WoW Token in TBC (China for the moment)

The boost is something I really don’t care much about since it doesn’t directly affect the TBC content! However, the wow token would make the game extremely p2w! Since raid drops are not bound to character and can be sold to other players for gold the Token just doesn’t belong in TBC.

Gold is more important and a currency that matters way more than retail. If they introduce it, a massive amount of people will be truly upset. You can buy gold in retail but again, it’s not a currency that you can directly but endgame gear with. In retail it would be like Blizzard is selling endgame raid gear/ pvp gear. I just can’t see this happen here. It would totally ruin the experience and directly affect endgame.

I’d personally like to see something added to stop GDKP/P2W for items but honestly outside of bringing in Retails looting system and completely removing any raid item trade it will always be an issue sadly.

Tokens absolutely won’t help that but it’s already an issue that players simply run GDKP runs for everything and just buy gear because they spend the rest of the time making money.

I stated my opnion on boost that tis not a P2W mt, but wow token is a really gray area.

In Shadowlands gold is not that important as it was back in vanilla and TBC, so I can pass having a wow token in current wow since it doesnt impact anything too much since u earn so much gold from dailies etc u can easily get gold for raid consumables. On TBC and Classic on the other way, gold is more important nad has bigger impact on gameplay (enchants are more expensive, crafting, consumables etc) and having a WoW Token in those i would consider a p2w.

So even if I am a pro-boost person i am strongly against wow tokens in Classic / TBC.

Mate, you said literally said its good for blizzard and it helps players so it doesn’t matter, you said that

Now you’re saying you don’t think so, just that its realistic?

I think you’ve focused so much on trying to call me out for being toxic you’ve lost your original direction and begun going in circles, you literally wrote more about me than tokens,
Claiming I completely disregard others opinions, I’ve already told you I have agreed with some of the stuff you have said, and when I haven’t agreed I’ve explained my views
I’m going to leave it there because your goals have switched from tokens to me, and the slightest counter argument is met with a paragraph of accusations

Nothing is wrong with GDKP.
You can literally earn hundreds/low thousands of gold daily by simply AoE farming as a mage.

The tokens being good for Blizzard is absolutely true because financially they will benefit greatly from it and the players who do engage in buying tokens do recieve help for a multitude of reasons like paying for boosts or BOE gear etc etc.

Your going to Leave it there because you realized you’re toxic and instead of actually attempting to re-engage on the topic in discussion you threw some half thought out reply and decided im going in circles when infact I’ve been extremely clear from the beginning but you failed to understand that somehow.

The reasons my replies regarding your toxicity is so long is because my points regarding tokens are simple and don’t require multiple paragraphs where as your deflection and acts of toxicity require a more clearly written response as apparantly my previous ones manage to slip past you despite also being clear so I am just spelling it out for you in it’s entirety in the hopes you realize you’re toxic and Hopefully attempt to change in the future.


I understand AOE farming as a mage is good money don’t get me wrong but forcing people to play a class they don’t want to just to make gold is rather silly don’t you think?

I play WoW to enjoy myself and have fun with my guildies doing dungeons/raids not spending hours upon hours farming gold after spending days leveling another 60 character specifically to be used in farming.

I appreciate GDKP isn’t bad it just doesn’t sit right with me that people can essentially P2W just by simply farming gold because that takes away the entire point of raiding to me personally.

But you aren’t paying to win though.
You’re earning that gold.
My guild basically just disbanded and now my plan is to join these GDKP runs, so I get to effectively get the gold off these people now lol.

This is how it’s like in classic/TBC :man_shrugging:
It’ll just change to paladin for the AoE farm instead.

I think it’s just one of those things where I am in a guild that’s clearing all raids every week with multiple groups running so I have luxury of not needing GDKP runs so I can absolutely appreciate that other’s might actually need to use GDKP in the case of being guildless but this will likely be one of those things where I am stubborn because I have and always will believe raiding is about having fun and playing with guildies not making it a simple transaction.

I’ve explained this multiple times on this thread and other threads, its the same reason they added the boosts, its secures more sustainable annual profit, so of course its good for blizzard.

Players who engage in buying tokens would devalue all of the hard work that legit players have put into farming, just because it helps them out paying for some gear?

A lot of people who attend the GDKP runs are mostly players that are coming for either the gold or have plenty of gold to spare.
Otherwise, they’d just join a SR run.

It devalues it in our eyes but to the players who actually engage in buying tokens only to buy boosts they simply see it as a transaction much like GDKP runs.

