Wow token, Please add it in wotlk

There is nothing to cope, i got my stack of legit farmed gold ready to go into wrath. I`m happy enough. But it really does sicken me to see all these credit carded pixels around. Cant ignore it. The game would be better off if it didn’t happen, thats what we are advocating for in here.

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If we move aside previous tiers and focus on SWP only the number of GDKPs gathered from PUGs become smaller. Also players need good t6+ gear before they can carry some none geared into the raid.
So here GDKP and classic guild are on equal terms.

In previous tiers, like t6 there is inflation of epics and legendries, however old raids are not not that hard anymore (t6 wasn’t even that hard at all, most guilds got it fully cleared on week one) so potentially any guild could organise split raids, take new player and gear em creating new raiders. Instead guild are consolidating and loosing players due to long benching time. Nobody wants to help gearing new members of the guild and either you wait for new expansion, some catch up raid, like ZA or you go to GDKP to get gear pieces, before applying anywhere.

AFAIK you’re just asking for it to be done legally - via WoW token :wink:

Yes, so we know all the gold has been ecologically farmed by Chinese bots making a decent living wage for themselves and their families :<

Helping your guild is not incentive enough?

Or, you can, you know, help your guild?

That’s the beauty of GDKP, the whole server is your guild and your credit is redeemable everywhere ^^

Besides they’re not mutually exclusive.

it would be a necesary evil i guess. I`d rather have it not but seeing the humongous amount of greed and lazyness, gdkp and botting is not going anywhere soon im afraid.

And we all know blizz aint gonna hire extra manpower so botting will not be fixed ever, its like how can we fix a house of cards thats falling apart, how can we make sure a few cards stay up :confused:

I’ve got a better idea. Ban GDKP. Ban gold boosting. It’s ruining the game.


I know right, but blizz aint gonna do it. Classic is run by 3 devs and a couple of interns, back in the day it was their entire wow team AND dozens of GMs. Cheating like botting was still happening but WAY less, since you would get caught way faster.

I always like talking to you, its a pleasure correcting you when you completely ignore whole comment just to spout some random nonsense only to look like you have something to say …

I am curious, why did you cut out the beginning of the sentence with the guild in it?

Because you missed it the first time around, maybe spoon feeding it to you word by word could help … :man_shrugging:

Because it changed the entire premise of the sentence you mean?

Arent you english literature teacher by any chance ? Knowing better what author meant then the author himself ?

If you actually used those things in your head, that are there for preventing water from getting inside your skull, and read the comment, you wouldnt write nonsense like this …

You have BiS and nothing to do, means you have nothing to do … helping your guild get their gear, is mutually exclusive with nothing to do, meaning if you have nothing to do, your guild is most probably BiS too …

For example:

I have T6/SWP geared resto shaman, I am in guild with bunch of absolute rookies, we clear like half of Karazhan per week … when we are done with that, I check my messages if I am needed for any GDKP, and then I dont log on that alt for rest of the week …
I help them occasionally with 5mans and arenas, but they are handling that well enough without me, they need me only for raids …

That means, once we are done with KZ, I have nothing to do, so I go for GDKP …

I would try explaining to you better, but I am at work and left all my crayons at home …

You got so many people with this thread! Amazing job! 8/10 trolling job, but that paragraf was just a tiny bit too much on the nose. Still, very solid effort. /clap

Or just post the entire sentence so it actually means what you meant. I can take half a sentence and make it mean something else also. But that does not make me more right.

BiS is not an excuse to not help your guild members getting their BiS. They helped you so you can now help them. This is a team game and if i ever found you in my guild i would have you kicked or loot banned. (And yes we have had ppl like you and they did never got full BiS for some strange reason)

I am not even in a guild with majority of my alts … any more dumb arguments ?

Also …


I quoted the whole sentence this time so you can sleep better …

At this point this isnt even a discussion, I am just trying to see how far are you willing to go in humiliating yourself …

Also, also … also …

Nothing says “social aspect” and spirit of classic like ruining the game for other people just because they dont play the game, the way you want them to … sidekek

When you get max lvl, you will want to either start raiding or PVPing, as that is what endgame is about. You now need to buy horrible prices for gems, enchants, food buffs, flask/elixirs. 5 times as much as you normally would, wich means you need to farm 5 times as much gold. And since there is a lot of people lvl 70, any valuable farming spots for mats to sell is going to be camped. Mostly by bots that farm 24 hours a day. Those bots, that take your quest mobs, grinding mobs, your herbs and ores are there because people buy gold.

The more people buy gold, the more incentive there is to create more “illegal” gold farming bots. So you have more bots to compete with because of that.