Wrathion Vs Sabellian

lets be real though wimbert his in the art book and unlike his “rivals” he has a unique model its 99 % sure he will be the next aspect the voting is as meaingless as saurfang vs sylvanas loyalists

Sure. It’s either gonna be Wrathion, or Wrathion with some caveats. But since the winner won’t reward or punish me, why am I obligated to back him? That Wrathion will very, very likely become aspect is a stupid idea. And that’s on the devs, not me. I’d still hope for a twist on that, maybe with Ebonhorn, but I’m not expecting one.

Ebyssian has prior responsibilities to highmountain so i don’t think he’d accept the job he swore a oath to huln highmountain and his decendents so unless mayla drops dead with no heir his stuck in that role

That’s what plot development is for. Devs can change things, even without retcons, just by having the situation develop. Like I said, not gonna happen, but Ebyssian is a character, not a person, and introducing or not introducing events to change his mind is a just a writing decision. Apart from that, I’m not particularly invested in him. I’d just prefer not to totally gloss over Wrathion’s stupidity and villainy, and standing back while he gets even more dangerous power. I’m ok with basic campfire, dragon aspect.

I don’t see anyone validating wrathion’s actions other then his groupies and Sabellian’s groupies are just as bad though the big question is how there this many “pure” black dragons left given that most if not all of their flight on outland turned into the netherflight Sabellian is just super sus

That’s the fun thing with 2-party-systems, if I’m more against the one guy than the other, I’m for the other guy. Even if I’m hoping for an electable party 3 to save us from both.

they will pull a 3rd unknown black dragon from their rear and he will be the ruler :stuck_out_tongue:

They have my vote!

i will ultimately still vote for wrathion because at least his not from the train wreck of a expansion called the burning crusade that killed some of my favorite characters from the RTS

they sure love milking keal’thas though i’m sure he’ll be back with THE SHADOWLANDS WAS MERELY A SETBACK DID YOU HONESTLY THINK …


I did a quest this morning where I found half of Sabellion’s right-hand NPCs AFKing by the sea side discreetly, one of them openly admits to being sick of Sabellion and thinks Wrathion is a breath of fresh air. He says this as he openly walks around in the presence of his other squad mates.

So now after this, I’m convinced Sabellion will be the loser, but I suspect he won’t bend the knee to Wrathy.

Deathwing 2.0?

i mean if his just as corrupt as the rest of his flight for sure it might have been a mistake to come back to azeroth in that case people was like if wrathion has the cure why not share it and im thinking we dunno if it can cure someone who’s corruption has already manifested it seemed to save ebyssian but beyond that we know little about it

I’m trying to understand how they AREN’T corrupt in the first place. They served DIRECTLY, ALONGSIDE Deathy and happily did. They are literally the
Brood/minions of Deathwing and the very exact part of the black dragonflight everyone hated, feared and killed.

How are they uncorrupt? I’m sorry but simply being in Outland just doesn’t cut it for me. I’m sure I’ve missed something as I don’t actually remember doing Sabellion’s quest line in Blades Edge back in the day.

Why haven’t we just killed them on sight?

well alex don’t trust them for sure but she seems to at least tolerate wrathion i have not seen that much of the story yet ive been working on my crafting and such i only reached the second zone recently :smiley:

Kalecgos got elected as an Aspect by democratic vote of the remaining Blue Dragons.

If Black Dragons follow similar custom then choice is obvious. Unless Wrathion turns entire Blacktalon into Dragons, then he has a problem.

actually he got voted in because the heir apparent was just as crazy as his father

Arygos betrays the Blue Dragonflight and tries to become the new Aspect. But Kalecgos is chosen as the Blue Aspect and a fight breaks in which Arygos gets wounded and runs into the [Eye of Eternity]. He is then killed by Archbishop Benedictus, and his blood is used on the Focusing Iris to give life into [Chromatus]

and Sabellian willingly followed his father down the path of damnation i bet the only reason daunser even remembered this guy existed was to make another raid or dungeon boss :smiley:

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Sorry hadn’t realised that. There’s lots of interesting black dragon quests at 70 with retorts from both sides but I haven’t seen anything too eyebrow raising yet aside from what I posted above.

theyre both soooo boring for the coolest flight. can we just ressurect onyxia,nefarian or deathwing?

This would be the coolest thing ever. Have one of them brought back and be “reformed” but then drop constant hints of if they truly are or not to keep people guessing.

I’d fully back this

idk having nefarian as aspect and onyxia has advisor would be so much cooler specially we can easy give those characters some redemption arc since we beat them already multiple times and maybe get rid of the corruption with some titan device or w/e

Let’s not forget that the Wrathion/Sebellian factions are a game mechanic that isn’t going away. Grinding rep for guys you just raided is a bit strange, so I find a more amiable decision for leadership more likely than a violent plot around it.