The mob packs in HoO is a perfect example. So many times i heal on my hpala & i see the big one just freecasting aoe fire, fireballs, no one interrupting. We had 2 hunters and a rogue, no stuns & no interrupts whatsoever. I called for it over and over, tank even died once or twice.
Some people are just unsaveable.
But I do think people get humbled alot with worse gear. When they get 10+ ilvls above, they get careless & ignorant. Most adorable is when ppl think they pump hard enough to skip interrupts, doin like 10k aoe. Thats when i take them down to earth, calling them out.
Well, I was gonna believe this, but I was dungeon levelling this specific priest yesterday, had to buy green gear of the AH to be able to queue for dungeons (as I had been healing in my TBC gear up to 80 before), and just bought some agi cloak and whatever crap just to get the level up.
Anyway, I stood around just tossing PWS and renew, occasionally casting penance which would over heal 4 or 5 out of 6 ticks. Never had to drink or short of mana.
Thats just the entry level, normal dungeons. I’m still 80. But it certainly looks dead easy.
352 holy p here, personally I never really had a problem with mana, its very rare when I have to drink for more than like 10 secs but stuff like mana potions, hymn of hope, a healthy amount of spirit and Tyrande’s fav doll do help a lot.
However, ninja pulls and reckless aggro from the dps will burn your resources in seconds as Flash Heals are expensive as Hell.
I don’t know if I misunderstand you here, but outside of pure numbers, in actual game situations the difference between the 2 breakpoints is smaller than in theory, so no, the 2005 breakpoint is not something you must thrive for, and absolutely not over spirit.
I’d say the information is not represented enough.
The stat contributions only add value when the heal doesn’t overheal, hence 2005 is more easily punished by suboptimal play than a 916 breakpoint setup, because those extra ticks make haste do almost no difference while crit and mastery still give solid contribution even in scenarios of overheal. Also, keep in mind that these two breakpoints assume you have the 5% haste buff to begin with, which make haste even more useless if you don’t.
As a general rule of thumb, if you have to gem more than 3 orange sockets, you’re better off opting for a lower haste breakpoint and reforging the rest of your haste into mastery and spirit. Due to mastery’s higher HPCT values, that way you’ll boost the efficiency of your Efflorecence and Wild Growth.
Also, if you have a shaman or warrior in your group, you can snapshot your Efflorcence on them.
Even if rejuvenation is already GCD capped, it’s a filler spell and relies on you having excess mana to spend outside of WG and Efflo, to begin with.
And while it’s not your main job, you still have skull bash/bash to help out with interrupts. Some packs like the ones in deadmines, for example.
(This is as far as my own understanding/experience goes, as well as my own as well as others’ theorycrafting. I also can’t spell, lol.)
Just leveled an alt and got 360 ilvl in 2 days. Also as someone else said you can spam 2s for 365. You could literally be 360 ilvl in a few hours hiting 85 without even doing a HC.
Half the 359s on the AH are 5k gold or less. Archaelogy Trinket is super easy to get, way easier than Zin’Rok or Staff, plus an extra epic Ring from Tol’Vir which is so easy to get, most people get it within their first 15 Solves.
11k Valor Cap plus Epics From Rep.
Basically you should be low geared for a maximum of 10 Dungeons if that. So you are complaing about a scenario 99% of players get past in a few hours of gameplay.
You’re crying about your first couple of HC Dungeons on characters/accounts you have done 0 effort. It seems to me if your not already 350 ilvl you are hard griefing or a very bad player because that should take a few hours at most then you never have this problem ever again…
For me that time was resto druid. However i saw no issue for my guildies to do the same with their holy paladins when i was tanking as blood dk and prot warr.
Nearly everyone in the group had no idea about the mechanics of every dungeon so while we did interrupt what we could, loads of mechanics went through simply out of seeing them for the very first time. People generally dont just stand in stuff on the ground guildie or random. We played extremely recklessly and while i know that we are far better than your average group, our ease at clearing it at such a low ilvl leads me to think that in most heroic groups now, you should be able to do similarily with an increase in difficulty from your worse players.
