WoW Token in TBC (China for the moment)


Not true, most of the people are still poor. An indirect indication of this is that most of the low level stuff is pretty much vendor price. I played a WotLK pserver recently - it’s incomparable. Takes a month for economy there to inflate 10 times more than over a year of Classic. Mageroyal swings to 1g/ea, to give an example.

My point is, Classic economy is not as screwed as people tend to claim.

First of all, you are entitled to have your opinion and I am fine with it. The reasons you explain to support that opinion are pretty bad though. Let me explain where and why:

Pretty much agree on that, the economy is not as bad as you say but I digress, however the fact that there are problems already in the game is not a good reason to bring more problems on top of them. The existence of GDKP’s, mage boosts and such are the main reason for people to buy gold, which is against the TOS. The fact that it is against the TOS is what prevents many other players from buying gold. If they add a way to buy gold that is not against the TOS then many of those people will buy gold too, on top of the ones who were buying gold before. Have in mind that the WoW token has not purged retail from gold selles anyway, they are still everywhere so, in the end, what we have is much much more of the same: much more inflation, many more GDKP’s and many more mage boosts. You solved nothing and made the current problem much much worse.

I had not though about that to be honest. One more reason to reject the level boost: it encourages people to buy gold, which is against the TOS.

As I said before, the token will not stop the gold sellers so, in fact, it would make it even worse for those people. If you want to play for free there is a WoW token in retail, where farming gold is much much easier. They can grind the token there for two or three days a month and come back to classic where not every raid is GDKP and the economy is not so much out of control, because despite it having gold sellers, at least we don’t have the WoW token on top of them.

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As are you mate, I enjoy a good chat with people with different ideas and opinions to me, I’m always open to having my mind changed.

I agree, but the problem is that Blizzard have previously said sellers are the target not buyers, people I know who were once fearful of their account being banned now routinely buy gold.

My brothers guild talk about gold buying in guild chat, plenty of jokes are made about some members and what they call the “credit card boss” I was in a mage boost last week where the booster was literally talking about how the price of gold rising was good for him and the day before yesterday a mage, aiming to paste his boost macro into /World, instead sent his bank details.

As Blizzard seem to not care about gold buying those of us that don’t engage in RMT are those that are going to struggle. I have 12k on my main server. I thoroughly expect Primal Might to be 2,500g and for Primal Mooncloth to be 1,500g. Those that buy gold will have their gear quicker than me and therefore likely get the raid spots, and I’ll be on the bench.

If Blizzard aren’t going to fix botting and gold selling they should provide those of us that are cash rich and time poor an opportunity to safely trade gold for game time.

Ok, so if I understand correctly you admit that gold selling/buying is detrimental to the game, but you would buy it anyway if you could buy it from Blizzard because everyone around you would do so. In other words, you would feel forced to buy the damn token. See where I’m going?

Now, with that in mind, what do you think many of us who don’t want the damn token in the game would do would it be introduced? Quit. So all you get is more people around you buying the token and making you feel forced to buy it too and less people around you to do proper content and raid progression without that kind of crap.

But the gold is already there, Mages running Mara at 50g a run, 6,000g each per day, without a fresh server the only way for people who want to compete at a high standard is to have large gold reserves, if you can’t farm them you now almost have to buy it. I wish it wasn’t that way it is, but it is, I love TBC and I want to be pushing content early and so if the token was introduced I’d probably buy a few.

The problem is even worse for mages and perhaps warriors, many mages are disgustingly rich in game as the meta shifts from 6 mages in a raid to 1 the competition for that spot will be mental and that will push up the prices of crafted and drops that they can use to obscene levels, DPS warriors will be coming down from an average of about 10 per raid to an average of about 1, their gear will also be silly money.

Unless there’s a way that nobody has thought of to remove all this illegitimate gold (that’s likely been laundered through GDKP) without banning the players that currently have it, I see no other way to compete on progressive servers.

US forums also include all of South America, you know? :slight_smile:
This is why I also used £ and not Euro.

