Wow the grandpa of mmos

Lately I have been getting ready for season 2 and trying to look forward to a patch that I am just not feeling, and while I was sat farming Houlon, it dawned on me that WoW is like your grandpa still trying to appeal to the “youth” but totally just not getting it. That’s not to say I hate WoW or anything; like most grandparents, you still love them, but they’re trying to be something they’re just not.

Wow, it has lost its “epic” feeling of us vs. them, alliance vs. horde. the epic iconic weapons like Shadowmourne, Warglaive of Azzinoth, and of course, Thunderfury, and lastly, the artefact weapons of the legon. People still farm them to this day, and yet Blizzard shows them no respect or reverence. When I think of World of Warcraft, I think of Frostmourne and Arthas, Jaina, and Thrall, but lately Warcraft just feels old, iconic characters act like there all buddy buddy rather than people who have been fighting all there lives, wheres the masculinity the battle scard vetrans? Everyone just acts like they have just come from a therapy session, rather than war for years.

There’s no fight anymore, no passion, and everyone’s so lovey-dovey, no iconic weapons, just the same old tired storytelling that’s too scared of offending anyone to take any risks.


I thought Everquest was the grandpa. Or was it Ultima Online?

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  • Meridian 59 - 1996

  • Tibia - 1997

  • Ultima Online - 1997

  • Lineage 1 - 1998 (although not running in NA anymore)

  • Everquest - 1999


You can always take a break and come back later. No one force you to stay around.

Kinda what my case was.
I took a break about half an year ago, came back about week ago and i’m loving it so much again.
Although for me WoW is a way to relax. I’m not interested in hardcore raiding or m+.

You have a point tho here.

And by the way, in Azj-Kahet, in the City of Threads, there is LITERALLY a place where spiders are taking LITERAL therapy sessions.
It’s absolutely pathetic.

Like i don’t know how about you guys, but when it comes to Nerubians, i imagine ancient race, experienced warriors, a race filled with wisdom.

I don’t know the exact name of the building in City of Threads, but we do a short quest line in there. You talk to this therapist (a Nerubian therapist) who’s helping these mentally unstable other Nerubians.
And this therapist is talking to them like they’re 8 years old kids.
One of those quests were catching up one of those Nerubians who ran away few times, because it was scared…

Like what the hell?

Absolutely pathetic story telling.

So ye, i’m with you on this.
Although again, if you feel like you lost ur passion for playing, just take a break and come back later.

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There’s plenty of ‘fight’. Factually.

Like most similar posts, this one too is full of hyperbole.

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I don’t think taking a break will cut it; it’s not a me issue; it’s more how the game plays. This is what I mean by old, as in outdated and worn out.

Take FOTM; wow encourages you to roll FOTM classes. But it doesn’t give you any chance to get attached to said character, plus God help you if you want to collect anything. Wow punishes you by locking off content you might want to revisit or collect transmog. Wow gives you no way of collecting event items you may have missed. Not a big deal for some, but for others it can make or break your attachment to your character.

The balance swing is so bad that by the time you get used to your new FOTM toon, they hit you with the nerf bat, and you’re back to square one. Rinse and repeat, but whereas you had “distractions,” now the focus is squarely on FOTM characters as M+ is their main focus.

People like me who want to take their time and enjoy the content in a more relaxed way are punished, as anything semi-attractive to me is now locked and unattainable, and so I and people like me get frustrated as we’re not 100% logged in all the time.

So I seek enjoyment in the story and thats so “weak” that npcs just become a laughing stock and are just tools to progress a narative that dosnt appal to me.

Take anduin wrynn and compare him to his father, one was a leader the other is a paper fireguard, hes made out to be this “hero” but hes about as heroic as a tolet brush

Oh Tah you wound me sir, its not ALL hyperbole.

No, it’s not. I didn’t say that though. :wink:
And don’t take my reply personal: There’s just too many of these types of threads recently and more often than not, incredibly unrealistic comparisons are drawn (you didn’t do that, to be fair) and hyperbole is used way too much. That just annoys me.

I don’t know, I don’t think it’s good to cling to the old and never let it go. It won’t evolve that way. Sure, the new story isn’t perfect but you have to take a risk and potentially fail to create those legends from 20 years ago you’re so fond of. This “3 expansion plan” seems very ambitious for the current blizzard and I do respect them trying, even if often it just doesn’t hit the mark.

This new arc has potential, although I’m currently not interested in Xal’atath or Alleria at all and they’re meant to be the main characters.(based on the base patch content, not the timegated additions)

I really liked Fyrakk because he was just comically evil and sometimes you just need characters like him. That being said if Fyralath isn’t a homage to Shadowmourne then what is?

Guess the game is not for you then.