Assumes what ? no it doesnt. It doesnt matter what level you play at you always want constant 3x LB on your tank or another target for free procs of omen of clarity and also the mana regen from revitalize. Free procs are spent on HT or RG and you use only sparringly Rejuves on targets as it is one of druids most expensive hots. Nourish is spammed to a lot more at low ilvl and swiftmend + WG. It wasnt like i did only runs with the guild, sometimes i spammed with randoms and it was certainly no big difference from with a guild group, unless i specifically queued with like my 3-4 best guild friends, which rarely happened, most was just a grab whoever run.
It is mentioned on nearly every class guide that values haste as a main stat. It is also stated on several wow wiki links, again OP clearly, did something wrong from the basics, he even messed up as a healer basic knowledge in game, by reducing his spirit, the of mana regen stat as described in game ??? So yeah these are things that are basic. Haste breakpoints were a basic new thing that came with cata as they revamped several spells and litterally every guide talks about them, they arent like some class specific in depth knowledge…
Crit works on hots too and direct heals. The reason it isnt better is cause it is inconsistent and you need a lot more crit to get 1% crit than mastery to get 1% mastery.
1. Haste Rating (if hitting a breakpoint) Aside from that, Resto Druid gearing revolves entirely around itemizing around our haste breakpoints. Hitting major breakpoints, such as 916 or 2005 haste rating, can sometimes even be worth gemming Haste for. Outside of these major breakpoints though, Haste is our worst stat as it just increases mana consumption without adding significant HPS.
You admit to reading the guide, yet clearly never even READ THE GUIDE… It litterally never tells you to just arbitrarily go for haste…
Projecting much now are we ? Your whole post is filled with passive aggressive remarks and you called em “wrathbaby Tanks” like legit, you have to be on some other type of plane to think that is “not being mad” LMAO.
I am litterally clarifying that haste only matters for a resto druid to hit that 2005 as a big marker as it gives 1 more WG + efflo tick and saying that otherwise you shouldnt just randomly get a ton of extra haste or even worse reforging all your spirit into haste like OP did. Efflo and WG extra tick is far better than an extra tick of Rejuve, you should barely use much rejuve as a low geared resto druid, it is simply too mana inefficient to sustain.
So yeah we agree, he should absolutely not go for haste over spirit when having clear mana sustain problems.
Heal Pala/shaman/druid here. Those times where you really have mana problem because of bad tanks/bad dps is so low. If you struggle… do as holydk said and read guides speak with other healer!
Even with HC ready gear /no gems / no enchants there is no problem to heal HC dungeons. If you struggle → you do something wrong.
Not talking about raids tho because i don’t have time for that anymore and don’t really feel like raiding.
It is very difficult to not laugh at these comments, considering you keep missing what the topic is about.
It did assume that. Haste is the only stat that reduces mana effectiveness on every spell, with the exception when hitting haste breakpoints for Heal Over Time spells. So it assumes that you are using Reju and WG, otherwise the only thing you achieved is that you heal much more and also spend much more mana.
Once you learn what basic means, we can get more deep into this topic. At this point, it would be great if you realised what is basic knowledge and what is not.
Almost 100% correct statement. While it takes 25% more crit rating to achieve the same 1% crit chance, it is also benefits direct heals at a 160% rate as opposed to just 100%. So as long as your healing output consists of at least 56.3% direct heals, then crit is the better stat.
This would be so much easier, for both of us, if you actually bothered to read my comment. I let you have another go at it.
My replies definitely don’t have any more passive-aggressive elements in them than yours do. Also, I did not call anyone anything. This isn’t my thread. Speaking from personal experience, some tanks (absolutely a minority) do take a crap-load of damage and need spamming and it’s usually those tanks who don’t stop for even 10 seconds for the healer to get some mana back.
