WoW Token is pay2win

Yeah they are very protective of their brands.

Tokens haven’t previously existed alongside BiS BoE items.

It’s not a conspiracy, just common sense.


Do people really pay for those ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I had to go to update myself on those …

And wooowowwh… you are not joking. Just opened one of those go-to sites and … wow… Now I need to sip stronger coiffee.

I have never liked the tiger and there has been time they were on AH and I had the coin, but I just … don’t like them.

3000 usd for a mount… what the…

right lets start with what i actually wrote.

BiS items have Existed Prior the TOken System. It isnt a System that was Introduced WITH Tokens… it was never Designed to encourage the purchase of Tokens, its Simply a System that needs Altering NOW that tokens exist.

Going onto Talisens Video, this Entire Thread is actually a Lie on what he said.

What Talisen Said Was

“The BiS items at the top ilevel avlaiable need to be REMOVED FROM THE GAME. as the Positives of the Token Far outweigh any Saddness from their BoEs removal”.

The Video is Advocating for the Removal of BoE items. not the Removal of the Token System.

P.S… WoD… also had Tokens + BoEs… Existing Simultaniously, its Just now with imbalanced Corruption effects its come into play more then ever.

but again, BoEs have Always existed in WOW, and top level guilds have ALWAYS bought them we were just blind to it due to the fact World firsts were never LIVE before, Even talisen says this during the video.

the concept of BoE Hoarding and buying them, racking up debts with the community hand more from these guilds ALWAYS Existed. we just never saw behind the scenes that now we do.

apart from his video Doesnt Agree with what u’ve written at all, hes Said the Removal of Top ilevel BoE items… not the removal of Tokens… He Litterally says Hes a PRO token Player and USES THE TOKEN to pay for his Subscription lol, he is Saying that BoE items Need fixing Now that the token exists… not the removal of the Token.

He doesnt say the Token is damaging for the game either, hes Saying BoEs are.

Have you seen the forum post about the card game and sellers.
Some times and you need nerves of steal to do it takes people 3 relogs of capped chars to hand over gold i myself would be worried sick .
With the cap now being 10 mill per char and 50 chars per realm and account its alot of gold to store.

Here you go hun some prices in here.

I can imagine. And this swings me back to the reason why I have the rooster. I just saw an offer on forums here for a cheap bear, and it had been there for a while. So i felt sorry for the bear and agreed to buy that off from the guy.

And so we meet on my realm. I make no hassle or much of a talk, do what we agreed. Pay as we agreed get my code. And then he says me to wait. And I am like - “something wrong?” Did I pay too little or and literally turned my character round to make sure all is ok from my behalf. And he said that it was so easy to deal business with me. No nonsense and that me being all polite, on point etc - he wants to give me a bonus for being nice, and not scamming him. He just types in the code and tells me to go fetch it.

I didnt think much of it, thought he jests or just hands me over something cheap like that bear. My eyes went huge as the wheels under a wagon, when I saw what came out of that code.

And I asked why ? And he told me story of how last guy scammed him, and some guy before last had tried to scam. So feeling somehow wrong - getting rooster free for just doing what we agreed. I offered I pay part of the rooster. He said - no, being kind and fair has to be rewarded and that he has enough gold and money that he does not need gold. It is his side hobby to trade like this. And he wanted me to have rooster as reminder that I shouldn’t change.

His story and act really got to me. So i try to remain polite, nice and always keep to my word in game. Pixels or not. I do not remember his name or who he was. But if he ever remembers me, know that his deed left its mark on me.


That… is amazing. Some great people out there.

Such a lovely story and i am out of like so :kissing_heart: and i am so jealous of your rooster :hatched_chick:

If you’d read my OP you’ll have seen that I didn’t agree with everything he said. In fact the people who so helpfully informed me that I derive my opinion from YouTubers, apparently, agreed more with him after calling him a shill-shill-terrible-person or w/e.

The question is how you view this:

  1. The BoE’s need fixing now that tokens exist
  2. The token needs fixing now that BoE’s exist.

I’m in camp 2, he’s in camp 1. I think it’s ridiculous that the game’s mechanics have to be influenced by the monetisation method. I want to pay for games and then play a game that was created without consideration for it. That’s just designed to be fun in and of itself.

