WoW Players Have an Unhealthy Addiction to SPEED!

The role of the tank is to guide the party through the dungeon and keep them alive, by knowing their capabilities and adjusting your pulls and speed to accomodate that factor.
Each group is different. some healers manage their mana consumption differently, some dps might not be so well geared and will take spike damage.
You shouldn’t assume everyone is the same and steamroll everything without consideration for the other players in that instance with you.
They are there to enjoy the game and get gear, not play keep up with tanky


Absolutely not.

I play alts. I raid heroic raids…

And most importantly, im adaptable…

If I go to a low key level with my alt. And the tank decides to go slow/fast… I just play with it and have fun with what is given to me. Why? Because those are the levels in which the expectations are variable.

It is possible to steamroll the key. And its possible to time the key doing 1 pull at a time. I don’t care. Its the tanks job to do that.

And most importantly, im not there to prove anything. Just to have a chill dungeon run.

However, when im with my main pushing 14+ and above, then I have certain expectations on the pace of the key because the objective is to time it. And with out big pulls and “gogogo” mentality its not possible to time it.

And I like to push hard with my main. Otherwise I would not do it. :slight_smile: And on the flip side. I dont like this “lets wipe 300 times on a single boss” mentality of Mythic Raiders. So I dont raid mythic. Simple as that.

But you don’t see me telling Raiders to change the difficulty, or the concept of mythic raiding right?

Not everybody play alts.

So? I have only 2 toons. Would not consider myself an “alt guy”…

But what is your point? That you play a main in key levels < 10+ ?

This still applies :

You are in a dungeon with 4 other people. With different expectations and interests.

So you either “go with the flow” and just have fun. Or you dont.

Its only in high key levels where its necessary to consider a certain way of doing things because mechanically its required.

Wait what? You can buy boosts with gold? :thinking:

you can buy boosts from players to level you up quickly, its like 120k gold i think

Way before then it was last patch wotlk when cross realm dungeon finder came in and dungeons were super easy in ICC gear bought from vendor’s.

The reason people want fast, is because Blizzard is keeping the FOMO carrot dangling in front of us. If we don’t do A fast, we’re going to lose out on B.

You have to remember some people have only 1-3 hours a day at most to play, those that want to do some rated content, whether that be PvP, M+ or Raiding… has to put in the time.

Add to that events like Remix, then these people have to seriously juggle their time to get at least everything out of it, meaning they will likely want to do things fast in Remix. Personally I go fast because then I can sit back and enjoy things at a leisurely pace, without having to go 10x faster later on if I ‘slack’ or end up having real life things to deal with.

You can’t rely on Blizzard adding catch-up mechanisms in every game mode, just imagine you’re waiting for last 2 weeks of Remix for the ‘expected’ catch-up mechanisms, and Blizzard doesn’t introduce any? Then you have a lot of grinding in short time to get through with, if you want to get everything out of it.

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I made a similar topic not long ago, its the fact that WoW feels like a job with chores that everyone want to get rid of and just enjoy being AFK in a major city.


The main source of the problem is that dungeons are way too easy which enables this type of gameplay. Outside of specific pulls in dungeons having CC mobs in them the rest are not dangerous enough to pull together with proper play.

People also so easily forget that you are in a dungeon with 4 others, and thus have to adapt to the needs of the group. Not doing so will cause friction between players.

The social aspect of the game was a sacrifice made on the altar of convenience. It is the drawbacks you get from cross server grouping and queue-able content. There is no social pressure to behave like an actual human being when there are no repercussions. In the early era of the game you had your server communities there, and being a known douchebag locked you out of instanced content.

It is why people always recommend others to join guilds and communities. Proper ones have thriving communities in them, you can look for one that fits your style of play, and they govern their own players so bad behaviour is weeded out from their ranks.

Outside of that they can try to make dungeons harder, but that comes at the cost of exclusion. Something for something.

FF14 did it by making you scale up or down and unlearn abilities in a dungeon you enter, and even there tanks pull everything from boss room to boss room by default.

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So let’s add difficult to not make able to play the game for Casul people. The advice to get an guild for the completations of pve contents it’s an failment for an MMO and it’s social part. And don’t forget that also inside of an guild you Need to beg for an place in the group raid, since there’s the main team of guilds. We are in an soccer game or what?

I know, right? “Gamers” nowadays have NO CHILL, and I’m saying this unironically. Doesn’t matter which game you play, most people play like they have adhd

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I agree with you, and as a main tank this is even more apparent/damaging.
If I don’t rush dungeons for example people starts to complain…even non timed content.

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Is classic era too difficult for ‘‘casual’’ players? I don’t think it is. Yet it’s just more difficult in normal dungeons than currently and people actually aren’t pulling the entire map because they cannot

WoW players are like British Audi Drivers…got to do it quick and do it by the time yesterday roles around.

haha from personal experience it is palis, always palis. particularly those that q as dps.
it goes like this;

  1. tank goes to start pull
  2. pali runs on this stupid elephant(gosh i hate that elephant)
  3. aggro tagging first hit on everything in sight
  4. unload every possible cd they have
  5. proceed to drop to 10-30% hp
  6. run around like a chicken without a head
  7. tank try their best to regain control of this situation
  8. pali runs the opposite direction of tank across aoe dmg and trash mob cleaves
  9. either tank dies getting hit from the aoe/kicking/pulling agro/healz being overwhelmed or tank says screw this and lets pali die
  10. if tank dies proceed to wipe
  11. if pali dies, aggro goes to next dps
  12. next dps calmly crosses the area, stacking with tank as they should while avoiding unnecessary damage and popping defensive/survive cd’s
  13. pull is cleared
  14. res the rascal pali
  15. proceed to next pull
  16. herewegoagain.gif

on a side note, dh’s are a close second basically same mo but with flying around.
why are they like this

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