Maybe, does not force you to tho. You can play w/e you want.

See, this is where you’re wrong.
Again, no one is forcing you to do anything.

I play Prot Warr since TBC, and i have NEVER in my life played any so called “meta” classes, just because they’re currently strong.
If that’s how you people play the game, no wonder you feel like you have no connection to the actual game.

You can play anything you want and still play 99% of content of the game.

Again, wrong.

I’m myself as these “hardcore” or “meta abusers” people with no life would call “weekend” player, or “casual” player.
And i’m loving in the game and enjoying it.
While many people do not understand how to play MMORPG, when TTW started, i was just chilling, enjoying atmosphere, reading lore, exploring zones, exploring my character, and literally taking every bit of a TTW.
So don’t come around pretending you cannot enjoy the game, you 100% can!

See, you say you are lore enjoyer, yet you struggle to know even some basics about lore like Anduin is.
He has always been a soft, kind soul.

Try to freakin imagine yourself in his skin, before you judge!

Young man, barely knowing anything about being king, but forced into the role, because his beloved father king suddenly died!
Not only he had to immediately take role of a king of the entire nation, but it was also during a time a freaking Burning Legion returned to destroy Azeroth!!!
Do you understand how much pressure that creates??!! No, of course not!
On top of that Jaina was all edgy on Horde because they betrayed Alliance on Broken Shore.
Then he was captured and tortuned and manipulated by Death itself, left him scarred deeply.
Man has barely any time to reflect on his life, his decitions, his leadership, because he’s a king!
He’s left damaged, scarred, yet he’s fighting, he’s trying, and slowly finding his path again.

For someone who’s “seeking” lore as you say, you lack any understanding of it, quite a lot.


There’s masculine character just no toxic masculinity. You don’t need characters to be mindless violent brutes


But thats where your wrong mate, I do understand I just dont agree.

Take Anduin, all though pandaria hes “finding himself” then as you rightly say the Burning Legion attack, Anduin is shown to be the total opposite of what Varian is after the same sort of life both have there struggles both have tough upbringings Varian was a leader anduin would be blown over by a stong gust of wind.

Sure you can play, you just wont get a invite to anything. plus when M+ is now the focus of wow good luck getting into keys or raids, I guess thats why ppl are stuck in 40 min queues.

Ok, let me just play remix…Oh wait I cant… Mage tower then oh wait the good stuff is locked…pandaria challange sets…no there locked… cant go back and earn them. plus meny more items that are locked.

sigh… welcome to “the message” man are no longer men there all like anduin

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I do not think that there was ever any ‘toxic masculinity’ present in the setting. That’s just a phrase used to try and shun certain tropes that are actually pretty popular.

Which characters do you believe are ‘toxic masculinity’ in action?

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Same life, except Anduin is like what? 20 years old? And Varian in WoW is like 35-40 years old?
At 20 you barely know yourself, that goes up to about 25 years of age (for men), sometimes even older. How can you expect a BOY to know how to rule? I really would love to see you in his skin. Lordareon would be in ruins in a month.

They are NOT going through the same, because we did NOT saw Varian in his youth. We see him as a adult, already experienced, already wise, already old enough to know himself, and his role of a king and father aswell.

So stop lying and saying they went through same. They did not. Anduin is just starting.

Not only that, but from history, we know Varian suffered a lot aswell when he saw his father dying.
And been scarred for a long time aswell.
Which is only natural when you lose your beloved father.

Varian is his youth was just as shy and unknowing, as his son Anduin.

But unlike him, Varian did not had to immediately sit on the throne and lead the war againts freaking Burning Legion and their leaders who have conquered thousands of worlds!!!
Unlike him, Varian did not had to fight Death itself pretty much right after!!! He was not captured by Death, tortuned and literally controled by it!!!

Despite all that, Anduin took the role of a king as best as he could, and helped in winning the war againts Burning Legion! He fought the Horde in BfA and there we can see him standing firm, dedicated and quite strong againts the Horde. I still in my mind have his look on his face in the cinematic in Lordareon when he told Sylvanas (surrender or die), serious, cold look. He was becoming a great leader and a man, at his young age.
Then unfortunately he went through unimaginable, unthinkable and for a time he could not bear what he did when he was under the control of Death itself.
But he’s trying, he’s back, he’s slowly coming back. And under my suspiction, i think he’s going to “upgrade” to this new Holy power that Arathi are using.

You truly are missing a lot.
For someone who’s trying to argue about lore, that’s quite bad mate.

That’s interesting, how come i get (can’t say always, but usually) invited? Despite the meta? Hmm, something is not right in what you’re trying to say here. I smell lies.

