeons for me have lost there fun from earlier levels. I hit 70 now everyone just runs to the boss kills and just keeps running. Usually some buffed/geared up players who cut through the bosses before half the team even get there…

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This whole problem stems from, when challenge dungeons were introduced during MOP. From them mythic dungeons were born.
imho, I think although mythics have added another level of endgame and content for those that like to push themselves and enjoy a challenge, they have also had a huge negative effect on the game.
They’ve created this entire speedrun mentality and an aura of pure selfishness and elitism in dungeons. They completley obliterated the social aspect of groups, where ppl would communicate and work together to complete the task ahead.
For many ppl follower dungeons are an escape and a means to step away from a part of the game that has become an unpleasant experience.

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‘‘Pro player’’ this is where you’re wrong. These people are terrible at the game more often than not and compensate with it by inviting those who are better.

Gearscore was literally a thing in Wrath. You couldn’t even get groups for heroic dungeons if you weren’t the right type of tank or DPS to efficiently AOE pull trash in TBC. People have found enough ways to be toxic long before M+.

How can the problem stem from MoP’s challenge dungeons when it has literally been a problem in Cataclysm already? Why are people so keen to blame everything on challenging content rather than go for the obvious solution? Easy content has ruined dungeon runs. Automatically being put into a group with random anonymous strangers you will never meet again has ruined the social aspect.


Well Azeroth ain’t gonna save itself ya know!


Honestly yeah. When Remix was new and we were still struggling, working together through heroic scenarios was genuinely so fun.

Go go go go go go

Got go fast! Got go fast! :hedgehog:


and even with toxicity, wow is king, Weird

MMO turn people into toxic, It seems, look Final Fantasy online, Silk Road, Metin 2… " "They stole me more than 50.000 yang and i worked hard to get them! "

More like people show their true colours

so being toxic is normal, as i said

What you, and most people complaining here about speedrunning seems not to understand is that there is next to no time consideration in this ‘‘speerunning mentality’’. People do not take 2-3-4-8 packs together in order to save 3min of their precious time. It’s about being effective with the CD of your group and provide an environment where all DPS can thrive in their role by doing Big Damage.

The role of a tank is NOT to stay alive. It’s to pace the dungeon in the most efficient way possible, setting up a big pull roughly every 2-3 min to make profit of everyone having their DPS, tanking and Healing CD, and provide as many CC’s possible to smooth the run so DPS can concentrate more on their rotation, while generating enough damage (especially at pull) to keep aggro.

Healers are there to make sure every mistake do not result in a wype and to provide support in CC’s, and affix management (cause they were to JUST heal, they would not play and just AFK 80%+ of the dungeon lenght).

Both can also provide bonus damage to improve the success of the dungeon.

DPS Have ONE BIG job, be as efficient possible with their CD and placement. Furthermore, like the healer, they’re supposed to assist on CC’s.

A DPS not using it’s CD properly slows the group and risk it’s heal to struggle as the fight is taking longer. A tank going too slow and pulling little packs will frustrate DPS’s as it get’s in the way of doing their job, a Tank Overpulling without CC’ing properly will make it’s healer be overwhelmed by unnecessary damages.

The sweatspot is when your Tank plays around CD’s properly or when Everybody is aligning himself to commonly known efficient routes (which is the common solution in PUG content). What you call ‘‘speedrunning’’ is mostly people applying those common routes. But the fact is that you or others in the group are not aligned with those routes either by lack of knowledge or by laziness/straight rebellion against learning them.

The game evolved. Tanks are not anymore just keeping aggro. Heals are not just healing. DPS do not just DPS. You can be the slow tank that pulls only 2 mobs, but if you are, don’t expect DPS to appreciate your job as you’re doing less than 5% of it.

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From all the comments, I think the issues here lie with people pugging. The game has and always will be the most fun with friends. I simply do not enjoy group content unless I am playing with friends :dracthyr_shrug:


Those are Just exscuse for to justify your Spin-Dashing mentality. You make become the game an schedule second work , with the same attitude: "i cannot carry noobs , low DPS " because for you all the solution It s : “Find an guild” … Where’s the social part, meet new people during contents? You can only socialize around guild bond?

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I have no Friends :smiling_face_with_tear:

There’s not justification there.

There is no satisfaction as DPS to do 30-40% of your potential DPS cause your tank is pulling 2 mobs at a time.

There is no satisfaction as healer if your only job is to walk behind the group, watching 5 health bar staying full without any help, playing with you thumbs while doing so.

Everybody having a glimpse of what it is to be efficient in a dungeon will at best shut up and frustrate behind it’s screen, insulting the slow paced tank in private, at worst try to impose it by pulling themself.

Majority of people being 30+ players is completly false. Also there has been plenty of 30y+ players back in vannila. Reason why people rush trough content is becouse they can rush trough content. If you could pull half of dungeons back in vannila players would do it but you couldnt becouse you would die on second pack of mobs. Game is simply too easy.