They already stole M+ after all. The next target should be map design and how to make the world feel alive, through meaningful rewards, a mastery system, relevant max level events and proper gold making from event farming.
You can’t travel through a single GW2 map without meeting another player. The opposite is true in WoW, because there’s quite simply nothing to do there.
Sounds like bias to me.
How did they steal M+?
‘Heart Quests’ are basically World Quests.
Do you think they should steal horizontal progression; that would be ‘popular.’
WoW has so much content you can’t expect every zone to be used and populated. With the squish they’ve sidelined any thing pre-BfA.
Wouldn’t mind if they took some inspiration from GW2 mounts (movements, animations and such) and world events! Armor dyes would be nice too but that’ll never happen so I won’t even suggest it.
Also for any fans of the GW2 ui
Havn’t tried myself yet but it looks great.
I actually like the open world system in gw2. I havent played it alot, just recently started, but i do like it and how «alive» it seems. I always get lost in there on my way to stuff cause there’s always some random event or boss or hero point that distracts me
It’s not, try it for yourself, the game is free except for expansions.
There are countless reasons to do old content, especially on alts: hero points to unlock abilities, map exploration (which can reward Black Lion keys & transmutation charges), money-making world events, personal story, jumping puzzles, masteries and collection events.
Most activities reward some decent gold and crafting components that can be sold. Any activity also contributes to your Mastery bar.
Every map has players, always.
They took Fractals and slapped a new name on it.
WoW needs to steal the player / guild housing from SWtOR first.
Wildstar was quite good. It was a bit like choosing your garrison building but you have actual options, mostly fun! Along with the usual building blocks.
I’d rather not invest more times in mmos than i already do tbh.
Still even if i heard some pretty good things about GW2’s open world that’s still a pretty big claim you’re making right there. What about the open world content that’s no longer relevant in GW2 ? Fairly sure the game has its own ghost cities because that’s just the nature of the beast : New, shiny new content will always be more attractive.
More open world content would be appreciated tho
Fairly sure D3 did it first tho
Sadly, never had the pleasure of trying the game out.
But that’s my point. There’s none of that. Even though every single player will not be revisiting old maps 24/7, you will ALWAYS find at least a bunch of players on each map because even low level zones have relevant activities tied to them.
Hell, 100% map completion rewards you with a Legendary component to craft your Legendary weapon.
And as I said: Hero points unlock talents and abilities in GW2, and you get them by doing world content everywhere.
Some people also farm World bosses and “Champions” to make gold, which is even more reasons to come across people.
GW2 probably has the most alive open world of any MMO. It helps that lots of gold making activities involve open world as well.
I havent actually played long enough to know what is new and shiny in gw2 and what is not. I’m still leveling in the low level zones, but no matter when i play during the day or night there’s always ppl around. And not just low level people. If i die there’s always someone that comes to ress me. Or help me kill something. Events always have ppl showing up. World bosses aswell. It just seems like there’s always ppl around.
If every game you played was exactly the same you’d be n-times more bored, where n is the number of exactly the same version of a game you choose to play.
Play games for their unique iteration of any given feature or simply quit the games that don’t allow you the freedom to play said features the way you like to - that’s part of the reason I tried and quit, TWICE, Rift… too much like WoW, to me.
but true tbh.
that is because all zones are relevant and rewarding. that is not the case in WoW.
Also, they handle their sharding better. once a map becomes empty, the remaining players are shifted to a new map. in wow it almost feels like every person has their own unique shard.
I think that’s the issue in general with WoW. We get new, sometimes temporary, systems but in the end it’s the same old tread mill.
I would offer that any attempt to emulate systems from other games within WoW is unlikely to have been promoted from with the ranks of the upper echelons of Blizzard’s hierarchy, but more likely from Activision’s (Board level) intervention.
But because WoW is the game it’s happened in, Blizz are the ones ‘left holding the baby’ if the community doesn’t embrace such decisions wholeheartedly.
what does it mean?
Horizontal progression is something that happens on max level. For example in GW2 it is mastery system: you gain mastery xp and collect mastery points, and every mastery level (if you have enough points as well) you can learn some skill, ability or benefit . These are permanent account wide benefits that make the system very rewarding and fun.
Imagine newer raids not dropping higher ilevel!!!
Fractals was 1st introduced in GW2 then Blizzard took it and made M+
About the hearts in GW2 and WQ in WoW i think what he meant was everything else that is not these two makes the open world in GW2 feel alive.
I agree that GW2’s open world is way better than WoW’s. The exploration,events,world bosses, jumping puzzles vistas and all sorts of stuff.Everything about open world is well made. This specific aspec of the game is leagues away from WoW’s
The same can’t be said about the instanced content unfortunately.The lack of holy trinity is not to my liking.Even though they tried to add it later on.