Dropping real money for upgrades has become so common that your average player doesn’t care about how we see it because as far as they are concerned they are getting the items they want.

It’s a shame but the average game player is getting more and more lazy and are only interested in instant gratification rather than actually earning it.

To be honest I don’t want to farm on a mage for gold so I might end up healing GDKP runs just for easy gold at this rate lol.

I’ve slacked hard in Classic because TBC was my actual excitement so I have a few things to catch up on like epic mounts and what not.

But what about the players that save for boosts and gdkps through grinding, because they’re players that do

Personally I dont value anyone’s character if they boosted through dungeons by paying gold or got geared solely through GDKP runs.

I dont expect anyone to share that opinion but to me you earn your items and your levels so I’m not for boosting or tokens but I do accept it will happen A LOT either way.

It will only be p2w if they add token lol. I rather have GDKP that I can chose to skip than retails personal loot system.

And I dont know why u add p2w since there is no legit way of buying gold. Gold can easily be farmed in game. I have made a huge effort this week by selling lots of gathered mats and have collecter around 400 gold by selling on AH. I would not concider it p2w if I bid on something in a raid for hard earned gold. Add token to this and it definately gets p2w.

And gold bid was a thing back in 2007 as well… It’s nothing new.

I am sorry I don’t have the time to read the whole thread, so maybe what I am about to say has already been said.

I found this:

Where we can see where the confusion lies. You use the term “inclusive” as if it is something good, but the problem is that it is not always good. Classic was launched with one idea in mind: have again a version of the game with a monthly fee to play and nothing else, and that defined target audience of the game. That is in fact the main reason I play classic. When you begin to add microtransactions to make it more “inclusive” you open the doors to a different kind of player.

You can say now, well, more people, better, right? No. The problem is that those audiences are very different and don’t blend well together for the most part. While the original audience tends to be patient and set long term goals that usually require a lot of preparation, grinding and teamwork to achieve, the second one tends to prefer to get those achievements ASAP with no preparation, grinding or teamwork required. Those are two very different ways of playing, and please understand that I am not saying that one is better than the other, to each their own, all I am saying is that they are just different and incompatible in many ways, so slowly opening the doors to the second type of audience will slowy close those doors of the first one. The thing is that there is a WoW version already for the second kind of player, which is Shadowlands, and I see no point converting classic into a sort of clone of shadowlands in terms of target audience but with older content.

Granted, Blizzard will decide in the end what they want to do with the game, that’s their call, but as they open those doors more and more to that different audience then more and more of us who asked for classic for years will be leaving the game once more, for good this time, because that is our call. As I said, if they want to have both versions of the game targeted to the same type of audience that’s their call. I think it would be pointless but seeing how things are shaping out that seems to be the path they intend to follow. The level 58 boost was the first hit. I will not care anymore if there is another one and will quit silently as I and many many others did at different points with the first iteration of the game. If such thing makes more money for Blizzard I don’t know, but we will have lost classic again, and this time we will not come back to Blizzard in order to rescue it, and for good reasons.

Anything that happens in the chinese version of WoW isn’t an argument for what can or could happen in the version we play.

I’d fully support the introduction of a wow token.
Bot’s, GDKP and Mage boosters have destroyed the economy beyond recognition. Many people are sitting on mountains of gold going into the new expansion and they’ll put the cost of items out of reach for legitimate players.

I also feel pretty confident that they will introduce it soon, think about the boost, they’re level 58, have no gold, no professions and no epic mount. They can’t afford anything in the AH and the economy everyone around them has thousands of gold. Can you imagine a group of people more likely to feel like they need to purchase gold than these guys?

It’s also good in my opinion for the poor, poor people or unemployed people can play the game for free, those that are time poor but cash rich can buy the gold legitimately. It’s already happening illegitimately, let’s regulate it and make it safe for buyer and seller.


We’re on EU forums aren’t we, not US? So you must know a minimum wage can be way lower than that : )

I’d never buy gold because I enjoy this part of the game. Working is tedious and painful, playing the game is fun. Removing the need for gold would be removing the content for me - why would I do this to myself?

But I agree that many don’t think the way I do. If Token was in Classic TBC, the goldbuying would be extreme, the inflation would be huge, and the game experience would suffer.

On a bright side, I really doubt it’d happen outside of China. Blizz aren’t fools, they know it’d be triggering. I think they’ll do one step at a time when it comes to microtransactions, and I think the Token step won’t happen for at least a few years.