WoW SoD - Unstable and Massive FPS drops while raiding

Greetings everyone,

The past couple of weeks I am getting huge fps drops and stuttering especialy when raiding Blackwing Lair. I usualy get 200+ fps in town and 120+ while doing dungeons or small raids. But while in Blackwing Lair my fps drops to 30 during encounters and the game is constantly stuttering making it unbearableto play. I tried disabling addons, closing every program apart from discord, updating windows and gpu drivers, tweaking graphic in game settings, tweaking nvidia graphic settings, setting everything to default, even upgraded my CPU. I saw some improvement but nothing seems to really work out.

My PC specifications:
Windows 10
Motherboard: Asus ROG STRIX B550-E
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700x3d
RAM: 2x16GB DDR4 3600 MHz
GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070
Storage: Samsung SSD 980 PRO

I would love some constructive feedback on how to solve this mystery. If you need more information feel free to ask and I will update this post.

Thank you.


I have the same issue ;/

got i7-14700k & rtx 4080 and have around 200 fps in the raid in the beginning… but as soon as we start hitting the first mob when everyone is using spells… it ticks from like 200 to 130 and then back to 200 again… very fast. Very annoying!

Lags more if its even more mobs… but idk
Tried disabling addons and removed the Fojjicore completely and only used dbm… thought I solved it, but still have this issue.

You can also feel it in alterac valley in the start… small freeze ticks every few seconds.

Is that what u have?


Same issue here. Tried many different graphics settings to no avail. For me, it seems that only in the start of BWL, Razorfore up until the suppression room, my fps will have weird spikes.

I have capped fps in my nvidia driver to 143. This works perfectly in all other settings, open world and raids. Except in BWL. I’ve already ruled out addons, i can visually observe my fps suddenly drop to around 100 and increasing to 250, every 2 seconds or so. This fps bouncing causes stuttery gameplay, a bit like rubber banding. No idea how to solve yet. Going to try to remove the nvidia cap next raid and aolely relying on wow fps cap, although that didnt work too wel in the past.

For reference, using an AMD 5600x with a 3070ti with the latest drivers.


Update: i have removed the nvidia cap and am now only relying on the wow min/max settings. Have turned down a couple of (seemingly insignificant) graphical settings, anti aliasing and ambient occlusion, confirmed resample and triple buffering were disabled, and this seemed to improve the situation a little. No more weird fps jumps from 100 to 250 but still feel a bit of stuttering. Like jumps from 110-136. Fps is rock stable after Firemaw, around 140 (cap).

Wish there was a better fix though or at least some investigation in the cause.

Same problem for me, i explained here Season of discovery fps issues in BWL

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