Idk seeing as it has been mentioned by several people, your inability to accept what people tell you and keep screaming at others is a dead giveaway to what kind of person you are.
When like 13/13 wowhead guides for classes explain how haste works in cata, it is basic yes. I am sorry you must be illiterate then.
Your healing does not consists of nearly any direct healing spells as a resto druid. So why are you talking like you understand the class and this is without acknowledging the inconsistency part, which will overheal and underheal more.
Consider leaving the conversation if you wanna just move the goalpost. I linked you the guide, where it never mentions reforging your spirit or other stats to haste, it actually only mentions gemming haste to hit it. So you never read it.
You litterally made a passive aggresive forum post. You took your time to go and make this whiny post, you 100% are more passive aggressive than me and i am not even denying that i at times are or have been it, like you do. The only passive aggressive thing i have done is correct something false and or stupid, that you insist on being right, like a the guides saying something they definently never did.
What you have done is whine about something that we can ultimately see is your own fault, while trying to blame others and doing so in a way that is passive aggressive too.
This is what you call a Yikes buddy.
From the looks of this your taking it way too close to your heart. If people present you with false information, refuse to keep to the topic and try to make a discussion personal, you need to distance yourself.
That is what I have done for the last 2 replies with you. Just try it for once. I know a good argument when I see one (you did gave 2), I only wish it was more than 4% of your total arguments.
Back to my argument with “basic” knowledge.
Aaawww. There’s no need for that. Here, have a cookie
So you don’t use Reju, only WG and LB, yet they are 90% of your healing. Right, this makes sense.
It mentions stat priority and the importance of hitting haste breakpoints. So that you may have reforge even spirit to achieve it. If you wouldn’t need to reforge it, that would be true if Spirit was higher prio than the breakpoint. I have read the guide a few times, but if I am wrong, you could point out the specific part where it says to NOT reforge spirit to haste, regardless of how close you are to breakpoints.
It takes two to dance, darling.
I’m glad you are realising that I am having fun here.
False information like reforging from spirit to haste ?
2 are better than 0, even if that is your opinion. Kinda sad you cant see inwards.
If you are doing Heroic dungeons, guides are pretty basic knowledge. Especially when it is “WoWhead” the biggest secondary source of info outside of the game. Being pedantic about your opinion doesnt make it right. If you wanna go down this road you might as well accept the fact you are wrong completely, as heroics aren´t even a basic thing to do for the general wow playerbase. So take it one way you lose or the other way and you lose as well. For people interested in doing heroics and using the wow forums, reading a wowhead class guide, is basic.
I know you clearly dont know much about the game, so reiterate with simple showcasings, a good or even just decent log on any give boss has resto druids heals in the following order. 1.WG, 2.Efflorescence, 3.Lifebloom, 4. Rejuve 5. Regrowth, while the 4 first can swap places quite commonly, it doesnt really matter, they all disprove your point. If we open a resto log and see their healing we can see the direct healing of the first real direct heal spell on that list Regrowth accounts for usually 10% of the healing, that is a direct heal+hot.
Try and make a coherent argument for once. This is legit a strawman argument.
It doesnt mention reforging spirit to hit it, litterally quoted you that it doesnt.
According to you, not the guide. Again, strawman arguments.
I quoted the exact point where it mentions haste and it says to only maybe gem for haste, it never tells you to reforge spirit to haste. So just take the L.
It really doesnt, i wasnt talking to you originally, so it only took one to come in with bad faith arguments and a lack of knowledge with a stick up somewhere.
Have fun on the blocked list, i cant waste my time on nobodies with the dumbest OPINIONS i have ever heard.
Just an hour ago I hit 330 gearlevel by buying some pvp gear, went into HC with this gear, no enchants, just random gear from levelling and said pvp gear to pimp Ilevel.
Cleared Blackrock Caverns no wipes, with the dps just doing about 12000 dps so fight lasted long. That was the first attempt at doing any Heroic at 85, it felt somewhat easy and with more dps it definitely would have been.