WoW Vet: LF Shadowlands Home!

Hi all,

I hope you are well :blush:

As the thread title suggests; I am a WoW veteran looking for a new home for Shadowlands.

About Me:

I’m 33 (old af!), from the UK and have been playing WoW since mid-TBC. I’ve raided in nearly every expansion on to varying degrees on multiple roles/classes.

I have a full-time job and family commitments (most players do nowadays).

So, I am looking for a Guild to meet new people and for a way to spend my downtime playing the game with open minded people.

As previously stated, I’ve played a multitude of roles/classes/specs over the years and I put the needs of the group over myself and have no real desire for sick lewtz!

Looking For:

A like-minded group for a WoW veteran like myself to chill out and have a few beers with

A Guild that raids from 8pm Server Time onwards.

I have no desire to sit in a raid for 4 hours on a night.

A group of people that cares more about the player than the character

Please feel free to add me: lblod#2265

Many Thanks,

Hi. Hopefully we will be of interest to you. If so please let me know. (A-EU) {Fates Reforged} Heroic/Social Guild Recruiting Now

Hi all,
I’m still looking for a guild that raids a couple nights a week from 8pm ST onwards and that cares about the player, not the character.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Hi Luqqy, your highlight about caring about the player and looking for fellow Vets stood out to me so I thought I’d get in touch. I’ve added you to bnet for a chat when you are free :slight_smile:

Hi Luqqy

I’ve linked our guild add below…

Give us a shout if you’re interested


Hi Luqqy,

Sorry to jump on your post but you seem to be looking for the same as myself (Even if i am a little less experienced) and was wondering if you found a guild?

hello there. i recently started a guild for shadowlands raid progress we aim to hit mythic raiding as soon as it is possible. we are loking for people to join us. we plan to do raids on wednesday and sundays from 8pm to 11 pm server time. if you have any questions you can find me under diokhan#21236

or you can find me on most afternoons on and you can ask me anything there

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