Wrathbaby Tanks! - The healer's blue bar matters

You realize that a large portion of your sustain and healing capability comes from the gear you’ll likely to have right? I have two Healers atm. This one here geared in low end raid stuff when possible (mostly Valor since my work schedule forces me to miss every other raid lockout, still having handful of rep Blues and basic trinkets due to lack of time for Archeology and no cash for Tsunami). Healing gets rough at times. My spells do from 10-15k (Holy Light) for 2% of my mana total to 25-30k (Divine Light, Flash of Light) for 8-9% of total. I’m using my cooldowns (Trinket from Valor, Plea and Arcane Torrent) to avoid getting OOM but even then I do have to occasionally stop, drink and pray that the freaking tank doesn’t get plastered in those 5-10 seconds im the combat while I’m still regenerating mana. Had parties rushing so fast I was ending up entering the boss fights with less than 25% of mana and having to somehow save geniuses that couldn’t avoid mechanics. And that’s with this gear. Before that? Ho boi keeping my mana up was not an easy task and tanks were only squishier. And let’s not get started on my Disc Priest with still leveling gear on because damn that one is a heavy drinker and I haven’t even pass the requirements for HC.

So yeah it will get better once you deck yourself with epics maybe even great once the HC epics are added into the mix but it’ll probably won’t be close to Wrath’s infinite pools of mana.


This is what i tried to tell them. But it bounced of the smooth brickthick brain.
They’re talking from 359+ geared healers and goes “ye idk what the issue is, i only need to drink sometimes.” like great, you’re outgearing the content by 30ilvls. Well done.

But realistically, the tank and healer and dps are from 329-346, with some pieces pvp to hit the ilvl.

They don’t. They ignored those portions of my comment.
Sort of. I wrote a few reasons why healer could struggle and why it is the most common issues. And this was his response.

Which isn’t exactly what i said.

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I am sorry, but this absolutely tone deaf. You are saying that a rank 1 raid healer has no problem healing heroic dungeons? You are the kind of guy who spits on those struggling with Mage Tower challenges.

I had a lot of issues running out of mana on my restore druid. One thing that it was low geared (LFG let me in due to my feral gear) but also because I reforged everything to haste as guides suggested. When I reforged again to Spirit and crit, things changed massively.

It is hardly as simple as “git gud”, indeed the differences between specs are massive. I can’t imagine anyone being able to die while I’m healing on my resto shaman.

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seems like bad healer excuses :slight_smile: or very undergeared :slight_smile:

I think both sides of the coin are correct here.

Most healers I encountered in RDF (while not healing myself) have been alright and got the job done. But there definitely has been cases where the healers are not using their toolkit properly, not being mana efficient, being slow to react, not gearing correctly etc. But there has also been cases where the group just makes the healer life miserable (while still being manageable if you’re good enough to be up for the task).

I remember once in BrC HC while I was still farming pre raid bis on my resto druid. The tank went totally crazy without warning at the third boss and pulled both the fire elemental adds aswell as stacking the debuff in the fire zone to 15 or so. I just managed to keep everyone alive by using every single cooldown I had in my arsenal and spamming the living crap out of my most expensive heals. Then he went in and stacked it to like 22 or 23 after giving me a couple of seconds to heal up. I was completely oom by the time the boss and the adds were dead, with innervate and mana potion on cooldown. This was done at 353-354 ilvl or so, I definitely would not have been able to cope with a situation like that being fresh out of normal dungeons.

This time it worked out. But if it didn’t, and you still blame the healer for a situation like the one above, you really are delusional.

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Apples and oranges.

FFXIV healing is quite different.

In dungeons specifically you are just green DPS (to compare with this thread).

Healers have so many free ogcds to use and lucid makes mana a non issue most of the time if you do have to GCD heal (which are different power wise to the heals you have in cata). You spend more mana spamming 1 button for damage.

Im not saying OP is right, but your heal exp from FF is not relevant. Try cata healing out. Its definitely nowhere close to as bad as the OP post makes out but mana is definitely not infinite like in FF dungeons when fresh dinged.

If the healer is lazy and didn’t do 2s for full 365 gear sure they will oom a lot.

But any new dinged healer can get 365 pvp in a few hours at most ( same time it takes lvl 84-85).

Doing arena for heroics gearing is quite rare, not many players go that route.
Nothing to do with laziness, pve players dont pvp much imho.

Leveled 2 healers recently, sham and paladin.
The difference between 329 & 346 healer is like day and night, they are incomparable.
As 329 (fresh 85) you have to drink between packs constantly, while at 346+ your healing output and regen are fine to keep chain pulls.

