Wrathbaby Tanks! - The healer's blue bar matters

Seriously, the number of tanks just ignoring healer mana and charging in to big pulls is ridiculous. It’s not infinite-mana late-phase Wrath any more.

Healing is fairly painful on a freshly-dinged 85, and it’s entirely due to impatient groups. Mana runs out fast, but worse, regen from drinking is horribly slow. Slow enough to make us healers want to quit the game, tbh. It can take a full 30 seconds or so to drink from 0-100%. Don’t blame the healer, maybe ask Blizz to buff water, there’s no good reason for regen to be so bad.

Meanwhile, the DPS are sitting there at reduced-health from the last pull, outright refusing to eat or bandage, expecting to be topped up (one cheap AOE heal in Wrath, not in Cata!), draining even more mana and forcing even more slow drinking, wondering what the delay is…

Oh, and if you’re going to charge well ahead of the healer and pull as they finish drinking, that’s often OK - but please remember that line-of-sight is a thing, if you expect heals.


Sounds like a WRATHBABY Healer to me :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry if this sounds mean but this is truly one of the scrubiest takes I have ever read.

HC Dungeons are so easy i’m pretty sure if your Tank doesn’t use a Single Mitagation the entire dungeon you still wouldn’t OOM as Healer.

Optimally healing usually means you stay Mana positive or Neutral. You have loads of CDs to make your healing more efficient and ways to Regen Mana and stay Neutral/Positive.

I think most good Healers can stay mana Neutral in HC Raid fights outside of the big Raid AoE Damage phases, to give you some perspective.

Cata is the first Expansion where healing Gear matters so this issue could be a slight gear issue but i’m willing to bet you don’t play your class optimally or understand the healing priority rotation or cooldown management.

A good Healer will never ever need to Drink in a HC Dungeon and if they did, they would run with the Tank and only drink before combat starts so you are a maximum of 20 yards away and you can stop drinking when you need to cast a Heal so the DPS and Tank never need to stop and wait for you.

In Vanilla and TBC where you couldn’t stay Mana Positive good healers did that so you never needed to wait. You would drink right beside the tank the second he pulled so you would get 30% of your mana back before each pack of mobs and if you did this optimally nobody would have to wait.

This is my advice to you. In every MMO I have played, FF14, WoW ERA, WoW TBC, WoW WoTLK, WoW Cata, WoW Retail, having to wait for the Healer means the healer is extremely bad player, a brand new player(like first month playing a MMO for the first time) or has some sort of disability.

Do some self reflecting on what you could have done not to make the group wait because with the current populations gaming skill, its pretty universal and standard in PuG Heroics you don’t ever need to stop and wait for the healer to get mana and its the same with every other MMO on the market now.

I really hope you read this and take this advice on the chin because you don’t understand how bad your take is.

Its the equivalent take as me as a DPS saying ah I didn’t kill the boss because the other DPS did 5k DPS and we wiped. Instead since I’m good player who understands my Class I just Pump 40k DPS and do 90% of the bosses Health Solo and don’t rely on anyone else to do the damage/mechanics.

Go read a good guide like wowhead and join class Discords for your spec. If you dp this you’ll 100% start to see your scrub take on this situation.


I bet you to heal a HC with 325 ilvl and the Tank and DPS eating dmg consistently, not usinng mitigation and not interrupting anything without drink a single time. You probably can heal them but without drink? Hahaha nope, maybe with Shaman bc they are broken as hell but very hard


Didnt heal here but I had some demon groups in FF14 in a similar situation.

I was 1 healing some raid fights designed for 2 so I think it was in my skill level but I understand your point that it is annoying.

My mentality when doing PuG content is expect and prepare for the worst. My expectations of other players is for them to know nothing and do things that make things harder for everyone such as not position a boss well, not use any mitagation, do TBC levels of DPS, never ever interupt, etc.

When your baseline is that you’ll never be suprised and always prepared.

A healer at 425 ilvl would OOM with a demon group but like I said in my first point Healers are now gear dependent. If you have Raiding gear of Normal or HC quality you won’t OOM even with a demon group.

Cataclysm is the biggest jump of any expansion. We go from AFK brain classic to having to know how to play your Class and use CDs and properly mana manage.

Now you have 6-7 Heals with strength and weakness and you need to know when to use each one depending on your mana, what CDs you have and the situation in the fight.

Thats a massive jump from pressing 1 button for 3 expansions straight. Its why a lot of healers struggle in Cata because it was a easy role to be bad at and still clear all the content. Now you actually have to be good.

There is no discussion then, if you are raid geared then you can heal every party pug

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Agreed but it wasn’t really a discussion, I was saying that if you make your group wait for you its means your a bad healer.

It’s more of a statement/fact than a discussion.

Yeah sry, i am not a native english speaker and sometimes i dont speak properly

So every fresh 85, particularly priests, are ‘bad healers’ because they need to drink between pulls.

But the DPS tanking more damage than the tank, refusing to interrupt anything, and absolutely refusing to eat, let alone bandage at any point are just fine, amirite?

(To be fair, the only complaint with tanks is impatience, while the real mana problems come from keeping the DPS up when they choose to compete for ‘damage taken’ rather than ‘damage dealt’)


Congratulations on the dumbest take ever.

Yes, a good healer will never have issues with a decent group of players, no matter the gear.