Because it depends on how you value your time.
If it takes you 2 hours to get the currency to purchase the gold vs 20 hours for example to earn that amount of gold, you could be getting 10x the amount of gold for your time.

This is why the WoW token shouldn’t be inside of classic / TBC.

The gold you buy are off other players, not actual Blizzard.
So the inflation would remain the same as it would normally.

Yup, most mages in my guild have 30k+ gold.

I hope they don’t add the token for a simple reason that I will probably not be able to resist buying it. Already the only thing that is stopping me is I have some vestiges of fear for my account, simply because I don’t have it in me to go through the torture of leveling in Classic once again, and losing my Winterspring Frostsaber would very likely make me quit for ever. It took me literally 8 months of all my free time outside raids to farm that.
So yeah, allowing an official channel for purchasing gold would open a floodgate of customers who are just barely being held bask by the de iure illegality of it.

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Literally no-one mentioned Asmongold, then you just had to.


Whether you or your closest environment buys gold or not is not the point. You paint it as if most players were buying gold, when in fact it is a minoriity right now. I have made a search for PUG raids on my server (very very overpopulated): less than 40% of the raids are GDKP overall, being AQ40 the one with a bigger number of GDKP runs, around 55% of them. Have in mind that most of the guilds have already cleared everything in a normal way at least one month ago (i.e. no gold buying), so some of them have started to host GDKP raids to milk some gold for the TBC and many others have stopped raiding completely because the motivation is not there with Kel’Thuzad already down. If you wonder why is it, the reason is that most of us play to kill the bosses, so gear is only a tool to achieve the goal. Once every raid boss is down with no more tiers in the game we feel there is not much more to do. For the people buying gold and stuff, however, their goal is to get as many purple pixels for their character as possible. I said it before, those are two very different mindsets.

The WoW token would shift the community towards the last kind of player. It is not that it would bring more people. If anything you would replace a group of people for another. If you want classic to become a game where most of the players are divided between the boosters and their customers then you are welcome, I know for sure I will not play such game. And if you believe that the best possible version of a MMORPG is one where everyone is pretty much forced to buy their way in order to get some kind of progress then you are welcome too, but classic was not launched with that kind of idea in mind.

Edit: Oh, I forgot. If it were in my hands, I would deliver a permaban to everyone who has bought gold and a six months ban to everyone who have accepted gold from those gold buyers knowing that they had bought it and decided to accept it instead of report it. Would Blizzard do such thing? I don’t know. If something happens and they feel that they need to make some kind of PR move to better their reputation in some way they might. It is a company after all. None of us mean anything to them.

No, I am not saying that everyone buys gold, I do however think its a sizeable part of the community and with 40-55% of PuG raids on your server being GDKP that should give you a reasonable idea. GDKP is the fuelled by RMT.

Blizzard seem unwilling to deal with it, as I’ve said a player posted his bank details into world, still playing today.

In your opinion.

You say that Classic was not launched with these ideas in mind, but you forget we are already here, we’re about to go into TBC with players owning 10’s of thousands of gold.

That gold is here, its ruining things for those of us that aren’t flashing credit cards or helping people launder it in GDKP runs.

You’re talking about banning people for 6 months if they’re holding rmt gold, that’s basically anyone thats been to a GDKP run or sold an epic on the AH.

The money is in the economy, there’s no fresh, give me a way to even the playing field.

Somebody my realm does 7-8 GDKP runs a week.
He takes home roughly 30-40k a week.
He’s likely selling that gold tbh xD.
What else is he going to do with hundreds of thousands of gold.

We just have so much inflation in classic, it’s unreal :slight_smile:

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I hope they never implement it in the west. If they do it will be a consequence of player behaviour in Classic (RMT gold acquisition direct and indirect). Those players will be responsible.

They won’t care though, they just have another place to buy gold from and now the RMT traders and Token seller compete on price, its likely to drive down the cost of what they’re buying.

Yeah true. They have screwed Classic turning it into mostly a pay to win “boost me plz i got money / gold” game and will now just do the same in TBCC and whatever come after that.

That’s why we need the token. To compete. It sucks but there’s no other way.

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