Wow playerbase is pretty dum.b and been spoiled much in wotlk, same mentality of chain pulls and not giving a flying frak remains in cata. Most of them are overgeared and just rushing for valor, soaking all the damage and ignoring mechanics, which makes things complicated for a fresh healer.

The situation is getting even worse with current dull vote kick system, which is getting exploited by arrogant je.rks, resulting in 30 mins deserter buff.

Pretty harsh and unrewarding experience for a fresh healer. Recommend starting heroics as SP dps (excludes hpal), since itemization is the same.

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tank suck simple thet never wipe hc dungen 1 so far

I mean also healing in ff14 has become so stupidly easy. That the damn healers are going on a STRIKE.
They dps more than they heal.

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It did become easy in the lowest possible difficulty content. Dungeons in XIV aren’t exactly something you’re even expected to run often outside of Story progression and daily rewards.

We had tons of threads like this already. It always is the same.

If you are a tank - just take a few seconds to check how well geared your healer is and take the first 2-3 trash packs to test which pulling is doable.

If you are a dps - if you pull, you deserve to die, it is not your job to set the pace

If you are a healer - communicate the speed you wanna go with and hope that your group isn’t all d*cks

Everything else is just stupid solo player mentality, go play on your own and leave the MMO world alone.

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don’t you need at least 331 to use the dungeon finder for heroics? Perhaps you’re cheating the queue with pvp gear, then swap once inside the dungeon.

329 average but it doesn’t actually calculate off your equipped gear but what you have in inventory and can equip.

No one said you need to be, but i was doing that when i had ilvl 335-340 gear and everyone else did too. The fact remains that i can prove with my own gameplay that playing optimally not being super geared and absolutely perfect, is more than enough to alleviate his issues, why is it that everyone keeps doing those “insane” no mana heal strats ? Cause randoms high and low in all types of random dungeons they have done are easily able to handle it. Try and look inwards sometimes.

My rank 1 claim wasnt a brag, but something to support why it is i say that playing properly is most likely the problem and it most oftenly is, even then i still talked about the other example, where you cant really do anything as healer, but it is a rare occurence…

No i am saying i am good enough at playing my class to get rank 1´s. I had no issue healing dungeons when everyone was just 85 and undergeared and i was as well, if you still have those issues i point out how with changing what you do will most likely make you succeed, where you aren´t. Again i was like 335 ilvl when i was breezing through heroic dungeons with others that were also 335 ilvl, most people in HC´s are far higher than that now…

Well yeah you just showed you messed up, guides dont tell you to just go haste for resto druid, haste works in intervals, you need to hit a breakpoint or all that extra haste is just a waste, the only thing that really matters for a resto druid is getting to 2005 haste. After that spirit is your other best stat specifically for mana sustain, but still playing optimally is key, tracking clear cast procs, keeping 3x LB up and more. This isn´t high level gameplay it is the basics.

Going full crit is still your worst option as a resto druid, you are much better of reading what mastery does and going mastery. From what you said as well it sounds like you reforged your spirit to haste, so it is no wonder you have mana issues you legit removed most of your mana regen stat ??? So how are our comments not appropriate, they were right, you are doing something wrong and are screaming at randoms to do something different, that is your own fault ?

You are correc there are a few situations that are unhealable without good gear and a really good player.

But those are very rare and not really something you can do about it, if it is randoms and they do these things, they have seen it done before and multiple times too, if you are undergeared and unable to keep up, well then for a time being thats how it is gonna be, but if you are not, then you are more than likely doing something wrong that wastes mana or doesnt heal optimally as much as it could or use your cds, hell i see it in raids with people close to 365-370 ilvl now…

Making sure you have full gems, enchants, maybe a spirit flask (or int if you wanna spend more gold) and food buff can all alleviate a lot of your undergearing issue however and all of this costs not even a thousand gold and can carry you through all of your heroics for the rest of cata for less than a thousand gold!

329 and yeah ppl “cheat” the queue with pvp gear or even cloth/leather gear

Just out of curiousity, were you breezing with resto druid, maybe disc priest?

They are. Unfortunately, this also means that they often double pull, don’t bother to interrupt nor to get out of void zones. I bet when you were in your 335 gear with your groups, you did not play carelessly.

Right. This assumes that you can rely on rejuvenation and wild growth to do 95% of your total healing. Which actually works, when people, you know, interrupt and don’t stand in bad.

Aiming for for specific haste ratings for hot breakpoints isn’t basic, otherwise it would be mentioned in-game.

Right. The difference from mastery isn’t that big, but I give you, that is correct. Crit is only better with direct heals.

Well, of course I would reforge Spirit to hit the sacred break-points from haste. That is literally what the guide was saying.

No one was doing that here. If you got emotional because of my critique, I apologise. I did not mean to stir up any feelings about this topic for you.