However, in the LFD tool, you will meet tanks that do not know how to use their defensive abilities, insisting on pulling more packs of mobs than what they can handle, and dps players that do not bother to interrupt damaging abilities, nor moving out of aoe abilities.

when the group take too much damage, you will need to use your mana inefficient tools to keep them alive, that will drain the mana of even the best healers out there, and unless you are wearing raid gear, you will indeed have to sit down and drink once in a while.

Your statement is not so much of a fact, but more of a show of ignorance.


Imagine doing dungeons when hellfire lowbie ganking exists.

You must be playing a different game than the rest of us. Geared tanks routinely drop to 40% hp in the first second of a pull. If they stabilise in the next second with their mitigation or not, that is up to a chance. You still cannot pull more than one group without major cooldowns.


The dungeons can be pretty rough if the group doesn’t avoid damage. So it’s definitely not the healers fault if poeple don’t step out of stuff, don’t interrupt and tanks don’t use CDS but pull like maniacs.
On the other hand, I noticed it quickly gets better with gear. With the first few raid pieces equipped it is already way more relaxed and I rarely drop below 50% mana. But for freshly dinged healers it is a pain, especially when the tank is not that good geared too. You need some patience at the beginning, but it gets easier quickly.


Not on a newly dinged 85. I don’t think he talks about 359ilvl geared healers.
Tanks hp can go from 100 to 10% over and over and over, needing to heal 100k multiple times a pull drains your mana real fast.

They’re also very well geared, with optimal trinkets like Arch one or Darkmoon card.
Profs etc. Sitting on spirit numbers that helps alot with regen. Tier bonuses.

They’re not 333 or 346 geared healing heroic Nef.

With good gear & a tank that isn’t your average.

This is the dumbest take i ever heard. Just insulting and being a douche for no reason.
Go touch grass and do pray what you preach:


So you are saying a HC Dungeon is hard to Heal if you have no gear, the DPS fail mechanics, the Healer, Tank and DPS don’t interupt (yes this is healer responsibility too), it’s a fresh leveled tank with no gear, the tank is bad and doesn’t use mitagation.

Like you are taking the 6 worst possible outcomes and saying healing is hard and you need mana breaks based on this situation. How often do all of these things happen? I have never had a situation ever happen to me in 50 cleared HC dungeons. I’m not saying this isn’t possible but if this happens 1/100 runs I wouldn’t be puting this as a arguement forward.

It’s a fact if you wait for a healer it means they are bad because combat drinking exists so you shouldn’t have to wait. It’s a WoW Skill Healers can do or not and if you can’t do it, it means you are bad because if you can do it, you never need to stop and hold the group up.

Thats your average run lol.
Also no i did not say that only within this context does it happen.

But if you run heroics often now to gear, it’s usually not because you already have 355ilvl.
And from OP it’s quite clear hes not talking from the pov of a raid geared healer.

You mean drinking prior to a combat starting and gaining some mana. Ye thats a tip you can share, some people, believe it or not. I know it’s insane apparently, but not all know of it.

And no you’re not “bad” because of it.


The people complaining are obviously doing so because it happens quite frequently, especially in the later part of the week when all the decent tanks and dps are done farming their honor for the week.

Also, noone said healing is hard, but the tanks and dps need to respect that if they arent using their tools to avoid group damage, they are also responsible for the healers mana.
If you keep pulling despite the healer being at 0 mana, thats not the healers fault.


I have 3 healers, some with rank 1 logs in HC raid content and the amount of times that i am oom is very few, using the right healing cds and mana sustain cds for the job drinking for 5 seconds while they pull more etc is just 1 part of the coin. Overall a healer with no mana is usually cause he doesnt play or know how to play his class optimally or good and second to this, sometimes cause dps and tanks are undergeared, taking too much damage and extending the fights too long, but this is not very often, if they do massive chain pulls, then they usually can at least press their buttons.

So maybe look into how to play better, cause the people that do those pulls constantly, is cause they keep encountering people that easily handle it constantly…

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Finally someone who knows what they are talking about.

I think people need to understand that it is possible to solo carry 5 man content as any role.

Healing in Cataclysm is so well designed FF14 Healer Classes for the last 10 years have been based on this design.

You have so many Tools and options as a Healer now and because there is so many options and dicision making, 90% of the players choose the wrong option for most situations.

Now with healers requiring skill there is a stagering difference between a okay one and a good one.

The reason I’ve went so hard on this post is because somebody needs to call out bad Healers and explain to them 99% of their issues can be resolved with them just being better players but it’s always easier to blame someone other than yourself. Hence why you all stay bad and never improve and rely on scrub take excusses.

I’d recommend instead of complaining actually uploading some footage of what happened or logs we can see what happened and how you responded. I’m willl to bet everything I have that you were playing extremely sub-optimal and thats why you guys couldn’t keep up.

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Dont you see how rediculous you sound?
We are talking about the random dungeon finder, and you guys are “Im a rank 1 parsing player and i have no problems”

You shouldnt need to be on the skill level of top ranking players to perform acceptable in the random dungeon finder! And its is very unfair of you to expect one role to perform at such a level, so that the other two roles can yolo their dungeon with zero skill.
I personally have no issues healing dungeons, but i certaintly can understand how lesser skilled players with low gear can struggle with the mentality that tanks and dps have in dungeons.

It says more about the two of you if you arent capable of understanding the damage taken in dungeons might be difficult to handle for low geared players that arent performing at such high level, this thread is after all about newly dinged healers that are begging for the tanks to just chill a little bit so they can get their mana back