Wow with new engine like unreal

Would be a brand new game looking but start from classic. What are your ideas ?
I for one will love it espcialy lich king expansion would look so amazing


If they were to release a new WoW with updated graphics- and not have it be WoW 2 and have an entirely new story.

I’d be slightly irritated tbh

Awesome idea, but please no classic again, something new


wow in a modern engine is a must.
for example look at botting and fundamental problems of the game at the moment,
in a new engine most of these will go away.
new graphics.
and devs are allowed to do whatever they want in the game
right now this old engine made their work limited.


This comes up very often and there’s a few reasons it’ll never happen.

  1. Like it or not, most people won’t go for a “WoW 2.0” as their collections are 90% of what the game is worth to them, and the work to create a game with 20 years of updated visuals in a new engine would probably take another 20 years, with no benefit to Blizzard for massive cost.
  2. One of the benefits of wow’s current system is runs on any computer, mom’s laptop from the early 2010s can run it, meaning that it’s available to more people than games like Cyberpunk or the new Indiana Jones game, which run like garbage on a 1060 or an Intel onboard GPU.
  3. WoW’s art style and graphics are unique to the point that you can look at a screenshot and know it’s WoW, even if you’ve never played the game, this is useful marketing, in the same way that coca-cola is known by everyone from it’s red cans, this is a useful marketing tool.

If they can replicate the cartoony look of the original why not, If they try to make it look hyperrealistic no thanks.


better they focus on core features than pretty picture


its 2025/
and whatever we have here we can have them in wow 2.0 too.
and about graphics.
most of new wow players want more realistic graphics from the games with each new year


Make it single player and similar to bg3 with a bunch of RPG dialogue and companions ( make story versions of the raids and end bosses)

Make it so you play a story going through classic then TBC, Then WOTLK, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA, Shadowlands and dragonflight.

This would be like 100+ hrs per continent.

It would be massive, But imagine how good it would be to play through all the story in a proper way.

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The year doesn’t have an impact on development time. Nor the unjustified increase in system requirements.

WoW is losing players, making it harder to play by increasing the GPU load will not help retain people, many people play this game on all sorts of ancient hardware.

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Turtle wow has some unreal engine wow videos on youtube.

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wow is losing players because of its old engine. and the same content with new color each year
and when i said each new year.
i was trying to say this new generation of video game players want better graphics from the games.
its not like me and you who have nostalgia with wow


I’d care more about style retention then graphic quality personally. WoW’s style is timeless to me.

If it could improve their troubleshooting and bug solving times though for that alone it’d be worth the experiment.


WoW needs to do work to the existing engine to make it more compatible with modern hardware, it’s strange that I can get better FPS in 4k in new games, than I get in WoW.

However changing the art style is a big no no as it’s unique and identifiable to the game.

If you want it to be “modern” and have a reasonable GPU enabling the “ray tracing” it doesn’t look much different, but it’ll use 90% of a 3080 at 4k and you’ll feel like it’s more “modern”.

This as well as improved customer support, is what the game needs.

nah .
if the engine is new then most of the current problems will go away.
and its not about ray tracing . you are talking about The general public not a dude who is trying to show off his pc.
infact devs are agree with me. thats the reason that with each new expansion they increase the graphics a little more or add new things in graphic settings

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I don’t know your experience of software development, but I don’t think you appreciate how much work it will be to add 20 years of custom code and bodges into a new engine in a way that is anything close to efficient, nor the cost of doing so.


i understand that.
but subject was that wow 2.0 yes or no?
i said yes you said no.
im not sure how old are you .
bu ask you this will you play the wow in the next 10 years with the same graphics?
when other games are like the reall life?


To be fair the game would also look alot better if they just updated the older zones with the models we know they have, like the house models and stuff like that, would go a long way for new players to et some smoothness off the bat.


I’m old enough that I probably won’t be playing games in 10 years.

However WoW 2.0 without the collections over the last 20 years will not attract any of the current player base, and now is a bad time to launch a new MMO, as the countless failed ones have demonstrated.

WoW on a completely new engine? I don’t see it happen in any shape or form. Especially not a re-trace of all the expansions.

I think WoW is simply put too big of a game (in size, as well as in player-base) to warrant such a drastic change. We can barely handle 5% buffs and nerfs here and there, let alone a complete overhaul of every single piece of this game.

If, big if, WoW 2.0 would ever appear…then you can bet your behind off that it’d be Mobile-first, IAP-minded, for a completely different audience than current WoW. Don’t fool yourself.

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yes thats what im talking about in the next years people will go for vr or more advanced things to play it.
and about collections.
do you know why do we have trading post in the game in the first place?
in (my opinion)
because blizzard is getting ready for wow 2.0 so they are giving players the old mounts and staff like that so they can help players to have all the old things in the game that they didnt have for the last time

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