Wow token, Please add it in wotlk

Would the inflation situation once WoW tokens were (hypothetically) added be any better?

Please make this game even more P2W. Why not just add a bonus roll token into the store so people with more money have better chances at getting loot.

His boss at Activision-Blizzard marketing department, probably.

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The main issue with the wow token is that it makes gold less valuable and less fun when you can just swipe your card. It feels less valuable. It wouldn’t affect gameplay in anyway and would probably reduce botting and RMT but I am not convinced it’s worth it. I enjoy being poor and farming some silly mats for hours just so I can afford things I want. With most things people want added to the game it’s usually more something you take away from the game as a result.

Yeah, that ship sorta set sail when they started to sell boosts. The spirit of classic was already gone by then, if power leveling is allowed for real money then why not gold? I mean from a moral point of view…

Sure why not

Inflation in wow, inflation irl. There is no escape :face_exhaling:

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Inflation probably in afterlife too soul tokens

a great idea. i like it.

Apart from the inflation part and the boosting part (gdkp measn you get more gold to spend on boosting more characters)

It also means you get geared faster/better than non cheating players which means they get to parse better, flaunt more epeen around.

They get easier acces than non cheating players, hence why you see so many alars and warglaives around.

This obviously should affect and concern you, and other non cheating players.

(imagine being in a city like dubai, where you got by, by a decent paying legit job, filling in taxes etc like an integer person while you know every sportscar around you belongs to gangsters, human traffickers, drugsdealers etc and the police (blizz) wont care, but you cant join in illegal activities because you have a conscioussness) this is how firemaw looks like.

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I dont - like in not at all - see why GDKP should lead to MORE epic items in-game. The drop rates are the same if you are in a GDKP run or not …

Because there are way way less regular SR or guildruns around. Perhaps if gdkp was not a thing there might have been the same amount of epics going around, but at least it wouldve been obtained in a good way - not a buy gold - buy warglaive way.

GDKP leads to more runs total?
If no, I still don’t get it. if no G, £, $, €, or whatever changed hands, there would still be the same number of epics around. I don’t really see why, what or how to put this question … Ill try. Is my Alar bad because I paid 5000 G to have it once it eventually dropped, while yours is good because you rolled 99 and got it?

Just for the record, I’m against RMT and WoWtoken :wink: and would never dream of paying G for loot.

‘Everyone who is better off than me is an immoral scumbag who doesn’t really deserve it.’

Aaahhh, the age old cooping mechanism of the common man.

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Can anybody please enlighten me.
Why does everybody think that MORE players are having [insert epic item of choice] because of GDKP runs?
As far as I know, GDKP does not affect drop-rates, raid logouts or anything else.
I can get why you’re buggered because it was not fair - like: He paid a zillion G to get this epic, while we should all have rolled fair and square. I really get this - and agree - that is NOT my issue.
But WHY is there more epics around because of RMT and GDKP? I simply cannot understand this.

There is a light influx due to gdkp, as it motivates people to play the game (horrible I know!). Since after you’re already got BiS and after you’re already locked out, you still have incentive to join raids and participate.

So there are more raids per players with GDKP than if they were just raidlogging, thus also more drops for elligble players.

Most importantly though, there is survivor bias. The old TBC had more new people joining the game for the first time, people who would never raid end-game. So when looking around in a city full of casual people, players with legendaries stood out. Classic TBC only has the veterans… people who know the game and play for progression with barely any new inflow of normies.

So in a random line-up, picking 10 players from the streets in Shatrah, your chances of seeing BiS geared people with legendaries now is logically way larger than in 2007.

The smooth brained will try and misattribute this to gdkp because they are unable to comprehend or understand the world around them.


Mm they probably should do this because you can already trade gold in Classic with gold in Retail and vice versa so adding the token directly to Classic WoW as well kind of just cuts out the middle man which is discord and reduce the chance people get scammed.

Going into a gray market means you run the risk. Its your own fault for getting scammed if you get scammed.

Thank you for this explanation. It actually makes sense now.

If you have BiS gear and nothing to do you will either quit or start gearing new char, so you need that gear for yourself.

But if you can sell all the unwanted gear every week, theres instantly motivation for you.

If there are no GDKPs, there are only very few guilds that can actively clear end game content every week, means only active PvE players can get stuff like warglaives …

If noob comes with full wallet of gold and tells raiding guild to sell him loot, they will swap from alts to their main chars and pull him through, even though they wouldnt even be raiding for that week …

I am running with gdkp group on some of my alts, we have several fully kited out alts each, our primary raid group (we are 13th primary) can form several secondary raids capable of clearing bt/hs/swp in single evening, in single sitting, wipeless, double that for KZ and ZA …

I burn several thousand gold during raid weeks on talent swaping alone …
Before I found these guys and if there werent RMTs, because lets be honest without RMT there would be no 1million gold gdkp pots, I would be capable of having like 1-2, raid worthy alts …

When we have no buyers, most of us stick to their own guilds, or dont play wow at all … on some weeks only 1-3 primary groups are called upon … when BT came out, I had no time to play anything else, I was only farming Illidan almost every day, so some scrub with his mommas credit card can have green bananas on his back, and be stuck at 1300 rating in arenas …