They can’t make a fun economy while the token exists. And if it isn’t raid BoE’s it’s profession BoE’s, and if it isn’t profession BoE’s it’s vendor items, and if it isn’t vendor items it’s material gathering, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Yeah, this is worse than usual, but it’s not a new mechanic. It’s the same things we already had. The flaw is inherent. Either gold doesn’t matter or the tokens don’t exist. If you have useful gold and tokens at the same time you get P2W - lesser or greater; in this case greater.

And so you took it upon yourself to parrot their garbage on here. Well done.

Fixed that sentence for you by the way, we all know you aren’t interested in an argument and just want everyone to validate you by saying yeah ok tokens should be removed as YOU don’t like them. Soon as I started to read this thread I knew it would be comedy gold and you didn’t disappoint.

And if some idiot wants to spend an obscene amount of money for a slightly shinier bauble in purple letters, good luck to them.

I think buying game time with gold should be an option still .
But if people want more gold there should be better ways to earn it ingame like proffs in TBC i made a small fortune .
Now with so much gold in the system my 500,000 is nothing i cant even afford the vendor mounts i want . I would need atleast 12 million gold .
Sorry for offtopic i think.


i think its ridiculous we value BoEs above the concept that Players Can pay for their subscriptions with time instead of Money… it gives Players a Method to get what they want if they’re not in circumstances to afford it through Real life.

I dont understand how u see this problem as anything else realistically, how does the tokens removal, Stop Players from buying BoEs to win mechanics? it simply doesnt… the money is Already poured into the game and with the removal of Tokens it’ll just stop New players catching up wit hthe old players who’ve already abused it.

Right now the only way to stop the Use of BoEs to Overcome mechanics is the Removal of BoEs.

The token does ALOT of positive things for many players, the ability to purchase their Expansions blizzard games and Ingame Store through their active ability to farm gold. BoEs do very little other then allow players to obtain things from content they’ve not experienced

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BoE’s I dont really have a problem with, its the vast price difference between slightly shinier ones that cause the issues. And as Puny said, corruption has turned out to be a ghastly augment ststem, completely obliterating everyone’s hatred of titanforging and now we have people wailing how much they missed it.

Such is the fickle nature of the WoW community.

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No need to remove them,just cap them to hc lvl

tbh, i prefer corruption to TF/WF, atleast it has Some level of interesting interaction then a Ilevel Score haha… Saying that still sitting on RNG Mechanics Dont make it that interesting either.

I did not “parrot their garbage” here. I used them as a reference and a jumping-off point to start a discussion.

Also, please don’t “fix” my quotes. You’re making it look like I said something which I didn’t. I asked her to stop snidely claiming that I only pluck things out from people I agree with when I agree with them and otherwise call them names. Obviously she feels I do that to her, so she thought she could tar me with that brush against literally anybody else. That allowed me.

If I didn’t want discussion I would’ve created a blog post, alright?

Not particularly off-topic actually. Are you arguing that it would be OK to spend gold for game-time rather than sell gold for game-time? Cause that might be an interesting idea, but it also might cause massive gold deflation, which also wouldn’t be good.

I do prefer it to selling gold though.

Yeah, we do…

I actually don’t like corruption particularly. It has the same problem of items dropping and me going “OH YES! NICE!” until I click on them and have an opposite wind that’s a bad corruption proc or none at all.

But I still like it a lot better than TF/WF. Yeah, it’s got the same problems, but at least it’s got more interesting effects that you can actually feel.

But I’d prefer nothing at all. I just wanna see an exciting item drop. I want to know what items do by name, and I want the community stories to be about items in the world and not the mechanics of how they dropped.


/10 chars

Just remove corruption and dont cap . We dont need tf/wf/corruption .
We used to be able to buy tier gear in AH and it wasnt a problem then but in all honesty the whole game is in a mess and im really sad to say it after playing 15 years either blizzard change or SL or the lastest one planned after is its final breathes and thats coming from somebody is half shill half hater of blzzard.

Exactly that and yes i didnt think of the after effect sorry bad idea need a rethink sorry.