Well i have to agree with you on that.
I would like to get the Mage Tower stuff or the challenges aswell.
It is indeed a pity we cannot.
However if you stop for a second be so self centered and selfish, you realize that’s the magic of this game… Part of it…
If we never have anything, that’s obdainable only for a period of time and never again in a future, we never will have anything truly unique and valuable.
So although i agree with you it’s a pity we cannot get it anymore, i am glad we have this sort of design, because it creates something truly valuable. Something only few people can be proud of.

I think it’s important to remember that a lot of the epic, larger than life character and moment that most of us often are reminiscent of, are more than 20 years old in the making.

Like Arthas and Frostmourne… Jeez that’s like what, 25-26 years old? Ever since Legion ended, a threat just as old, we run out of old lore stuff. Bfa,SL and DF were all a bit lost in that regard.

Now I’m hoping that with this current trilogy they’ll bring some of that epicism back.

But I do agree that there’s so much lovey dovey going on…

I miss moment like Garrosh 1v1 Varian in Dalarn during WotLK. It wasn’t open war or anything, but there was tension.

And that’s what I find is missing right now. Tension. And I make a point from decoupling faction war from it. It seems that whatever lore/story problem we have now, just gets solved straight away in the end of quest or next patch. We need some of that long standing, over arching tension building.

It’s a bit like Marvel and the infinity war saga. It all build up organically and made sense. And everything since, has just fallen flat on its face.

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I think your main problem is that you have grown older and expect your games to be “harder” (I don’t mean mechanics), while WoW has realised it’s PEGI12 and should present its content that way, while in the past, they payed less attention to that.

We Do know a lot about his early life and his struggles tho. I cant link but check out him on the wiki and you will see that his life was I would argue was just as hard as Anduin, I admit thats a subjective pov.

Wile I agree his life isn’t over and theres more to come from him, what we CAN see are is actions. From my view he asnt risen to the challange of his life more so hes spent his time crying and hes so self deprecating that you have no faith in him, he dosnt give off a “leaders” pressence

So this dosnt matter?

Varian Wrynn was the King of Stormwind and High King of the Grand Alliance. During the First War, when Varian was a young boy, his father, King Llane, was murdered, and Stormwind was sacked by the Orcish Horde. His guardian and regent Anduin Lothar gathered the survivors and sailed to Lordaeron, where the Alliance of Lordaeron was formed. The Alliance defeated the Horde in the Second War, and Stormwind was reclaimed, though at the cost of Lothar’s life. Varian was crowned King of Stormwind and stood by King Terenas of Lordaeron as the Alliance began to fracture but soon faced many internal problems. He was to blame for failing to reach a settlement between the Stonemasons who rebuilt Stormwind and the House of Nobles, which led to a riot in which his wife, Queen Tiffin, was killed. While on a diplomatic mission to Theramore, Varian was abducted by the Defias Brotherhood, formerly the Stonemasons, and went missing.

He had managed to escape from the Defias but was suffering from memory loss and soon after enslaved by the Horde and became a gladiator in the Crimson Ring, teamed with Broll Bearmantle and Valeera Sanguinar. The trio won the Crimson Ring tournament in Dire Maul, for which Varian was given the Taur-ahe moniker “Lo’Gosh”—meaning “Ghost Wolf.”. After escaping his slavers, Varian discovered he was the missing King of Stormwind and his advisor Lady Katrana Prestor was revealed to be the black dragonflight broodmother Onyxia in disguise, who had manipulated the Defias and Nobles dispute, was behind Varian’s kidnapping, and created a duplicate of him using dark magic. With the help of his comrades, he was able to recover his true identity and finally defeat Onyxia.

My point is when you compare the two charators, one is well rounded and shows whats needed to be a leader of a alliance where Anduin as spent 99% of his time away from stormwind and “finding himself”

Your a tank.

That’s your entire problem. Which has nothing to do with Anduins character. You have a clear bias againts Anduin while having one for Varian. That has more to do with you, not the game. Because you lack to see actual reality that is happening in there.

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Mind the hyperbole please. :kissing_heart:

It’s fine to like one character more than another, of course.

But the thing is: Even if Anduin and Varian had gone through the exact same experiences; they still wouldn’t come out of that the same. Because they are different people.

I personally think its refreshing to have a leader who isn’t perfect and always strong and fearless. Because that’s just boring, imo.

I like strong male characters and Anduins just isnt hes a professional victim, the way its been shown time and time again, when you stack him upto jaina or thrall who ARE leaders.

I will agree that most of this is subjective but at somepoint I just wish they would return his man hood and put him in a battle with the orcs make him a real leader.

hehe you seen the “missing posters” of Anduin right? hehe

It’s been that way for 4 years (in lore time: timeskip after Shadowlands + DF timespan) or so. That’s hardly 99%.