Wow token, Please add it in wotlk

Please add wow token. I and many others are tired of farming nonstop to compete with people who buy gold from gold sellers. I have no chance in a GDKP, due to there being no wow token in the game.

What im trying to say is, i dont have time to farm 8 hours a day, raid 2-3 times a week and still be broke, Get pretty much nothing for it.

This way i can also give blizzard more money.


You don’t need to farm 8hours/day to do your weekly raid content.

The reality is : you don’t like/want to farm


I heard retail is good for logging in and logging off for rest of week


I think blizzard should consider this, It seems they did a really good job with diablo immortal. i have not played Diablo immortal, But according to my friend its rather fun, almost like lost ark.

So this would just be a tiny step in the right direction to make the game more enjoyable.

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I mean…I am pro adding wow token to the game at this point since I believe big % of players buy the gold anyways in the illegal way…

But bringing Diablo Immortal as something good to the discusion breaks ur argument in an instant xD


No! . Disable gold trading for BoP raid items. Or make it forbidden. Hell, even i hate it but i prefer personal loot over this GDKP disgusting raiding.



I almost feel like this is Blizzard’s master plan. Do nothing about bots and gold sellers until the player base begs for the WoW token.

Honestly, dealing with bots and gold sellers is not rocket science.

And anyone buying gold should be stripped of all their gold, gear, mounts and be banned for up to 6 months.

Already the portal pass and paid boosts micro-transactions, in my opinion, ruined the integrity of classic WoW, if you want to kill it then add the token.


I am curious. How does it affect me if people buy gold and use that in GDKP runs?

Just to be clear. I’m not defining RMT or GDKP in any way. I am honestly curious.


Inflated consumable prices for instance due to amount of gold.

Ok but I sell more trading goods than I consume. So that’s a positive for me.

But ok inflation. That’s usually bad in various ways.

Anything else?

(Against just to be 100% clear, I am not defending RMT and GDKP)

Ever heard of the word inflation ? The more gold are added to the server economy (either “illegal” gold bots create or typed gold if we ever get the token) the more gold gets devalued . It’s not just the consumables , it’s the crafting materials , the recipes , the boe items , everything . And at some point the situation can get out of hand . If the prices increase by 50% it means that people who have no interest in paying anything more than the 13euros per month for the subscription , will have to either farm 50% more gold or eventualy buy gold . Or quit . Long story short the game becomes pay to win even if it not designed to be pay to win like the other games OP mentioned .

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who told you they did a good job with diablo immortal ?

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Yes absolutely. I’m not a fan. I will also start fresh because I enjoy that.

See this more of an thought experiment and not a debate about the positives and negatives of RMT/GDKP/inflation.

What I am asking is, how does that affect me?

So far, inflation makes the game easier for me. I get more gold for my mats that I sell. I can use the gold for various things that help me. I am honestly struggling with seeing any truly negative aspects for me with GDKP (I have never joined a GDKP and never will).

If we would talk about boosting on the other hand it affected me greatly when almost no one would run dungeons and be available for quests.

Oh dude … no no no no … there’s a lot of trash talking going on around here but there’s a limit. Not even people here sink so low as to say something as dumb as that.
You can demand the token all you want, but keep it about wow.


terribly sorry but it’s not that you don’t understand it’s that you don’t want to understand . Yes you can make more gold but you also spend more gold . Let’s say you are a herbalist/alchemist . Making more gold with YOUR profession doesn’t mean anything when you have to spend more gold on your gems , your enchants , your non-alchemy related consumes , new craftables that come with every phase in the game , everything .

Most people sell more trading mats than they consume. I know I am.

All those things you mention have very high supply.

Is there any item in very low supply that I can not farm myself that I will not be able to buy?

I remember phase 5 in classic. I farmed 800g between lvl 20-26 by farming spiders. High demand, high supply and high inflation. Had gold for my 100% mount before lvl 30.

From my point of view if there are a lot of very rich players then it opens up great potential for me to sell things to them because they will not farm it themselves.

Confused by what ur saying. Wotlk is far more friendly for raid logging then nowadays WoW.

Borrowed power requires daily log in, u wouldnt get into content trying tonraid log. The reason people quit and went to ffxiv is because the game can no longer raidlog.

Current WoW demands daily log ins or basically dont make it past lfr content these days.

Why the games terrible. Enforcing large content to force people online to do boring chores to make their player engagement look good they were striving to ensure everyone logged on daily, instead we all quit lol

On to the OP:

Dont join a guild run on GDKP then. Or stop joining gold farmers lol,

No wow classic should not have the token lmfao,

  1. gold sellers always sell it cheaper

  2. it will just inflate the market like on live where buying golds meaningless due to stupidly high prices.

Just join a raiding guild who does loot in a normal way, or make a guild to raid content on a non gold farm.

I will never understand the mindset alike you OP.

You want classic to be like live, yet you dont play live, why not just play live if your looking for things such as the WoW token, and leave players who dont want that trash in their game.

Classic gold for real money is not illegal!

Easy to understand.

  • Buying retail tokens for real money is allowed.
  • Buying retail gold by selling tokens is allowed.
  • Trading retail gold for classic gold is allowed, but not supported by Blizzard, so if you get scammed, its your problem.

The only thing that would change if they implemented a token is classic is the support and that there is no need to trade. The outcome would be the same.

I myself am convinced that the introduction of the token was the main reason for todays gdkp and boosting culture thats fueled by RMT and that this was arguably the worst that happened to the game, community wise. Since buying gold is already legal, even buying it illegally is not as looked down upon compared to pre token times.

Implementing the token saved the sub numbers back in the day though. Without it, wow might have been dead by now. Nevertheless, I had hoped for them to not allow currency trade between retail and classic, to at least take the stance that they dont want RMT in classic, but since they allow it and even illegal RMT buyers are rarely punished and if punished, only lightly, its clear as day, that they would prefer to have the token directly in classic, even if they say otherwise right now. They make money with it and they even promote gdkps in classic.
I can see the token in classic coming, but not right now, but right after wotlk ends.

There is no justification for buying gold whether legally or illegally in classic.

Blizzard simply needs to make an effort against bots and gold sellers and severely punish players who buy gold.


Remove GDKP and don’t add WoW Token. Problem solved.