WoW Uninstalled itself?!

Stopped playing last night around 10 so i could get a relatively early night as i am up at 6:30, came down to see what was new in 8.1… only to find, computer couldn’t find it… the twitch app couldn’t even find it, quite possibly the strangest thing ever… any ideas on what the hell happened? even the blizzard launcher asked me to re-install it lol… very odd indeed, any idea’s or anyone else got this or experienced it?

See this thread for other people’s guesses about similar things that happened to them

When you say the app can’t find it, do you mean it’s showing the button to install again or is it telling you the files in the folder aren’t correct when you use the “Locate this game” option that’s next to the “Install” button? Or do you mean something else?

Well it said on the Launcher, Install… but also asking me to locate the file, i looked and looked and i couldn’t for the life and soul of me find it… even looked for the wow.exe nowhere in sight, like it just fell out my PC lol

8.1 added a new folder called “retail” that now has all the WoW data in it, have you tried looking for that?